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SECTION 3 ACT of the HUD Act and GREEN JOB Opportunities?

Contracting. Employment. Training. SECTION 3 ACT of the HUD Act and GREEN JOB Opportunities?. OBJECTIVE OF THE SECTON 3 ACT. To ensure that economic opportunities resulting from HUD financial assistance are

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SECTION 3 ACT of the HUD Act and GREEN JOB Opportunities?

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  1. Contracting Employment Training SECTION 3 ACT of the HUD Actand GREEN JOB Opportunities?

  2. OBJECTIVE OF THE SECTON 3 ACT To ensure that economic opportunities resulting from HUD financial assistance are directed to low and very low-income persons, particularly those receiving government assistance for housing.

  3. Intended Section 3 Beneficiaries Who is a Section 3 Resident? What is a Section 3 Business Concern?

  4. Definition of “Section-3 Resident” • Persons living in “Public Housing” or on Sec 8 • Resident in jurisdiction of project area, where Section 3 covered assistance is expended, and • Low income to very low-income person. • Low income – 80% median area income • Very-low income 50% med. Area income

  5. 2010 Median Income 50%-80%?Los Angeles County Section-3 Resident: Annual Income Ranges: @ 50% :@80% : • 1-person = $29,000 $46,400 • 4-persons = $41,400$66,250 • 6-persons = $48,050 $76,850 Very Low Income Household Low Income Household CURRENTLY, MOST JOB SEEKERS QUALIFY

  6. Definition of Section 3 Business Concern • 51% or more owned by Section 3 residents; or • (2) 30% of employees are Section 3 residents; or • 25% of subcontractors will go to Section 3 Businesses, like 1 and 2.

  7. Numerical Goals • Training and Employment • 30% of new hires • Contracting • 10% building trades ($ amount) • 3% all other contracts ($ amount)

  8. HUD Funded: Covered Programs • Public and Indian Housing • Modernization/Rehab Construction projects • Operations • Other Development projects • CPD, Housing & Community Development [$200K Recipient/projects & $100K for subs] • Housing Rehabilitation projects • Housing Construction projects • Other Public Construction projects

  9. Collective Bargaining Union Impact? Business Concerns with or without a union shall give subcontracting preference to qualified Section 3 Business Concerns without regard to affiliation or membership in any collective bargaining union. • Qualified Section 3 residents shall be given employment and or training preference without regard to affiliation or membership in any collective bargaining union.

  10. Section 3 Information Links • www.hud.gov HUD’s Website • http://www.hud.gov/offices/fheo/section3/section3.cfm Section 3 General Info • http://www.hud.gov/offices/fheo/section3/Sect3-brochure.pdf Section 3 Brochure • http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&sid=f72a20c63245034451b40b442f7f8532&rgn=div5&view=text&node=24: Code of Fed Regs/Sec-3

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