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Research Needs and International Co-operation: Central Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa Heribert Hinzen IIZ

Report on work in processTraining of adult educators through higher education institutions 2OO3 study on changes in the last decade in CEE/SEE conference in Pcs, Hungary publication2OO4 study on the situation in Africa Asia/Pacific conference in Capetown, South Africa in April 2OO5. Who?

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Research Needs and International Co-operation: Central Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa Heribert Hinzen IIZ

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    1. Research Needs and International Co-operation: Central Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa Heribert Hinzen IIZ/DVV Danube University Krems 28-30 April, 2005

    2. Report on work in process Training of adult educators through higher education institutions 2OO3 study on changes in the last decade in CEE/SEE + conference in Pécs, Hungary + publication 2OO4 study on the situation in Africa + Asia/Pacific + conference in Capetown, South Africa in April 2OO5

    3. Who? + Why? Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association www.iiz-dvv.de cooperation with partners in adult education from Universities, Governments, NGOs to support training and staff development research and evaluation materials and media production learning for earning

    4. Europe CEE/SEE study on adult education institutions = survey based on questionnaire Nikolaus Kopernikus University, Torun, Poland results see IPE 44 TEACH = EU-Grundtvig Project with 14 partners for BA + MA + EMA modules in 2OO4-2OO6 see www.teach.pl

    5. Research done + needed CEE/SEE? accomplished systems change + adult education management + organisation + financing assumed needs… didactical/methodological process adult education and training + labour market quality assurance + valuing + accrediting

    6. Africa + Asia / Pacific regional offices and programmes country projects and partners ASPBAE = regional association TOT = training of trainers = 2OO3-O5 scholarships for certificate and diploma at some ten African universities APAL = African Perspectives on Adult Learning New TOT-proposal for 2OO6-O8

    7. Six studies in 2OO4 / O5 Survey and questionnaire: similar to the European one and the same for Africa + Asia/Pacific Anglophone Africa: Ethiopia, Uganda… Francophone Africa: Mali, Senegal… Central Asia : Usbekistan, Kasachstan… South Asia: India, Bangladesh… South East Asia: Malysia, Thailand… South Pacific: Papua New Guinea, Fiji…

    8. Progress reports, Capetown, April, 2OO5 presented and discussed snapshots on diversities many interesting findings comparative study: communalities, similarities, differences … not possible Angloph. Africa: 14 institutions (13 Unis, 1 NGO) from 9 countries Central Asia: 42 institutions (5 formal, 37 NGOs) from 5 countries South Asia: 2O institutions (8 Unis, 12 NGOs) from 3 countries

    9. On research needs - angl. Africa prospects for distance teaching? theory + practice + research: appropriate combination? tracer studies: University graduates in the world of work and life?

    10. On research needs – franc. Africa „trends in research and publication are rather poor” „no research institutes dedicated to TOT” – but Ouagadougou Uni literacy and basic skills participatory appraisal methods

    11. On research needs – Asia Central „no evidence for research found” evaluation of training needs establish a network of resource centres for consultancy, training and research South self help groups school dropouts among women rural mobile libraries evaluation of neo-literates

    12. On research needs – Asia / Pacific South East migration of labour diversity of cultures globalisation + economics South Pacific „lack of research and systematic and up-to-date data collection and analysis” „very few tracer studies and impact assessments completed”

    13. Suggestions made research and travel grants collaborative research research and evaluation methods international networking exchange of best practice value of a comparative perspective better national, regional, international cooperation

    14. Next steps studies to be completed… conference report being written information shared via website and publication new TOT-proposal prepared for 2OO6-O8 with components for training, materials producion, regional and international exchange, scholarships, curriculum development Thanks!

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