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Joyce Malwitz Charon Tierney Muriel Thompson

How to use Best Practices In Implementing the 2010 Minnesota English Language Arts Standards. Minnesota Writing Project & Minnesota Department of Education Second Saturday Workshop January 8, 2011. Joyce Malwitz Charon Tierney Muriel Thompson

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Joyce Malwitz Charon Tierney Muriel Thompson

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How to use Best Practices In Implementing the 2010 Minnesota English Language Arts Standards Minnesota Writing Project & Minnesota Department of Education Second Saturday Workshop January 8, 2011 Joyce Malwitz Charon Tierney Muriel Thompson MWP Outreach Co-Director ELA Specialist MWP Director jmalwitz@comcast.netCharon.Tierney@state.mn.usmurielt@umn.edu

  2. Writing is a craft before it is an art; writing may appear magic, but it is our responsibility to take our students backstage to watch the pigeons being tucked up the magician’s sleeve. --Donald M. Murray, A Teacher Teaches Writing

  3. Six-Word Memoirs • Inspired by the book Not Quite What I Planned • It’s all been about learning humility. • Kid’s in college & I am broke. • Surprise! Older really does mean wiser! • Life tested me and I passed. • Purses, shoes --- need I say more? • It’s official. I’ve become my mother.

  4. Implementing the 2010 Minnesota English Language Arts Standards

  5. Five- Paragraph Essay: Jigsaw Activity Read assigned section; then on your card, write a statement that captures the essence of this section of reading. Share these thoughts at your table. WHITE -- In Defense of the Five-Paragraph Essay YELLOW -- Persistence of the Five-Paragraph Essay PINK -- The Five-Paragraph Essay (to Limited Vision) GREEN -- The Five-Paragraph Essay (Limited Vision to First Things First) ORANGE -- The Five-Paragraph Essay (First Things First – 3 paragraphs) BLUE -- The Five-Paragraph Essay (First Things First – final 2 paragraphs)

  6. SOME ONLINE RESOURCES Minnesota Writing Project National Writing Project Writing Fix National Council Teachers of English Read Write Think

  7. Some Multigenre Online Resources Write in the Middle: Teaching Multigenre Writing Weaving the Multigenre Web (9-12) Having My Say: A Multigenre Autobiography Project (9-12)

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