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Distributed Synchronization

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Distributed Synchronization

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    1. Distributed Synchronization

    2. Clock Synchronization When each machine has its own clock, an event that occurred after another event may nevertheless be assigned an earlier time.

    3. Physical Clocks Clock Synchronization Maximum resolution desired for global time keeping determines the maximum difference which can be tolerated between “synchronized” clocks The time keeping of a clock, its tick rate should satisfy: The worst possible divergence d between two clocks is thus: So the maximum time ?t between clock synchronization operations that can ensure d is:

    4. Physical Clocks Clock Synchronization Christian’s Algorithm Periodically poll the machine with access to the reference time source Estimate round-trip delay with a time stamp Estimate interrupt processing time figure 3-6, page 129 Tanenbaum Take a series of measurements to estimate the time it takes for a timestamp to make it from the reference machine to the synchronization target This allows the synchronization to converge within d with a certain degree of confidence Probabilistic algorithm and guarantee

    5. Physical Clocks Clock Synchronization Wide availability of hardware and software to keep clocks synchronized within a few milliseconds across the Internet is a recent development Network Time Protocol (NTP) discussed in papers by David Mill(s) GPS receiver in the local network synchronizes other machines What if all have GPS receivers Increasing deployment of distributed system algorithms depending on synchronized clocks Supply and demand constantly in flux

    6. Physical Clocks (1) Computation of the mean solar day.

    7. Physical Clocks (2) TAI seconds are of constant length, unlike solar seconds. Leap seconds are introduced when necessary to keep in phase with the sun.

    8. Clock Synchronization Algorithms The relation between clock time and UTC when clocks tick at different rates.

    9. Cristian's Algorithm Getting the current time from a time server.

    10. The Berkeley Algorithm The time daemon asks all the other machines for their clock values The machines answer The time daemon tells everyone how to adjust their clock

    11. Lamport Timestamps Three processes, each with its own clock. The clocks run at different rates. Lamport's algorithm corrects the clocks.

    12. Example: Totally-Ordered Multicasting Updating a replicated database and leaving it in an inconsistent state.

    13. Global State (1) A consistent cut An inconsistent cut

    14. Global State (2) Organization of a process and channels for a distributed snapshot

    15. Global State (3) Process Q receives a marker for the first time and records its local state Q records all incoming message Q receives a marker for its incoming channel and finishes recording the state of the incoming channel

    16. The Bully Algorithm (1) The bully election algorithm Process 4 holds an election Process 5 and 6 respond, telling 4 to stop Now 5 and 6 each hold an election

    17. Mutual Exclusion Distributed components still need to coordinate their actions, including but not limited to access to shared data Mutual exclusion to some limited set of operations and data is thus required Consider several approaches and compare and contrast their advantages and disadvantages Centralized Algorithm The single central process is essentially a monitor Central server becomes a semaphore server Three messages per use: request, grant, release Centralized performance constraint and point of failure

    18. Mutual Exclusion Distributed Algorithm Factors Functional Requirements 1) Freedom from deadlock 2) Freedom from starvation 3) Fairness 4) Fault tolerance Performance Evaluation Number of messages Latency Semaphore system Throughput Synchronization is always overhead and must be accounted for as a cost

    19. Mutual Exclusion Distributed Algorithm Factors Performance should be evaluated under a variety of loads Cover a reasonable range of operating conditions We care about several types of performance Best case Worst case Average case Different aspects of performance are important for different reason and in different contexts

    20. Mutual Exclusion Lamport’s Algorithm Every site keeps a request queue sorted by logical time stamp Uses Lamport’s logical clocks to impose a total global order on events associated with synchronization Algorithm assumes ordered message delivery between every pair of communicating sites Messages sent from site Sj in a particular order arrive at Sj in the same order Note: Since messages arriving at a given site come from many sources the delivery order of all messages can easily differ from site to site

    21. Lamport’s Algorithm Request Resource r Thus, each site has a request queue containing resource use requests and replies Note that the requests and replies for any given pair of sites must be in the same order in queues at both sites Because of message order delivery assumption

    22. Lamport’s Algorithm Entering CS for Resource r Site Si enters the CS protecting the resource when This ensures that no message from any site with a smaller timestamp could ever arrive This ensures that no other site will enter the CS Recall that requests to all potential users of the resource and replies from then go into request queues of all processes including the sender of the message

    23. Lamport’s Algorithm Releasing the CS The site holding the resource is releasing it, call that site Note that the request for resource r had to be at the head of the request_queue at the site holding the resource or it would never have entered the CS Note that the request may or may not have been at the head of the request_queue at the receiving site

    24. Lamport ME Example

    25. Lamport’s Algorithm Comments Performance: 3(N-1) messages per CS invocation since each requires (N-1) REQUEST, REPLY, and RELEASE messages Observation: Some REPLY messages are not required If sends a request to and then receives a REQUEST from with a timestamp smaller than its own REQUEST need not send a reply to because it already has enough information to make a decision This reduces the messages to between 2(N-1) and 3(N-1) As a distributed algorithm there is no single point of failure but there is increased overhead

    26. Ricart and Agrawala Refine Lamport’s mutual exclusion by merging the REPLY and RELEASE messages Assumption: total ordering of all events in the system implying the use of Lamport’s logical clocks with tie breaking Request CS (P) operation: 1) Site requesting the CS creates a message and sends it to all processes using the CS including itself Messages are assumed to be reliably delivered in order Group communication support can play an obvious role

    27. Ricart and Agrawala Receive a CS Request If the receiver is not currently in the CS and does not have pending request for it in its request_queue Send REPLY If the receiver is already in the CS Queue the request, sending no reply If the receiver desires the CS but has not entered Compare the TS of its request to that just received REPLY if received is newer Queue the request if pending request is newer

    28. Ricart and Agrawala Enter a CS A process enters the CS when it receives a REPLY from every member of the group that can use the CS Leave a CS When the process leaves the CS it sends a REPLY to the senders of all pending messages on its queue

    29. Ricart and Agrawala Example 1

    30. Ricart and Agrawala Example 2

    31. Ricart and Agrawala Observations The algorithm works because the global logical clock ensures a global total ordering on events This ensures, in turn, that the decision about who enters the CS is unambiguous Single point of failure is now N points of failure A crashed group member cannot be distinguished from a busy CS Distributed and “optimized” version is N times more vulnerable than the centralized version! Explicit message denying entry helps reliability and converts this into busy wait

    32. Ricart and Agrawala Observations Either group communication support is used, or each user of the CS must keep track of all other potential users correctly Powerful motivation for standard group communication primitives Argument against a centralized server said that a single process involved in each CS decision was bad Now we have N processes involved in each decision Improvements: get a majority - Makaewa’s algorithm Bottom Line: a distributed algorithm is possible Shows theoretical and practical challenges of designing distributed algorithms that are useful

    33. Token Passing Mutex General structure One token per CS ? token denotes permission to enter Only process with token allowed in CS Token passed from process to process ? logical ring Mutex Pass token to process i + 1 mod N Received token gives permission to enter CS hold token while in CS Must pass token after exiting CS Fairness ensured: each process waits at most N-1 entries to get CS

    34. Token Passing Mutex Correctness is obvious No starvation since passing is in strict order Difficulties with token passing mutex Idle case of no process entering CS pays overhead of constantly passing the token Lost tokens: diagnosis and creating a new token Duplicate tokens: ensure generation of only one token Crashes: require a receipt to detect dead destinations Receipts double the message overhead Design challenge: holding time for unneeded token Too short ? high overhead, too long ? high CS latency

    35. Mutex Comparison Centralized Simplest and most efficient Centralized coordinator crashes create the need to detect crash and choose a new coordinator M/use: 3; Entry Latency: 2 Distributed 3(N-1) messages per CS use (Lamport) 2(N-1) messages per CS use (Ricart & Agrawala) If any process crashes with a non-empty queue, algorithm won’t work M/use: 2(N-1); Entry Latency: 2(N-1)

    36. Mutex Comparison Token Ring Ensures fairness Overhead is subtle ? no longer linked to CS use M/use: 1 ? ? ; Entry Latency: 0 ? N-1 This algorithm pays overhead when idle Need methods for re-generating a lost token Design Principle: building fault handling into algorithms for distributed systems is hard Crash recovery is subtle and introduces overhead in normal operation Performance Metrics: M/use and Entry Latency

    37. Centralized approaches often necessary Best choice in mutex, for example Need method of electing a new coordinator when it fails General assumptions Give processes unique system/global numbers (e.g. PID) Elect process using a total ordering on the set All processes know process number of members All processes agree on new coordinator All do not know if it is up or down ? election algorithm is responsible for determining this Design challenge: network delay vs. crashed peer Election Algorithms

    38. Bully Algorithm Suppose the coordinator doesn’t respond to P1 request P1 holds an election by sending an election message to all processes with higher numbers If P1 receives no responses, P1 is the new coordinator If any higher numbered process responds, P1 ends its election Process receives an election request Reply to the sender tells it that it has lost the election Holds an election of its own Eventually all but highest surviving process give up Process recovering from a crash takes over if highest

    39. Example: Processes 0-7, 4 detects that 7 has crashed 4 holds election and loses 5 holds election and loses 6 holds election and wins Message overhead variable Who starts an election matters Solid lines say “Am I leader?” Dotted lines say “you lose” Hollow lines say “I won” 6 becomes the coordinator When 7 recovers it is a bully and sends “I win” to all Bully Algorithm

    40. Processes have a total order known by all Each process knows its successor ? forming a ring Ring: mod N So the successor of Pi is P(i+1) mod N No token involved Any process Pi noticing that the coordinator is not responding Sends an election message to its successor P(i+1) mod N If successor is down, send to next member ? timeout Receiving process adds its number to the message and passes it along Ring Algorithm

    41. When election message gets back to election initiator Change message to coordinator Circulate to all members Coordinator is highest process in the total order All processes know the order and thus all will agree no matter how the election started Strength Only one coordinator chosen Weakness Scalability: latency increases with N because the algorithm is sequential Ring Algorithm

    42. What if more than one process detects a crashed coordinator? More than one election will be produced: message storm All messages will contain the same information: member process numbers and order of members Same coordinator is chosen (highest number) Refinement might include filtering duplicate messages Some duplicates will happen Consider two elections chasing each other Eliminate one initiated by lower numbered process Duplicated until lower reaches source of the higher Ring Algorithm

    43. Global State (3) Process 6 tells 5 to stop Process 6 wins and tells everyone

    44. A Ring Algorithm Election algorithm using a ring.

    45. Mutual Exclusion: A Centralized Algorithm Process 1 asks the coordinator for permission to enter a critical region. Permission is granted Process 2 then asks permission to enter the same critical region. The coordinator does not reply. When process 1 exits the critical region, it tells the coordinator, when then replies to 2

    46. A Distributed Algorithm Two processes want to enter the same critical region at the same moment. Process 0 has the lowest timestamp, so it wins. When process 0 is done, it sends an OK also, so 2 can now enter the critical region.

    47. A Toke Ring Algorithm An unordered group of processes on a network. A logical ring constructed in software.

    48. Comparison A comparison of three mutual exclusion algorithms.

    49. Deadlocks Definition: Each process in a set is waiting for a resource to be released by another process in set The set is some subset of all processes Deadlock only involves the processes in the set Remember the necessary conditions for DL Remember that methods for handling DL are based on preventing or detecting and fixing one or more necessary conditions

    50. Deadlocks Necessary Conditions Mutual exclusion Process has exclusive use of resource allocated to it Hold and Wait Process can hold one resource while waiting for another No Preemption Resources are released only by explicit action by controlling process Requests cannot be withdrawn (i.e. request results in eventual allocation or deadlock) Circular Wait Every process in the DL set is waiting for another process in the set, forming a cycle in the SR graph

    51. Deadlock Handling Strategies No strategy Prevention Make it structurally impossible to have a deadlock Avoidance Allocate resources so deadlock can’t occur Detection Let deadlock occur, detect it, recover from it

    52. No Strategy The “Ostrich Algorithm” Assumes deadlock rarely occurs Becomes more probable with more processes Catastrophic consequences when it does occur May need to re-boot all or some machines in system Fairly common and works well when DL is rare and Other sources of instability are more common How reboots of Window or MacOS are prompted by DL?

    53. Deadlock Prevention Ordered resource allocation most common example Consider link with two-phase-locking grow and shrink Works but requires global view of all resources A total order on resources must exist for the system Process code must allocate resources in order Under utilizes resources when period of use of a resource conflict with the total resource order Consider process Pi and Pk using resources R1 and R2 Pi uses R1 90% of its execution time and R2 10% Pk uses R2 90% of its execution time and R1 10% One holds one resource far too long

    54. Deadlock Avoidance General method: Refuse allocations that may lead to deadlock Method for keeping track of states Need to know resources required by a process Banker’s algorithm Must know maximum number allocated to Pi Keep track of resources available For each request, make sure maximum need will not exceed total available Under utilizes resources Never used Advance knowledge not available and CPU-intensive

    55. Deadlock Detection and Resolution Attractive for two main reasons Prevention and avoidance are hard, have significant overhead, and require information difficult or impossible to obtain Deadlock is comparatively rare in most systems so a form of the argument for optimistic concurrency control applies: detect and fix comparatively rare situations Availability of transactions helps DL resolution requires us to kill some participant(s) Transactions are designed to be rolled back and restarted

    56. Centralized Deadlock Detection General method: Construct a resource graph and analyze it Analyze through resource reductions If cycle exists after analysis, deadlock has occurred Processes in cycle are deadlocked Local graphs on each machine Pi requests R1 R1’s machine places request in local graph If cycle exists in local graph, perform reductions to detect deadlock Need to calculate union of all local graphs Deadlock cycle may transcend machine boundaries

    57. Cycles don’t always mean deadlock! Graph Reduction

    58. Waits-For Graphs (WFGs) Based on Resource Allocation Graph (SR) An edge from Pi to Pj means Pi is waiting for Pj to release a resource Replaces two edges in SR graph Pi ?R R ? Pj Deadlocked when a cycle is found

    59. Centralized Deadlock Detection All hosts communicate resource state to coordinator Construct global resource graph on coordinator Coordinator must be reliable and fast When to construct the graph is an important choice Report every resource operation (request, acquire, release) Large overhead and significant use latency Periodically send set of operations Lower overhead and use latency, ? detection latency Whenever a need for cycle detection is indicated Central or local decision All have drawbacks b/c of false deadlocks

    60. False Deadlock Problem: messages may not arrive in a timely fashion Inconsistent and out-of-date world view at a particular machine In particular, out-of-order arrival Assume two processes on two machines and two resources P2 releases R2 (message A) P1 requests instance of R2 (message B)

    61. Problem: Coordinator detects false deadlock after B False Deadlock

    62. False Deadlock Lack of global message delivery order causes false DL Could apply Lamport’s global virtual clock Expensive Coordinator detects potential DL Requests all outstanding messages with lower timestamp Aim is to establish a common global message order Establishes a total order on resource operations Establishes a common world view and thus common decision making Fixes some false deadlocks, but others are harder

    63. Distributed Deadlock Detection Chandry-Misra-Haas algorithm Processes can request more than one resource with a single message ? process can wait on several resources Amortize message overhead Speed growing phase Use waits-for graph to represent system state Dependencies across machine boundaries make looking for cycles hard A process sends probe messages when it has to wait If message gets back, deadlock has occurred

    64. Distributed Deadlock Detection When process has to wait Send message to process holding resources Recipient forwards to all processes it is waiting on Creates concurrent probe of wait-for graph for cycles If message gets back to originator Cycle exists in wait-for graph so deadlock has occurred Note that first field of message will always be the initiator Many messages every time a process blocks

    65. Distributed Deadlock Detection An Example P0 gets blocked, resource held by P1 Initial message from P0 to P1 : (0, 0, 1) P1 waiting on P2 P1 sends message (0, 1, 2) to P2 P2 waiting on P3: (0, 2, 3) P3 waiting on P4 and P5: (0, 3, 4) and (0, 3, 5) P5 chain ends, but P4 ? P6? P8 But P8 is waiting on P0: P0 gets message, sees itself as the initiator: (0, 8, 0) A cycle thus exists P0 knows there is deadlock

    66. Distributed Deadlock Resolution Some process in the cycle must be killed Structuring resource use as transactions makes this better behaved and easier to understand Race Condition: Two processes block at the same time and send probes Both discover the cycle in parallel Damping difficult as it is hard to tell what messages may be killed ? killing process must know the cycle Practice should emphasize the simplest and cheapest Most cycles are between two processes Example of importance of gathering performance data

    67. Distributed Deadlock Prevention Prevention Careful design to make deadlocks structurally impossible Make sure at least one of the 4 necessary conditions for deadlock cannot hold Process can only hold one resource at a time Request all resources initially Process releases all resources before requesting new one Resource ordering All are cumbersome in practice Distribution opens some new possibilities Lamport clocks create total order preventing cycles

    68. Summary We began with clocks and saw how relaxing the semantic requirement for real-time made Lamport’s logical clocks possible Given global clocks, virtual or real, we considered mutual exclusion Centralized algorithms keep information in one place effectively becoming a monitor Distribution handles mutual exclusion in parallel at the cost of O(N) messages per CS use Token algorithm reduced messages under some circumstances but introduced heartbeat overhead Each has strengths and weaknesses

    69. Summary Many distributed algorithms require a coordinator Creating the need to select, monitor, and replace the coordinator as required Election algorithms provide a way to select a coordinator Bully algorithm Ring algorithm Transactions provide a high level abstraction with significant power for organizing, expressing, and implementing distributed algorithms Mutual Exclusion Locking Deadlock

    70. Summary Transactions are useful because they can be aborted Concurrency control issues were considered Locking Optimistic Deadlock Detection Prevention Yet again Distributed systems have the same problems Only more so

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