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Telecentre-Europe is organizing Get Online Day 2010, a pan-European initiative to bring offline Europeans online. The event aims to raise awareness of digital inclusion and promote the use of telecentres. Join us on 4th March 2010 to make a difference!
20 countries Over 5000 offline Europeans more then 500 telecentres
INTRODUCTION Telecentre-Europe is planning to celebrate the eSkills Week 2010 through a pan-European initiative focused to bring people online in all European countries. The initiative called Get Online Day will be coordinated by Telecentre-Europe and implemented with the assistance of national partners through telecentres. The date adopted for the one-day event is 4 March 2010. • AIMS • To bring people online (focus on the offline Europeans, those who have never accessed internet before) • To raise awareness with the press and the stakeholders of digital inclusion benefits • To promote and increase usage of telecentres across Europe • To demonstrate telecentres eInclusion impact at the European level • OUTCOMES • At least 5.000 digitally-excluded Europeans to be reached • At least 20 European nations involved • At least one partner organization in each of the 20 European nations • At least 500 telecentres to participate • Online application developed to track and assess impact • At least 3 press releases / country involved. • At least 3 videos from activities in telecentres / country involved
INVOLVEMENT OF NATIONAL PARTNERS The role of the telecentre is to perform activities targeting the offline Europeans on 4 March 2010 and during the entire week of 1-7 March. This guide is trying to ease your understanding related to the concept of the project. Some of the activities are suggested in this guide, but you should feel free to plan others as well. All telecentres involved will benefit of support from the national coordinators and from the project team. For telecentres accross Europe, this is an advocacy effort in which we all work together to demonstrate the impact of telecentres both at local and at European level. We hope that the success of this project will influence and contribute to a stronger consideration of the telecentres force in future European eInclusion and eSkills strategies. This translates into actual investment coming from the European authorities and from national governements directed to telecentres.
ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Promotion of the event at local level Step 1: Identify at least 10 offline members of your community (people that probably have never used the internet and /or not even the computer) Who can you consider? Where can you find them? • neighbors, other acquaintances; • relatives that do not use computers or the internet; • employees of local companies, organizations that are not aware of interner benefits; • people exposed to social exclusion (people with disabilities, people in poverty, ethnic minorities); • unemployed, under-skilled, etc • public places (parks, public transport stations, schools, churches, etc) • offices of local companies, NGOs, local authorities • employment agencies; • health, social centers for young and elderly; • entertainment facilities • families of telecentre users
ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Promotion of the event at local level Step 2: Networking - Form a team that will help you to... Step 3: Train the team You should assign clear tasks to each member of the team. (e.g. Talk to people from employment agencies, to attract people in telecentre by presenting the benefits of using the internet, to invite a community leader to take part in the event) • identify offline people by promoting the event in community; • meet potential participants and invite them in telecentres. • organize the event • manage logistics • describe benefits of internet and initiate participants in using the computer / internet
ACTIVITIES Activity 2: Plan the event Step 1: Draw an agenda for the Get Online Day event/s Based on invitations and activities planned, you should be able to create the agenda of the day. Step 2: Decorate the room Use any materials you have + those provided by Telecentre-Europe through your national coordinator. Step 3: Invitations Make sure you have at least one local leader that can share with participants internet benefits. You can also rely on telecentre ex-users that have achieved something based on the skills gained by using your services. Invite children, students that can bring their parents, grandparents to initiate them in using the internet. Step 4: Prepare and deliver a welcome speech Few words to provide all invited an overview of the event and what you want to achieve. Step 5: Prepare practical applications / short trainings for participants to highlight tangible internet benefits (e.g. Knowledge is power – wikipedia, internet search engines, eBanking, eGovernment, etc)
ACTIVITIES Activity 3: Promotion and dissemination Step 1: Prepare and use pre-event press release for the local press Step 2: Invite local media representatives to participate in the event Step 3: Prepare and use post-event press release to disseminate the outcomes (number of people involved, activities, invites, interviews, etc) Step 4: If you have a website, use it: post information about the event. Step 5: Send photos and videos to your national coordinator
ACTIVITIES Activity 4: Event unfold Step 1: Follow the agenda: welcome speech, applications, invites speeches, etc Step 2: Make sure someone is taking photos and filming the event Step 3: Use the participation assesment application that will be availble online at: www.telecentre-europe.org/geodimpact. This will measure the impact of the event accross Europe. Guidelines on how to use the application will soon be available. Step 4: Communicate with your national coordinator regarding any issues encountered
CONTACT [National partner organization name] [Contact person name] Email: [contact person] Tel: [contact person] Telecentre-Europe Web: www.telecentre-europe.org Email: getonlineday@telecentre-europe.org Digital map of national partners including contact info: http://www.ebaltics.com/onlineday2010/