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EnergieRegion Aller-Leine-Tal. Aller-Leine-Tal: Towards a 100% RES Region + Rethem, Aller-Leine-Tal, 30. July 2013. 1. EnergieRegion + Aller-Leine-Tal. Standing in front of you… Cort-Brün Voige Mayor of the joint community Rethem (Aller) since 2006
EnergieRegionAller-Leine-Tal Aller-Leine-Tal: Towards a 100% RES Region+ Rethem, Aller-Leine-Tal, 30. July 2013 1
EnergieRegion+Aller-Leine-Tal Standing in front of you… • Cort-Brün Voige • Mayor of the joint community Rethem (Aller) since 2006 • Before: business economist in a regional bank (Sparkasse) In addition: • Since 1996: Speaker of the „Projektgruppe Erneuerbare Energien im Aller-Leine-Tal“ (A.L.T.) • Since 2001: Director of a civil society cooperative: • operating a wind power plant and a PV plant 2
EnergieRegion+Aller-Leine-Tal Agenda • Localization and Targets of the A.L.T. • Overview of Activities since 1996 • Who is aktiv in the A.L.T. • The Structures in the A.L.T. • Figures – Data – Fakts • Our next Steps 3
EnergieRegion+Aller-Leine-Tal • 8 (Joint)Communities • German Federal state of Lower Saxony Our Targets: • …get a 100%-EE+ Region (electricity and heat) • … foster the regional added value creation • … reach a high level of citizen participation • The A.L.T. 4
EnergieRegion+Aller-Leine-Tal The A.L.T. 74.000 inhabitats 765 sq km
EnergieRegion+Aller-Leine-Tal • Overviev of Activities in the A.L.T. 1996 - 2005 • 1996: Start of Cooperation of the Communities in the A.L.T. • 1996: Foundation of the „Projekt Group Renewable Energies“ • 1998 - 2001: common local Planning „Wind Energy“ • 2001: Installation of a „Citizen Wind Turbine“ – 61 participators • 2001 - 2005: around 30 Projects focusing Solar Energie • 2005: Opening the Bicycle-Theme-Route with 44 Stations for Tourists and local interested People: „A.L.T.-EnergieRoute“ • Public Relation (Press, Internet, Events) • Many Projects focusing Energy Savings 6
EnergieRegion+Aller-Leine-Tal 2. Overviev of Activities in the A.L.T. since 2006 • 2006/07: Modification of the Street Lighnings with Energy Saving Lamps – Result: around 40% savings • 2008 - 2010: Climate Protection Concept for 114 public Buildings (Energy Savings and implementation of Renewable Energies) • 2010/11: Energy-Study for the 8 communities in the A.L.T. • 2011: Establishment of a Energy Cooperative not successful • 2011: Study for the Utilization of Geothermal Energy in the A.L.T. • Since 2010: Cooperation with the „Echo-Gruppe“ (Steering Group) of the German project „100ee-Regionen“ • 2012: Employment of a Climate Protection Manager 7
EnergieRegion+Aller-Leine-Tal 3. Who is active in Climate Protection in the A.L.T.? • Project Group Renewable Energies (citizens, craftsmen, farmers, foresters, representatives from local government and administration) • „Steering Group Energy“ for the Implementation of the Energy Study (Mayors of the 8 Communities in the A.L.T, regional und supra-regional representatives of different disciplines, representatives of the Project Group Renewable Energies) • Each Administration has named 1 Energy Commissioner • These 8 Energy Commissioners form a Working Group called „A.L.T. Arbeitskreis der Energiebeauftragten“ • One Common Climate Protection Manager for all 8 Communities • 75 Citizens operate 1 „Citizen Wind Turbine“ + 1 „Citizen PV Plant“ (communities have a share) 8
EnergieRegion+Aller-Leine-Tal Members of the „Steering Group Energy“(Summer 2012) 9
EnergieRegion+Aller-Leine-Tal 4. How do the actors in the A.L.T. work together? • Project Group Renewable Energies: operates independently, is supported by the communities. Important for Public Relations. Core Group circa 10 Persons. Individual Projects up to 50 Persons. • Citizen Energy Cooperative: collects money in the Region for Energy Projects. High level of acceptance in the population. • „Steering Group Energy“: Implementation of the Energy Study + cross linking the Activities for Climate Protection. Meets 3 – 4 times each year. Votes common Activites of the Communities. This group has no decision-making power and no money. • Tasks of the Energy Commissioner + Climate Protection Manager: Implementation of municipal Energy Measures 10
EnergieRegion+Aller-Leine-Tal A Citizen Energy Cooperative operates with 75 Participators PV-Plant (capacity 50 kW/p) on a school Citizen Wind Turbine (capacity 2,3 MW) 11
EnergieRegion+Aller-Leine-Tal 5. Figures: Renewable Energies in the A.L.T. PlantsInstalled CapacityInvestment circa biogas 20 14,07 MW € 56,0 Mio. wind energy 60 100,36 MW € 145,5 Mio. water power 6 5,41 MW € 0,1 Mio. photovoltaics 1.055 16,95 MW € 39,4 Mio. solar Heat 1.270 11.220 sq m € 13,5 Mio. Sum of the last 10 years: circa € 255 Mio. (VAT excluded) (€ 303 Mio tax included) Average for every Inhabitant in the A.L.T.: € 3.440 (without tax)
EnergieRegion+Aller-Leine-Tal Energy balance for the A.L.T. (electricity) Consumption GWHProduction RES GWH Electricity = 100% (2011) 273,5 Water 28,6 (10,4 %) Wind 189,5 (69,3 %) Biogas 112,3 (41,1 %) Surplus 71,6Photovoltaics 14,7 ( 5,4 %) Sum: 345,1 (126,2%) State of Juni 2013 13
EnergieRegion+Aller-Leine-Tal Figures and Data (Electricity Production) 06/2013 • *Average: Each Inhabitant, each Year: € 627,-- 14
EnergieRegion+Aller-Leine-Tal Kindergarden in the A.L.T. Heat Supply: Geothermal Energy Electricity Supply: Photovoltaics 15
EnergieRegion+Aller-Leine-Tal 6. Next Steps 3 Pilot Projects focusing Heat: • Utilization of Geothermal Energy • Utilization of the Wood Potetials and other Biomassin the A.L.T. • Utilization of Heat from the River Aller • Target is the Transferability to other Regions Challanges for the next Years: • Decrease of the Heat Demand / partly switch to RES • Support to switch to RES by the communities • More Networking Activities in the A.L.T. • Very importantis the participation of citizens!
EnergieRegion+Aller-Leine-Tal Thank You for Your Attention! Homepage: www.alt-energieprojekt.haeuslingen.de Kontakt : Cort-Brün Voige voige@rethem.de 17