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“KNOW” ROTARY QUIZ BOWL 2011. Presented by Your Show Host, The marvelous Mrs. Annie Kennedy With Special Host: 1997-98 EMRC Past President Patrick D. Kennedy. Lets get to “know” Rotary just a little better - - and have some fun!. Round 1
“KNOW” ROTARY QUIZ BOWL 2011 Presented by Your Show Host, The marvelous Mrs. Annie Kennedy With Special Host: 1997-98 EMRC Past President Patrick D. Kennedy
Lets get to “know” Rotary just a little better - - and have some fun!
Round 1 Is 30 Questions in Total6 Questions per Team1 Pt. Per Question. Each Question is asked only once. Teams with the most Pts after Round 1go to Championship Playoff!
Name our current District Governor, what is his/her Home Club and what is their District Theme? Larry Zilliox, Rotary Club of Alexandria; “I am a Rotarian I know I can”
In 1905 Chicago attorney Paul Harrisorganizes first Rotary meeting on 23 February, which lead shortly thereafter to the formation of what? Rotary Club of Chicago.
In 1915-16 the first non-English speakingRotary Club was Chartered in what Country? CUBA
In 1945-46Forty-nine active Rotarians gathered in San Francisco, USA to help a gathering of world leaders draft what? United Nations Charter
Name the 4 Avenues of Service. • Club Service, International Service, Community Service, Vocational Service For 1 Extra Point: Name the new ‘5th’ Avenue of Service. New Generations Service This new ‘Avenue of Service’ recognizes and supports the positive change implemented by youth and young adults through leadership development activities such as RYLA, Rotaract and Interact club service projects, and creating international understanding with Rotary Youth Exchange.
What is the oldest program of the Rotary International Foundation? • Ambassadorial Scholarships[Established in 1947]
What is the largest program of our Rotary International Foundation?[based on total annual expenditures] • PolioPlus Eradication Program{Over $113,000,000 in fiscal 2008-2009}
Contributions to the Annual Programs Fund through the Every Rotarian, Every Year (EREY) initiative are the primary source of funding for Foundation programs. Peoria North Rotary Club, AZ USA is currently listed as the #1Foundation giving club in the world. Which of the following is the correct ‘per member’ amount of their giving: $1,244 $1,630 $2,354 $3,850
Where & When will the next Rotary International Convention be held? • New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 21-25 May
Who is the current RI President & what is his/her home country? • Ray Klinginsmith, USA For Extra Point; What is Ray’s Home Town / Club? Kirksville, Missouri, US
What did Herb Taylor create in 1932? • The Four Way Test
How many Clubs are in RI District 5950 {within 1}, how many communities are represented by those Clubs {within 1} and how many Rotarians {within 100}? • 61 Clubs representing • 41 Minnesota Communities • 3100 Rotarians
"KNOW ROTARY" QUIZ BOWL 2010 What Club made Rotary “International” and in what Year? • Rotary Club of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada in 1910
In what year was EMRC organized. In what month was it Chartered? 1989, December 1989
What year were women officially admitted to Rotary? • 1987 On 4 May, 1987 the U.S. Supreme Court rules that Rotary clubs may not exclude membership on the basis of gender. RI issues a policy statement that any Rotary club in the USA & Canada can admit qualified women into membership. The Board "encourages all clubs in the U.S. to give fair and equal consideration to candidates for membership without regard to gender." The Rotary Club of Marin Sunrise, California is chartered on 28 May. It becomes the first club after the U.S. Supreme Court ruling to have women as charter members. Sylvia Whitlock, of the Rotary Club of Duarte, California, becomes the first female Rotary club president.
What was the name of our organization before it was changed to “Rotary International” in 1922? International Association of Rotary Clubs.
Who is Amy Heinzerling? Our 2009-elect outbound Ambassadorial Scholar, Amy, is an Edina native and 2008 Harvard Graduate (summa cum laude). While at Harvard, Amy studied Environmental Science and Public Policy. She applied for our program to attend a Master's level program in Public Health and will use that year education for a public health master's degree with hopes of then attending medical school and finally, combining the two disciplines. Amy will start school at the University of London for one year in the fall of 2010.
What current member of the Edina Morningside Rotary Club has served as a City Council Member (12 years), and was deputized in under water rescue and recovery (20 years) ‘Diamond’ Phil Korst
True or False; When a person becomes a member of a Rotary Club, they automatically become a member of Rotary International? • False – Rotarians are members of Rotary Clubs, it is Rotary Clubs that are members of Rotary International.
What is on the cover of the February, 2011 ‘the rotarian’ • Universal “Land mine danger symbol”{with bright yellow background} • There remains 110 million land mines buried around the world. In 2008, about 20% of all land mine casualties were children.
Correctly identify at least 2 of these 3 RI Milestones:(a) Number of Rotarians, (b) Number of Clubs, (c) Number of Countries Represented. • 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 33,000 clubs in more than 200 countries
Name at least 3 of our Club’s new members and their Employer and/or Classification.{for the current 2010-11 Rotary Year} Heather Haen Anderson, Executive Director - Connecting with Kids. Milton ‘Beaver’ Adams, Beavers Pond Press.Gary Clark, Wooddale Church. Ken Seiler, Crawford Merz Anderson Construction Company. Brad Olson, Financial Services
What year was the PolioPlus campaign announced by RI? • 1985
Which EMRC Member lead the District 5950 GSE team in 2005-06 and what country did they travel too? Mary Brindle led the 5950 GSE Team to South Korea in 2005-06.
Which current member has hauled manure for the Nebraska “Big Red”?And for no bonus point at all; what does the “N” on the Nebraska football helmet stand for? Bob Seeger Bonus Answer: “Knowledge”