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Storyboard. Storyboard. Storyboarding can be use to plan, produce and evaluate multimedia presentations or any instructional materials .
Storyboard • Storyboarding can be use to plan, produce and evaluate multimedia presentations or any instructional materials. • A storyboard is a written synopsis of text, graphics, videos, animations, etc. shown in the order they will appear in the finished presentation. In other words all multimedia resources are identified.
Storyboard • Starts by developing a navigational structures for the presentation itself. • The storyboard begin from the goal of the project itself.
In storyboard, it should include • The interactivity of slides • Hyperlinks • Any navigation tools needed • Any needed directions for the user. • They allow the makeup and structure of a presentation and/or its parts to be detailed.
A Logic Flow Chart • Is developed : • Provides a map of the proposed system, to support multimedia authoring • Illustrates the choices available to the user from each screen
Editing with storyboard • To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the editing process a storyboard can be used to review and modify as necessary what was planned.
Storyboarding a web page • Which topics go on which page? • Primary form of navigation between pages? • Alternative forms of navigation needed? • table of contents • glossary of terms • alphabetical index • What will you put on Home page? • Does it fit your goals?
Advantages • Helps catalyze feelings about the feasibility of the program idea. If the storyboard looks wrong, the program will too. • There is a document which everyone can point to as a common point of reference, enabling the design team (which includes the client) to say, 'Yes, that is what I meant', or 'No, we've a problem here'.
Advantages • The storyboard helps focus on the total content of the program, both from the point of view of the overall size of the program, and in discussing user interaction times. • Problems may be spotted from the storyboard which may have proven more costly to correct at a later stage.
Advantages • A detailed storyboard can save time in writing project documentation, e.g., in the production of the product specification document. • Advanced planning can result in templates for the content-writer to work with. This speeds up the content-writing process and makes the production of the storyboard itself so much faster.
REKA BENTUK PAPAN CERITA APLIKASI MULTIMEDIA REKA BENTUK SKRIN NOMBOR SKRIN TAJUK 1 PaparanUtama Taman Negara T1 CARTA ALIR/ NOTA / ARAHAN : SUMBER IMEJ NamaFail : ………………………………. T1 : SelamatDatangke Taman Negara G1: Gambarlatartempatmembelitiketdanbeberapaorangsedangberaturmembelitiket G2: gambarbudaklelaki. G3 : Gambarkotakuntukmemaparkanteks G4 : Gambaranakpanah A1 : (Tekskeluarayatdemiayatdariatasskrinkedalamkotak G3 serentakdengangambarkanak-kanak yang bercakapmengikutjujukanteksdari T2 hingga T11) P1:(klikpada G4 untukwujudkanpautanke frame topic) SUMBER ANIMASI NamaFail :………………………………. G3 SUMBER KLIP VIDEO Nama Fail : ……………………………. G1 SUMBER AUDIO / SUARA LATAR Nama Fail : ……………………………. Mula Paparkan T1, G1, G2, G3, G4 A1, SKRIP / SUMBER TEKS : NamaFail :………………………………. G2 Jikapelajar klikG4 LOKASI FAIL-FAIL SUMBER DIRECTORY : ……………………………. tidak ya G4 CATATAN : Jumlahmasa: Pergike frame topik Tamat T(Teks), G(Grafik), V(Video), B(Bunyi), S(Suara), A(Animasi), P(Pautan)