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Glycol Ether is a widely used chemical in many industries. Used as solvents, this organic liquid requires safe handling and storage to avoid health hazards. For reading all Specifications visit: http://www.silverfernchemical.com/products/glycol-ether-pm-acetate/<br>
2226 Queen Anne Ave N. Seattle, WA 98109, USA Ph (866) 282-3384 Fax (206) 282-0105 www.silverfernchemical.com Typical Specification Typical Specification Glycol Ether DPnB Description Description Glycol Ether DPnB is a colorless liquid with a mild odor and low volatility. It has low water solubility, good coupling and demonstrates good solvency for coating resins. The properties of Glycol Ether DPnB support its use in agricultural, coating, cleaning, ink, textile, and adhesive products. Specifications Specifications Specific Gravity @25⁰C Color (APHA) max. 15 Assay/purity, wt. % min. Acidity (as acetic acid), wt. % max. Water, wt. % max. Typical Typical Properties Properties Density (pounds per gallon at 25⁰C) Evaporation Rate (BuAc=100) Flash point, Seta, ⁰F Water Solubility @ 20°C, wt.% Solubility Parameter (Total Hansen) Surface Tension (Dynes/cm) @ 25⁰C Refractive Index @ 25⁰C Viscosity (centistokes) @ 25⁰C Vapor Pressure@ 25⁰C (mmHg) This specification is presented for informational purposes only. Please check with your sales representative for current specification at time of ordering. The information listed is believed to be reliable. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made to the accuracy or completeness of this information or the material or its fitness for use. The seller is not responsible for damage resulting from its use. Nothing herein shall be construed as a recommendation for use in violation of any patent. Purchasers shall conduct their own tests to determine the suitability of much products for particular purposes. 0.908-0.915 95.0 0.011 0.1 7.6 1.0 214 5 9.4 29 42 4.8 0.03 Silverfernchemical.com Silverfernchemical.com