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Direct Object Pronouns: A direct object pronoun takes the place of a direct object in a sentence.
Direct Object Pronouns: • A direct object pronoun takes the place of a direct object in a sentence. • First, locate a direct object in a sentence by asking the questions “who” or “what” according to the verb. For example, in the sentence: I clean the kitchen ask, “What do I clean?” The direct object is kitchen. In the sentence: I see Joe ask, “Who do I see?” The direct object is Joe.
There are eight direct object pronouns in Spanish.They are:Me = Me Us = NosYou = Te You = OsHim, It, You = Lo Them, You= Los Her, It, You = La Them, You= Las
Once you locate the direct object, decide which pronoun will need to replace it.Lavas el carro. (el carro is masculine, singular. Replace it with lo)Canto la canción. (la canción is feminine, singular. Replace it with la)
Direct Object Pronoun Placement • If the verb is conjugated, place the pronoun IN FRONT of the verb. • Lo lavas. = You wash it. • Práctica (hit space to show answers) • La chicamira la ropa en la tienda. • What does she see? • La ropa- replace it with la • Place la in front of the conjugated verb to mean: She sees it in the store. -- Ella la mira en la tienda.
José lleva a ti al centrocomercial. • Who does Joe take? • You – replace a ti with te • Place it in front of the conjugated verb. • José telleva al centrocomercial. • Maríave a nosotros los martes. • Who does María see? • Us – replace nosotros with nos • Maríanosve los martes.
Infinitive verbs • If there is an infinitive verb in the sentence, you can attach the DOP to the end of the infinitive or place it in front of the conjugated verb. • Quierocomprarropa de inviernohoy. • What do I want to buy? • Winter clothes – take ropa de invierno out and replace it with la • Quierocomprarlahoy. *or* • Laquierocomprarhoy.
More infinitive practice • Necesitasllamar a nosotrosmañana. • Who do you need to call? • Us – replace nosotros with nos • Necesitasllamarnosmañana. • Nosnecesitasllamarmañana. Van a comprar los calcetines y el gorro. What are they going to buy? Socks and hat- replace los calcetinesand el gorrowith los Van a comprarlos. - or – Los van a comprar. They are going to buy them.
Questions using direct object pronouns • Often, in a question, the subject of the answer is different from the subject of the question. • ¿Vas a invitarme al la fiesta? • Who are you going to invite? • I am going to invite you - replace me with te Re-write your answer changing the subjects as appropriate. Síyovoy a invitartea la fiesta. Yes, I am going to invite you to the party.
Práctica(Press space to show answers) • Alejandro necesitacomprarunachaqueta. • Alejandro la necesitacomprar. OR • Alejandro necesitacomprarla. • Tú comes la pizza para el almuerzo. • Túla comes para el almuerzo. • Yocompropapel y plumas. • Yoloscompro.
MásPráctica 4. Las chicasescuchan la música en los iPods. • Las chicaslaescuchan en los iPods. 5. Mariano práctica el béisboltodos los días. • Mariano loprácticatodoslos días 6. Elena y yoqueremosestudiarlasciencias. • Elena y yolasqueremosestudiar. OR • Elena y yoqueremosestudiarlas.