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6TH GRADE ORIENTATION . INTRODUCTIONSTUDENT HANDBOOK AND PROCEDURESCAFETERIA PROCEDURESHEALTH SERVICES AND SPECIAL PROGRAMS. MIDDLE SCHOOL PROCEDURES. Entering the Building. Main Entrance:Doors open at 7:00 a.m. each morning. Students will report to the caf where they will be superv
AUGUST 2, 2010
4. Entering the Building Main Entrance:
Doors open at 7:00 a.m. each morning. Students will report to the café where they will be supervised until the 7:30 a.m. bell.
All bus students enter the building at café entrance.
Students walking to school should plan their arrival for 7:30 a.m.
5. Reporting to Homeroom At the 7:30 a.m. bell students will proceed to their homeroom area.
From 7:30 a.m. until 7:35 a.m. students are permitted at their lockers.
Students must be in their assigned homerooms at 7:35 a.m.
On the first day of school all sixth grade students should stay in the cafeteria and wait for their homeroom teacher.
6. Bell Schedule The school day is a 9 period day.
7 - 42 minute class periods
1 - 42 minute lunch period
1 – 42 minute period devoted to supervised homework, tutoring and activities.
Alternative schedules will be utilized for Special Programs.
7. Dismissal Normal dismissal on all school days is 2:25 p.m.
Buses depart from the back of the school beginning at approximately 2:30 p.m.
Walkers depart from school at dismissal. They are to be out of the building by 2:30 p.m. unless they are with a teacher.
Parents may pick up their children in the Middle School parking lot.
Back road is closed at 2:15 p.m. Buses Only!
8. Academic Differences Homework counts toward the overall grade!!!!
Students have individualized schedules and move throughout the building changing classes.
Variety of subjects: Mathematics, Social Studies, Language Arts, Science, Computers and Writing, Reading, Family and Consumer Science, Physical Education, Art, Music, Tech Ed, and Health.
9. Academic Differences The library and computer labs are available for student use provided that the Internet Access Policy permission form is returned.
From our website…
Online grades - MMS Parent Portal
Click the above link to set up an account to access your son/daughter's grades online.
10. Academic Programs Accelerated Reader
My Access
Study Island – PSSA Prep
11. Extracurricular Activities Extracurricular activities include: Band, Chorus, MathCounts, Yearbook, Spelling Club, MAGIC, Sixth Sense, National Junior Honor Society, Library Aide, Student Council, Geography Club, Drama Club, Ecology Club, and Intramural sports.
7th & 8th Grade: Interscholastic sport teams are sponsored in basketball, wrestling, cross country, football, cheerleading, and track & field.
12. Lockers Students will be assigned a locker for the school year. Any locker problems should be reported to the office immediately.
Students are permitted to access their lockers throughout the day provided they arrive to class on time.
13. Dress Code Policy is online! www.tamaqua.k12.pa.us
No Sweatpants, Sweatshirts, Shorts, Capri’s, or Boots.
Clothes must be clean and sized appropriately.
Backpacks must be clear, NOT MESH!
Students must change for physical education.
Clothing available – Contact Middle School Office.
14. Acceptable Sneakers
15. Unacceptable Sneakers
16. Discipline Students are expected to act more mature at the Middle School.
Parents/Guardians are welcome to make an appointment to discuss their child’s behavior or academic progress at any time during the school year.
For a better understanding of the rules and expectations we encourage parents to review the Student/Parent Handbook with their child during the 1st week of school. www.tamaqua.k12.pa.us
17. Consequences for Misbehavior Written assignments from faculty.
Teacher detentions to complete work.
The student will be given 24 hr notice before he/she is expected to serve detention. Parents are responsible for transportation.
18. Consequences for Misbehavior Discipline referrals are submitted to the Principal.
Misbehavior will be discussed with student.
Discipline may be verbal reprimand, detention, suspension, or similar consequence.
A discipline form will be completed with a copy given to the student to take home. An additional copy will be mailed home to the parent/guardian.
A student serving an out-of-school suspension will not be permitted on school property and is expected to complete assignments.
19. Attendance Parents are asked to call the school to report a child’s absence.
Absence notes must be returned within 3 school days. Absences without proper excuses are unlawful days, which could result in citations.
After 10 days of absence, a student must provide a Dr.’s note for each additional day or face citations. Excused absences for educational trips fall within the 10 day limit.
The student is responsible to communicate with the teacher concerning missed assignments ASAP.
20. Communication Students are encouraged to ask questions if they are having difficulty in class.
Students are encouraged to request assistance from the teachers during class, during study periods or after school.
Parents are encouraged to contact your child’s teacher or the school if concerns arise.
21. Cafeteria Procedures
22. Café Procedures Students report to the café and remain at their assigned table until a faculty member calls their table.
$2.25 Regular Lunch Price(MS AND HS LEVEL)
Students who have forgotten lunch money will be given a lunch voucher. Students must repay debit to the cafeteria cashier.
Once every student has been served lunch, snacks may purchased if they desire.(ala carte items vary in price)
Upon completion of their meal, garbage and trays are to be returned to the appropriate areas.
Students must obtain permission from the faculty member on duty to leave the café.
At the appropriate time, students are dismissed from the café by the faculty member in charge.
Lunch Applications
23. Health Services/Special Programs
24. Health Services A student who becomes ill or is injured while at school should report directly to the nurse, or in the nurse’s absence, the office.
The school nurse will determine whether a student can remain in school. If the student must be sent home, the nurse will request a parent or guardian come to the school.
If a student is required by a physician to take medication, the medicine, along with a note form the parent or guardian must be kept in the nurse’s office during school hours. The student should go to the office to obtain the medicine as prescribed. Students are not to have medicine in their possession under any other circumstances.
25. Special Programs SAP/SIT
Individual Counseling
Educational Testing
Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences
Support Groups
Peer Tutoring
Guidance Classes/Study Skills
27. Special Presentation Janene Holter – Attorney General’s Office