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Learn about the Neighbourhood Watch organization in Estonia and how it has successfully improved trust in the police, reduced crime, and promoted community collaboration. Discover the various projects, initiatives, and benefits of joining the Neighbourhood Watch program in Estonia.
NHW seminar 12.11.-13.11.2013 NHW in Estonia
Supravegherea de Vecinătate în Estonia (NHW) • Organizația stabilită la data de 1 mai 2000 Situația la acest timp era: • Lipsa increderii in activitatea poliției • Reducerea numărului de polițiști • O nouă abordare a poliției – de la instituție de forță la serviciu În primii doi ani această organizație a acționat pe bază de voluntariat.
Schema organizației din Estonia Membri ai consiliului de conducere, 4 membri Director general Contabil Specialist - IT Coordonatori in raioane Manageri de proiecte, voluntari
Despre organizația de Supraveghere de Vecinătate din Estonia • Bugetul anual ~ 96 000 euro • Conducere permanentă: 3 persoane • Coordonatori în regiuni – o nouă abordare 4 persoane care lucrează tot timpul • Manageri de proiecte – în dependență de proiecte, la curent 5 persoane + voluntari. Noi rambursăm costurile pentru călătorie și pentru comunicare.
Despre organizația de Supraveghere de Vecinătate din Estonia • Peste 530 NHW sectoare • În jurulde 12 000 familii trăiesc în astfel de sectoare de supraveghere de vecinătate • Este aproximativ 3% din populația Estoniei • Este unicul program de prevenire care implică un număr atît de mare de cetățeni • Recunoscut de către guvern, poliție și cetățenii Estoniei.
Creșterea numărului de sectoare de Supraveghere de Vecinătate
Alte proiecte • School Watch, Safe Kindergarten, Business Watch • Monitorizarea guvernării • Dezvoltarea unui program al serviciului de voluntariat în zonele cu populație redusă • Cînd vecinul tău este violent • Proiecte internaționale (Letonia, Finlanda, Kîrgîzstan, Moldova)
Barametrul europeanProcentul de persoane din Estonia, care cred că criminalitatea este principala preocupare a țării
Încrederea în activitatea poliției Pe ce măsură aveți încredere în poliție? Complet + tind să aibă încredere
Inthelightoftheshowedstatistics: • Crimeisnotthebiggestconcernofpeoplewhichmeansthattheirinteresttowards NHW islow • Trust towardspoliceishighwhichmeansthat: • Co-operationwithpoliceisgood • Toworktogetherwithpolicepeopledonot need to start NHW • Crimes, which number iscurrantlyincreasingcannotbeaffectedthrough NHW
Trebuie eu sa veirific ce face vecinul??? Cum SdV lucrează?
How does the NHW work? NHW in Estonia has 2 main parts: • Looking outforyourneighbourhood – residents of NHW areas are encouragedtobe on thelookoutforsuspiciousbehaviour • Security at home – toreducetheattractivenessoftheirhomeshouseholders are implementingtheiractivitieswhich are suggestedbythe NHW organisation/police
Initiating NHW sector • How we are informing people about NHW? • Newspaper articles • Participating in meetings which are organized by other organizations or citizens • Organizing NHW meeting
NHW triangle NHW enthusiast Community Police
In the meeting • Usually we involve also the local constable. If necessary then also other officials, for example from local government; • The meeting has generally 3 parts: • NHW description • Police statistics and information • Deciding if this community starts with NHW • People will choose the leader of the NHW sector
It is important to know… …that our aim is to inform people about the possibilities of NHW …that we are there to help the community to start working together And also: … that we are NOT obliged to convince the neighbours to start with NHW at any price …that we are NOT obliged to solve their problems and issues … that we are NOT responsible for the lack of ressources or professionality of other institutions
Collecting data • Why it is important to collect and later share this data between neighbours and partners? • What kind of data is needed? • How you will process this data? • How this data is protected? • The importance of the signature
Signing NHW contract • Why contract? • Which parties? • Which obligations? • Who signs it? • Where the contract is signed?
The costs of joining NHW in Estonia Estonia is one of the few countries where you have to pay for joining NHW. To join NHW every household has to pay 1 euro Yearly payment for one household is also 1 euro. Every year the general assembly which is formed by the members of the organisation will decide the amount of yearly payment and admission fee.
Signs and toolkits • After signing the NHW contract every NHW district gets the necessary number of NHW signs • The NHW district members decide where they put the signs • It is the obligation of NHW district members to put up the signs • It is the obligation of the NHW district to ask the necessary permissions and approvals for putting up the signs • If the sign gets broken or damaged, its the obligation of the NHW district to remove these signs and ask new ones
Signs and toolkits • Everymemberof NHW districtreceives NHW toolkitwhichconsistsof: • NHW stickers • Thepaperwithimportantnumbers • NHW guide • Advicesfrompolice • Howtoprotectyourhome • Howtoactindifferentsituations
After the agreement. The main activity is: if I see something suspicious I do react! Important thing is that if there is a need for a common activity then neighbours work together.
www.naabrivalve.ee Thank you! Tiina Ristmäe NGO Estonian Neighbourhood Watch tiina@naabrivalve.ee