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Tokyo wood Bracket

THE MODERN APPLICATION OF TOKYO WOOD BRACKET SYSTEM OF ANCIENT JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE IN YUSUHARA WOODEN BRIDGE MUSEUM. Tokyo wood Bracket. unique feature of Traditional Japanese architecture essential support to the timber frame structure and

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Tokyo wood Bracket

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  2. Tokyo wood Bracket • unique feature of Traditional Japanese architecture • essential support to the timber frame structure and eaves of traditional Japanese buildings • a combination system of weight bearing blocks (masu) and bracket arms (hijiki) • fitted together by joinery alone without glue or fasteners

  3. WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF TOKYO BRACKET SYSTEM ? • Originated from ancient China • Notable architectural component call Dou Gong (wood bracket). • earliest record of the use of Dou-Gong in Zhou Dynasty • widely used in the Spring and Autumn Period • Reach its peak in Tang and Song dynasty

  4. In Song Dynasty , form fully developed, style unified , size standardized • number of layers used depends on importance of the building • Also as a status symbol • After Song Dynasty , Dougongbecome more ornamental • 6thcentury , introduction of Buddhism influences Japanese architecture • large scale temple using complicated techniques in wood • Japanese study architecture from Tang Dynasty

  5. HOW DOES IT FUNCTIONAS A STRUCTURAL SUPPORT FOR BUILDING ? • Structural support for building • Support weight of horizontal beams that span the vertical columns by transferring the weight on horizontal beams over a larger area to the vertical columns. • To support roof’s weight • The further the eaves extend, the more complex thetokyo be • highly resistant to earthquakes

  6. WHAT IS THE CONSTRUCTION METHOD OF TOKYO BRACKET SYSTEM ? • Wood is the main material • Multiple interlocking bracket sets formed by placing block (Masu) on a column to provide base for the bow-shaped brackets (Hijiki) that support the beam or another bracket above it.

  7. Yusuhara Wooden Bridge Museum • KengoKuma & Associates • Located at Yusuhara, town in the Kochi prefecture, Japan • a covered gallery pedestrian bridge that connects a hotel and a spa, which had previously been separated by a cliff and a road. • also  as  accommodations, work   and exhibition  rooms

  8. 154-ft. span • an interlocking beams system developed. • Alternating arrangement of interwoven wooden beams creates a construction which floats in the air, supported by a single central pillar. • Long beams rest above shorter ones , whole structure tapers to a point at a slender central column • Columns on end merge with background surrounding

  9. The bridge evokes the traditional construction method of tokyo wood bracket system employed in Japan • By repeating this method persistently to the scale of a bridge, it creates a new expression of architecture while having its authentic Asian appearance.


  11. References • Wiborg,RS.(2010).Chinese Dou Gong Brackets.1-3.Retrieved from http://www.richardwiborg.com/Chinese_Dou_Gong_Brackets • Zhu,EC.,Chen,ZY.,Pan,JL.,Wang,LN.(2010).Finite Element Modelling Of The Structural Performance Of Dou Gong Brackets Of YingXian Wood Pagoda, June142,2.Retrieved from http://www.ewpa.com/Archive/2010/june/Paper_142.pdf • (2013).Dougong.[website] Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dougong • (2013).Japanese Architecture.[website] Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_architecture • (2013).Tokyō.[website] Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toky%C5%8D • S,Lei.,Y,Guang.,Thetford,A.,Obregon,A.(2012). Yusuhara Wooden Bridge Museum.[website] Retrieved from http://faculty.arch.tamu.edu/anichols/index_files/courses/arch631/case/2012/YusuharaMuseum.pdf • Kuma,K.,Carder,N.,Derkowski,K.,Pabila,J.(2012).Yusuhara Wooden Bridge Museum-Red cedar bridge links traditional and contemporary expressions of Asian architecture,Summer2012,23-24.Retrieved from http://wooddesign.dgtlpub.com/2012/2012-08 31/pdf/Yusuhara_Wooden_Bridge_Museum.pdf

  12. Image Resources • http://img5.blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ybi/1/8f/21/cdblstb/folder/1573356/img_1573356_37876884_0?1214745578 • http://www.gjzw.net/Images/UpFile/2010424223130535.jpg • http://file21.mafengwo.net/M00/29/89/wKgB3FD2HX-AIN8LAArV-WCBw2s31.groupinfo.w600.jpeg • http://images.china.cn/attachement/jpg/site1000/20080325/000bcdb95f17095311065c.jpg • http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/daodao/photo-s/03/60/58/5a/caption.jpg • http://www.nipic.com/show/1/48/b7fd2454e9d1b590.html • http://www4.ocn.ne.jp/~kiyomin2/tokyou.html • http://arts.cultural-china.com/en/83Arts12591.html • http://www.gooood.hk/_d273332980.htm

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