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QCD corrections to the dilepton production near partonic threshold in pp and ppbar collisions

QCD corrections to the dilepton production near partonic threshold in pp and ppbar collisions. H. Shimizu (Hiroshima U, KEK) G. Sterman (SUNY) W. Vogelsang (BNL, RBRC) H. Yokoya (Niigata U). ref. Phys.Rev.D71,114007,2005 (hep-ph/0503270). J-PARC Workshop @ KEK, JAPAN Nov.30- Dec.2, 2005.

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QCD corrections to the dilepton production near partonic threshold in pp and ppbar collisions

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  1. QCD corrections to the dilepton production near partonic threshold in pp and ppbar collisions • H. Shimizu(Hiroshima U, KEK) • G. Sterman(SUNY) • W. Vogelsang(BNL, RBRC) • H. Yokoya(Niigata U) ref. Phys.Rev.D71,114007,2005 (hep-ph/0503270) J-PARC Workshop @ KEK, JAPAN Nov.30- Dec.2, 2005

  2. Introduction Drell-Yan process : : parton distribution functions : partonic cross section ← perturbatively calculable

  3. Observables • Cross section : mass distribution → simplest and basic : rapidity distribution → x1,x2 distributions : qT-distribution → (hard) gluon radiations see next talk by H.Kawamura • Asymmetry (Ratio) Target (beam) polarization : single spin asymmetry → twist-3, intrinsic-kT double spin asymmetry → twist-2 pol. PDFs Nuclear dependence : → nuclear effects

  4. Measurements of DY at J-PARC (GSI) gives : • new information of the PDFs : flavor structure, nuclear effects, polarized PDFs,,, • precise confirmation of the pQCD predictions : scaling violation (i.e. evolution), qT-distribution, absolute cross section,,, • indication ofthe NP corrections (power-suppressed, ISI,,) : ambiguity of PT, renormalon,,, OPE cannot be applied to DY process

  5. In this talk, I would examine a phenomenology of the pQCD corrections to the DY X-sec. (fixed order calculation, threshold resummation,,) order (how large?), convergency and ambiguity • Keypoints :

  6. Drell-Yan cross section formula • Factorization Theorem

  7. Status of DY higher order calculations LO LO : Drell,Yan (’70)

  8. Status of DY higher order calculations LO NLO LO : Drell,Yan (’70) Altarelli,Ellis,Martinelli(’78,’79); Kubar-Andre’,Paige(’79); Harada,Kaneko,Sakai(’79) NLO : virtual : real: qg :

  9. Status of DY higher order calculations LO NLO LO : Drell,Yan (’70) Altarelli,Ellis,Martinelli(’78,’79); Kubar-Andre’,Paige(’79); Harada,Kaneko,Sakai(’79) NLO :

  10. Status of DY higher order calculations NNLO LO NLO LO : Drell,Yan (’70) Altarelli,Ellis,Martinelli(’78,’79); Kubar-Andre’,Paige(’79); Harada,Kaneko,Sakai(’79) NLO : NNLO : Hamberg,van Neerven,Matsuura(’91,’02); Harlander, Kilgore(’02) Anastasiou,Dixon,Melnikov,Petriello(Rapidity,’04);

  11. Status of DY higher order calculations LO : NLO : NNLO :

  12. Status of DY higher order calculations K-factor NLO/LO NNLO/LO

  13. Threshold logs Large corrections come from the partonic threshold region (z~1) • real emission suppressed by the phase space restriction • imbalance occurs between real and virtual gluon corrections (after the cancellation of IR pole) → only soft gluon can be emitted → soft gluon (eikonal) approximation to treat these logs up to all orders

  14. threshold log → Threshold resummation Sterman(’87);Catani,Trentadue(’89) • First, goto Mellin-moment space : • General Formula : Sudakov Exponent

  15. Threshold resummation LL : NLL: NNLL: • NNLL : 3-loop split. func. gives Moch,Vermaseren,Vogt(’04) may not complete : NNLO PDFs (we use GRV(NLO)), precise determination of at NNLO • collinear improvement : Kramer,Laenen,Spira(‘98),,, universal collinear (non-soft) gluon → • employ “Minimal Prescription” : Catani,Mangano,Nason,Trentadue(’96) define the inverse Mellin contour as the left of the Landau pole

  16. Threshold resummation LL : NLL: NNLL:

  17. Threshold resummation LL : NLL: NNLL:

  18. Convergency not only the convergency of resummation accuracy (NnLL), but also the convergency of the power expansion of Sudakov exponent to note : “Minimal Prescription” defined so that PT has no factorial growth power corr. should be added later if required phenomenologicaly

  19. Matching to fixed order calc. • relevant for all phase space regions • qg sub-process contributions LL : NLL+NLO: NNLL+NNLO:

  20. Renormalization scale ambiguity resum. f.o.

  21. Factorization scale ambiguity resum. f.o.

  22. Summary ① pQCD corrections to DY process are given for the J-PARC energy K= 3~10, good convergency, scale ambiguities are reduced • Resummation is a powerful tool to know the insight of pQCD • corrections at very higher order, and also the structure of • factorizable hadronic interaction • Resummation also as a tool to find the hint of non-pert. effects • (analytically and/or phenomenologically), • and the connection between pert. and non-pert. regime

  23. Collinear improvement Kramer,Laenen,Spira(‘98);Catani,de Florian,Grazzini(‘02); Kulesza,Sterman,Vogelsang(’02,’04) Taking into account the universal collinear (non-soft) gluon radiation • re-arrangethe exponent • re-cover the full evolution kernel by • correctly re-produce the terms to all orders • numerically sizable effects

  24. Collinear improvement Kramer,Laenen,Spira(‘98);Catani,de Florian,Grazzini(‘02); Kulesza,Sterman,Vogelsang(’02,’04) 1st order expansion ⇔ NLO 2nd order expansion ⇔ NNLO

  25. Far infra-red cut-off soft-gluon resummation formula includes far infra-red region, where the perturbative treatment of QCD may not be justified. may be replaced by non-perturbative approach, power suppressed correction, etc • Apply a explicit cut-off to avoid the double counting • between pert. and non-pert. we don’t know the NP pert yet, however, tentatively it tells “ how much the far-IR region is involved? ”

  26. Far infra-red cut-off

  27. Far infra-red cut-off

  28. Data in the past CERN-NA3,FNAL-E605,E772 McGaughey,Moss,Peng(’99) Data consistent with NLO !

  29. FNAL-E772 (’90) DATA / NLO ~ 0.641 W.J.Stirling,M.R.Whalley (’93)

  30. FNAL-E772 (’90) DATA consistent with LO (!?) KNNLL = 3 ~ 5

  31. CERN-WA39 experiment (‘80) Drell-Yan dimuonproductionby π-Tungsten scattering GRV π-PDF, isospin symmetry and no nuclear effects NLL reproduce data best

  32. Spin asymmetry e.g. Model of Transverse PDFs → upper limit of Soffer’s inequality with GRV&GRSV

  33. Parton intensity : GRV98(NLO)

  34. Matching to fixed order calc. note : differences only come from the parton intensity

  35. PDF rescaling : effective resummation scheme Sterman,Vogelsang(’99) ResummedCross Section withNLOPDFs → possible double counting of higher-order enhancement between partonicCS and PDF PDF rescaling : effective resummation scheme

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