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Quality and Productivity Commission

Quality and Productivity Commission. Productivity Investment Fund Overview. Commissioner Patricia Johnson, Chair Productivity Investment Board. PIF Background. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors set up the fund to: Promote innovation Support creativity

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Quality and Productivity Commission

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  1. Quality and Productivity Commission Productivity Investment Fund Overview Commissioner Patricia Johnson, Chair Productivity Investment Board

  2. PIF Background • The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors set up the fund to: • Promote innovation • Support creativity • Improve efficiency and effectiveness in all aspects of County service

  3. PIF Background • The PIF was not intended to: • Make or change County policy • Fund projects disapproved by the Board for reason (not lack of funds) • Replace or augment day to day operating budgets • Supplement projects that have been funded through the normal budget process

  4. Eligibility • LA County departments are eligible • Departments may partner with non-county agencies, but must be the lead

  5. Types of Funding • Loan • Payback is 36 months unless otherwise agreed • Interest is based on the County’s treasury pool at the time of the loan, plus 0.5 percent • Grant • Loan/Grant combination • Venture loan

  6. PIF Workflow • Project discussion in department • Project team • Department approvals • Application

  7. PIB Advisory Committee • Peer Review • Chair – Marian Hall, DHR • Eight members, including representatives from the Auditor-Controller, CEO, CIO, Sheriff and PMN representatives • Department presents the project • Committee makes recommendations to strengthen the project

  8. Productivity Investment Board • PIB • Chair – Commissioner Patricia Johnson • Eight Commissioner members, including Chair • Department presents to the PIB • PIB may require additions or changes to the project • PIB makes funding recommendations to the full Commission

  9. Full Commission • A Commissioner will represent the department at the full Commission meeting • The department must be there to answer questions • It helps significantly to have the department head there • The full Commission votes on the project

  10. Award Letter and Schedule • QPC Staff will send (digitally) an award letter and schedule • Key players must sign the agreement: • Department Head • Productivity Manager • Project Manager • Finance/Budget Representative

  11. Access Funds • The Department’s budget section should include the anticipated transfer of funds in the annual budget • Contact the Commission Office at (213) 974-1390 if you have any questions on how to transfer funds or make payments

  12. Reporting and Evaluation • All PIF projects must report to the Commission: • Annual Reports (January) • Final Reports (one year after project is completed) • Project Evaluation • Develop metrics early • Both the annual and final reports include sections on cost benefits

  13. Productivity Manager • Remember – the Productivity Manager is a key player in coordinating PIF projects!

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