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PRESENTATION OF THE BULGARIAN ASSOICATION OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS. The Constituent Assembly of the Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs (BAWE) was held on November 21, 2008 BAWE’s mission is to : Assist and promote its members’ businesses .
The Constituent Assembly of the Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs (BAWE) was held on November 21, 2008 BAWE’s mission is to: Assist and promote its members’ businesses. Assist in finding new partners and markets in Bulgaria and abroad. Cooperate with State institutions, NGOs, associations and other organizations for improving the business climate in Bulgaria, support the development of Bulgaria’s economy and the recognition of Bulgarian products and services on international markets, etc. Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs Mrs Radka Stamenova Chairwoman of BAWE
13-14 December, 2008, DEVELOPMENT OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP FORUM IN ATHENS, GREECE Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs The Forum was organised by EOMMEX, the SMEs organisation, and Handcraft. Issues discussed: hindrances and sources of discrimination, conditions and services which could assist women entreprenuers in their dual role, etc. Bulgaria was represented by Mrs Radka Stamenova, Chair of BAWE’s Management Board.
5 - 7 June, 2010,INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP, Ankara, Turkey Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs The Conference was organised by the Association of Women Entrepreneurs in Turkey in cooperation with the Turkish Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The forum was attended by foreign participants, including Bulgaria. BAWE was represented by a business delegation, headed by Dipl. Eng. Radka Stamenova.
Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs Establishment of BWP Sofia Club, associated to BPW International-15.04.2011
Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs 3-4 December, 2010 FIRST INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP, Sheraton Sofia Hotel Balkan The Forum was aimed at promoting business leadership among women and encouraging their active presence on managerial positions in the world of business and in society, presenting, on one hand the activities of the companies run by them, and discuss topical issues of women entrepreneurship, on the other hand.
Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs 3-4 December, 2010 FIRST INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP, Sheraton Sofia Hotel Balkan The event was attended by representatives of Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Serbia and Romania. The Forum was supported by the Мinistry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, the Bulgarian Agency for the Promotion of SMEs,the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI).
Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs 21-22 May, 2011 – Meeting of BPW European Clubs’ Presidents in Brussels, Belgium with the participation of BAWE and BPW - Sofia
Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs 17-21 June 2011 – 27th World Congress of BPW International – Helsinki, Finland
Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs 30 September 2011, IstanbulАSSOCIATION OF BALKAN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (АBCCI) and WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSCOUNCIL (WEC) – FIRST MEETING Main topic: - The State of women entrepreneurship in the Balkan countries and identification of measures for its promotion and facilitation.
22.11.2011, SHERATON HOTEL, SOFIAROUNDTABLE “EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES ON THE LABOUR MARKET” Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs Main topic: - Measures and policies to be followed regarding equality concerning women, people in financial and physical hardship, the marginalised ethnic minorities, people with different religions and sexual orientation.
2-3 December, 2011SECOND INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON WOMEN ENTREPRENURSHIP, Sheraton Hotel, Sofia Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs The participants in the forum discussed the problems of women entrepreneurs in Bulgaria and around the world, the difficulties they encounter in their work.
2-3 December, 2011SECOND INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON WOMEN ENTREPRENURSHIP, Sheraton Hotel, Sofia Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs The event ended by voting decisions for helping Bulgarian female entrepreneurship to overcome the difficulties in developing and implementing the recommendations of the Council of Europe, the strategic documents of the EU: European Roadmap for Equality between Women and Men /2006-2010/, the European Pact for Gender Equality, the principles of the UN Convention on Human Rights and Women’s Rights, etc.
16 March, 2012, Hotel Radisson, SofiaNATIONAL ROUNDTABLE “EUROPEAN AND NATIONAL POLICIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ON THE LABOUR MARKET” Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs The roundtable was organised by the Information Bureau of the European Parliament in Bulgaria, in cooperation with the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and The Manager magazine. The roundtable discussed issues of the development of women entrepreneurship in conditions of gender equality.
Participation of BPW Sofia in the 1st Danube Finance Dialogue, 22-23.03 2012, Vienna, Austria Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs
30 March, 2012, Roundtable “Equal Pay Day” organised by BAWE, BPW - Sofia and BCCI Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs The following measures of encouragement were identified: - Women entrepreneurship's efforts to be united and the legal institutions to be presented with proposals for concrete instruments for the achievement of equal pay rewarding equal work, ultimately ‘fair’ pay which is not governed by gender; - New methods for the stimulation and the development of the Bulgarian entrepreneurship.
28-30 September, 2012 – 14thCongress of BPW Europe in Sorrrento, Italy Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs
7th BPW Danube Net Businesswomen Forum 16 - 18 November 2012 in Vienna/Austria Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs
15-16November, 2013THIRD INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON WOMEN ENTREPRENURSHIP EIGHTH BPW DANUBE NET BUSINESS FORUMSheraton Sofia Hotel Balkan, Sofia Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs
Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs The participants in the forum discussed issues of women business leadership and possibilities for facilitating their active presence on managerial positions in the business world and in society by presenting the activities of the companies run by them and focusing on topical issues of women entrepreneurship - in Bulgaria, Europe and the countries of the Danube region, in particular.
Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs 4-5 April, 2014 First South East European Women Entrepreneurship Trade Fair, Dubrovnik, Croatia.