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WORSHIP IN EARLY CHURCH. Lesson 12 for September 17, 2011. Jesus is the Rock where the church is founded on (1 Corinthians, 3: 11). The bases that Jesus wanted to set up His church on are written in the first chapter of Acts .
WORSHIP IN EARLY CHURCH Lesson 12 forSeptember 17, 2011
Jesus is the Rock where the church is founded on (1 Corinthians, 3: 11). The bases that Jesus wanted to set up His church on are written in the first chapter of Acts. Since the age of the apostles, the church has been built on these foundations; and it still is, until we see Jesus reappearing in the sky.
WORSHIP AND PREACHING Since the Ezra’s time (Nehemiah, 8: 4-8), preaching the Word of God has been an important part of the worship of the people of God. • Jesus followed that custom by reading the Scriptures and explaining it in the synagogue on Sabbath (Luke, 4: 16-21). • The disciples followed that example (Acts, 18:4) • Like Jesus, the primitive church didn’t limit to preaching the Word in church meetings or in the synagogue, but they preached the Word every moment God gave them the chance to do it.
PREACHING IN JERUSALEM We can see one of the main bases of preaching in Peter’s preaching in Pentecost. Our preaching must be based on the Scriptures. Peter used three references to the Scriptures in his short preaching: Joel, 2: 28-32; Psalm, 16: 8-11; Psalm, 110: 1. The result of that preaching was: “Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them.” (Acts, 2: 41) Nowadays, in addition to the Old Testament the apostles used in their preaching, we have the New Testament. We must base our preaching on them.
PREACHING IN ATHENS When Paul was preaching in the Areopagus, he used a different kind of preaching he used to. Before the Athenian audience who was ignorant of the Scriptures, Paul used reason to carry them to know God, quoting two Greek poets: Epimenides of Crete (VI BC) and Aratus (270 BC). Paul led them from creation to the uselessness of idols and the need of repentance before the divine judgment by using reason. When he began to talk about Jesus resurrecting from the dead (something they could not reason), they stopped listening to him. Although that preaching method was much less effective than Peter’s preaching, it also gave fruits. “However, some men joined him and believed, among them Dionysius the Areopagite, a woman named Damaris, and others with them” (Acts, 17: 34)
PREACHING IN CORINTH After Paul’s experience in Athens, he put his mind to use a specific method. “For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (1 Corinthians, 2: 2) The heart of every preaching must be JESUS CHRIST. Central to worship is the idea of the Lord as our Creator and our Redeemer. Everything about worship should flow from this fundamental and sacred truth.
“Lift up Jesus, you that teach the people, lift Him up in sermon, in song, in prayer. Let all your powers be directed to pointing souls, confused, bewildered, lost, to “the Lamb of God.” Lift Him up, the risen Saviour, and say to all who hear, Come to Him who “hath loved us, and hath given Himself for us.” Let the science of salvation be the burden of every sermon, the theme of every song. Let it be poured forth in every supplication. Bring nothing into your preaching to supplement Christ, the wisdom and power of God. Hold forth the word of life, presenting Jesus as the hope of the penitent and the stronghold of every believer. Reveal the way of peace to the troubled and the despondent, and show forth the grace and completeness of the Saviour” E.G.W. (Evangelism, cp. 7, “Christ the center of the message”, pg. 185)
MOTIVATION: LOVE “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing” (1 Corinthians, 13: 1-3) During his stay in Corinth, Paul faced many problems in that church: Immorality, idolatry, dissension, improper use of spiritual gifts … Paul suggested that no profession we make, no mighty miracles, no charismatic gifts, and no piety or zeal will profit us unless there is a heart filled with love for God, confirmed by love for one another.
WORSHIP AND PREACHING We have studied four main foundations related to preaching as a main part of worship. The Bible must be used profusely in our preaching and in our worship. Anecdotes, examples, reasoning and non-biblical quotes must be used to a certain extent, preventing them to become the heart of the preaching. Christ and the message of salvation must always be the heart of our preaching and worship. The motivation of our worship (including preaching) must be love for God and for our brothers and sisters.