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CS Principles and the CS 10K Initiative

CS Principles and the CS 10K Initiative. Thinking Big and Driving Forward for the Future Brook Osborne Amy Briggs Rebecca Dovi Joanna Goode Don Yanek. Understanding the problem: Demand. Where Will the STEM Jobs B e ?.

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CS Principles and the CS 10K Initiative

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  1. CS Principles and the CS 10K Initiative Thinking Big and Driving Forward for the Future Brook Osborne Amy Briggs Rebecca Dovi Joanna Goode Don Yanek

  2. Understanding the problem: Demand Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  3. Where Will the STEM Jobs Be? Computing and mathematics is one of the TOP 10 fastest growing major occupational groups 2010-2020. 150,000+job openings in computing annually. 1 in every 2 STEM jobs will be in computing in 2020. Source: BLS Employment Projections for 2010-2012, www.bls.gov/emp Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  4. Degrees and Jobs in the US Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  5. Understanding the problem: Supply Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  6. Enrollment in AP STEM classes, 1997-2011 Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  7. AP CS A, 1999-2011 Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  8. AP CS A: 2013 This year, AP CS A experienced the highest growth across all APs, but the percentages didn’t change. Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  9. Female Percentages of STEM Undergrad Degrees, 1970 - 2011 Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  10. Working to address the problem: ECS and CSP Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  11. Amy Briggs Middlebury College Co-PI, Computer Science Principles Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  12. Opportunity, Knowledge, Jobs The new Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles (CSP) course offers students a chance to begin to explore their interests, to achieve college credit or placement, and prepare for the jobs of the future. Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  13. What is AP Computer Science Principles? • Will be a College Board Advanced Placement course in 2016-2017. • Designed to be rigorous, engaging, and effective in targeting all students, across all demographics • Will have been piloted for six years before exam year, pilots started in 2010, unprecedented acceptance from both high schools and colleges/universities • Enthusiastic support from industry and professional partners • Performance task portion of assessment encourages collaboration Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  14. Our Elevator Pitch for Computer Science Principles Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  15. Built on Big Ideas • Computing is a creative activity • Abstraction reduces information and detail to facilitate focus on relevant concepts • Data and information facilitate the creation of knowledge • Algorithms are used to develop and express solutions to computational problems • Programming enables problem solving, human expression, and creation of knowledge • The Internet pervades modern computing • Computing has global impacts Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  16. Focuses on Computational Thinking Practices • Connecting computing • Developing computational artifacts • Abstracting • Analyzing problems and artifacts • Communicating • Collaborating Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  17. Algorithms – Kidney Exchange http://nsf.gov/cise/csbytes/newsletter/vol1/vol1i6.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-20004050 http://nyti.ms/Y3sHNL Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  18. Big Data and Machine Learning: Cancer and Education “By using technology in the service of education, we can change the world in our lifetime.” Daphne Koller http://nyti.ms/10r4m39 Ted Talk on education: http://bit.ly/12tCAqr Coursera is well-funded http://dthin.gs/ZGv8Rf Cancer Team Trains Computer to Evaluate Breast Cancer http://med.stanford.edu/ism/2011/november/computer.html Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  19. Human Computation Luis von Ahn – helped invent Human Computation. People solve problems using computers that computers can’t solve by themselves. Bits & Bytes: http://nsf.gov/cise/csbytes/newsletter/vol1i1.html Crowdsourcing can help translate the web into other languages and to digitize old books and newspapers Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  20. Current Plans for CSP Assessment • Administered as a computer-based assessment • Fixed-response questions: ensure rigor, assess content knowledge • Performance tasks: engage students with topics that interest them, enable students to show creativity, explore impact of computing Investigate – Bits to Information to Knowledge Explore – Implications of Computing Innovations Create – Applications from Ideas Students will: • Work in collaboration with another student • Submit written reflections • Interpret and present their ideas in a written work Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  21. csprinciples.org Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  22. Rebecca Dovi CS Principles Pilot Instructor at Patrick Henry High School, Virginia http://supercs.net/ @supercompsci Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  23. Joanna Goode University of Oregon Co-designer, Exploring Computer Science Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  24. Joanna Goode University of Oregon Co-designer, Exploring Computer Science Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  25. Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  26. Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  27. Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  28. Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  29. Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  30. Don Yanek • ECS at Northside College Prep • The Taste of Computing (ECS) and Chicago Public Schools • The ECS PD experience ... a methods course of sorts • "Just ECS it!" Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  31. Brook Osborne Duke University and Code.org Pilot and Outreach Coordinator, CSP Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  32. Collaboration: CS 10k Our initiative depends on collaboration between many groups, from academic and educational networks, to advocacy groups and industry Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  33. Computer Science Principles (CSP) Exploring Computer Science (ECS) Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  34. Links for more information csprinciples.org exploringcs.org cs10kcommunity.org ncwit.org csta.acm.org code.org computinginthecore.org csedweek.org Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  35. CSP Development Timeline: Phase I 2009–2010: Course framework developed 2010–2011: Pilot 1 at five universities Development of prototype fixed-response test questions 2011–2012: Pilot 2 at 8 universities and 10 high schools Administration of prototype fixed-response test questions 2012–2013: Pilot 3 at 2 universities and 4 high schools Development and use of prototype performance tasks Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  36. CSP Development Timeline: Phase II • 2013–2014: • 48 pilot schools (36 high school, 12 college) • Use of prototype performance tasks • Refinement of performance tasks and development of rubrics • 2014–2016: • Continue with Phase II pilot • Continued refinement of performance tasks and rubrics • AP Course Audit process by College Board • 2016–2017: • AP course and assessment delivered Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

  37. Professional Development Timeline Ongoing PD opportunities: cs10kcommunity.org College Board PD timeline: 2013–: Teacher support development Assessment development Course audit development PD development 2015–: College Board PD offering 2016–: Teacher support offering Course audit open Grace Hopper 2013 - 10/3/13

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