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Arts Education Conference June 12th 2013

Arts Education Conference June 12th 2013. International Cooperation via the Internet Challenges and Opportunities. Kirsten M. Anttila M. Ed. Senior Consultant

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Arts Education Conference June 12th 2013

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  1. Arts Education Conference June 12th 2013 International Cooperation via the Internet Challenges and Opportunities Kirsten M. Anttila M. Ed. Senior Consultant Former ESP National coordinator

  2. Arts Education Conference June 12th 2013 Who is who? Name Country School Subject Teacher/ Headteacher/ Manager/Consultant AnichovChildrens’ Palace Kirsten M. Anttila

  3. Arts Education Conference June 12th 2013 1987 – 2006 National co-ordinator and vice-chairman of European Schools Project 1987 – 2004 Combined jobs: teacher/consultant: DLH/DPU/CVU/UCC 1984 – 1998 Consultant in national and international (IT) development projects: EU, Nordic Council of Ministers, the Danish Ministry of Education, municipalities, Danish University of Education, etc. 1996 – 2005 Coordinator, partner and tutor of EU Comenius in-service projects: PIST, TRANSPRO & PROMISE (5 courses with app. 120 European teachers) PROMISE advanced on-line course Comenius 3 ECOLE network –> ECOLE basic on-line course DANIDA supported project with Kenya and Zambia YMY In-service course in Moscow 2006 - > Senior consultant, mentor and tutor at University College UCC Kirsten M. Anttila

  4. Arts Education ConferenceJune 12th 2013 ‘To collaborate with people you don’t know To use ICT tools interactively To take responsibility for own actions' (OECD . Core competencies in a knowledge society) Kirsten M. Anttila

  5. Arts Education Conference June 12th 2013 Teacher Introduction Group work 10 minutes Kirsten M. Anttila

  6. Arts Education Conference June 12th 2013 The Life of a Project A proposed Timeline for CICLO Kirsten M. Anttila

  7. Arts Education Conference June 12th 2013 The Star of Quality Kirsten M. Anttila

  8. Arts Education Conference June 12th 2013 Status and Objectives Individual work Kirsten M. Anttila

  9. Arts Education Conference June 12th 2013 KISS http://www2.arnes.si/~osngso7/gallery__galerija.htm Kirsten M. Anttila

  10. Arts Education Conference June 12th 2013 Nonverbal presentation Something you like Something you do every day Something you think is pretty Kirsten M. Anttila

  11. Arts Education Conference June 12th 2013 Mind map The use of a mind map chart may be a useful tool when you and your colleagues try to narrow down a large topic to something workable in the mutual collaboration. Kirsten M. Anttila

  12. Arts Education ConferenceJune 12th 2013 The Image of the Other Portal www.espnet.eu /image/ • A brand or synonym for educational materials in 8 different languages • The materials offer a complete scenario for planning, undertaking and evaluating international CSCL projects • The materials have a clear progression, and yet lead up to flexibility in the teaching and learning processes. • The texts can be adjusted according to specific needs The European Language Label Kirsten M. Anttila

  13. Arts Education Conference June 12th 2013 Exchange of letters between a Danish and a Slovenian 4th year student following a combined English/art project with the topic: 'My favourite toy' . Dear Johanne In this letter I will tell about myself. My surname is Podlipnik and my fist name is Ziga. People call me Ziga. I am a boy. I am ten years old. My eyes are braun my hair is black and brown. It is medium. I don’t have no brother and no sister. I live in Solkan. I like tennis. I love friends and my dog. I am in fourth form of Solkan school. By for now Ziga Dear Ziga Thank you for your letter. I have some questions to you. When is your birthday? What is your dog’s name? How old is your dog? Love Johanne Kirsten M. Anttila

  14. Arts Education Conference June 12th 2013 Golden rules Kirsten M. Anttila

  15. Arts Education Conference June 12th 2013 How International is yourSchool/Institution? WorkPlan Status Final Report Kirsten M. Anttila

  16. Arts Education Conference June 12th 2013 Addresses European Schools Project Association (ESP): www.espnet.eu European Schools Project - DK: www.espdk.dk eTwinning: www.etwinning.net The Image portal: www.espnet.eu /image/ The PROMISE eLearning: www.promise-comenius.org The ECOLE eLearning in-servicecourse: www.ecole.dk Skolen i Verden: http://www.skoleniverden.dk/ Kirsten M. Anttila: kirsten.m.anttila@get2net.dk Kirsten M. Anttila

  17. Arts Education Conference June 12th 2013 Kirsten M. Anttila

  18. Arts Education Conference June 12th 2013 Good Luck with your CICLO Project  Kirsten M. Anttila

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