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Work at Height: Risks & Best Practices for Safety Awareness

Learn about the main risks of working at height, the consequences, and the importance of safety measures. Discover best practices, Golden Rule 10, and tip sheets for various scenarios. Understand the need for advanced vigilance and how to ensure compliance in all activities involving work at height.

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Work at Height: Risks & Best Practices for Safety Awareness

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  1. CONTENTS TIP SHEETS 03 Work at height, a high-risk activity 17 Scaffolds 04 Map of HIPOs 22Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP) 05 Main risks of work at height 26 Individual mobile platforms / ladders 06 Work at height 31Rope access work 07 Golden Rule 10 35 Roofs (buildings and tanks) 08 Tip Sheets 39 Floors of installations 10 Conclusion 11 And what about us, in our activities? 43 Domes of trucks and railway cars 12 Advanced vigilance 47 The work environment 13 What's next? 52 Falling objects BACK-UP 57 Fall arrestors 65 Incident descriptions 62 Offices 68Maps per branch

  2. WORK AT HEIGHT, A HIGH-RISK ACTIVITY • Objectives of the awareness-raisingcampaign on work at height: • Heightenawareness of risksrelated to work at height. • Remind people of the rules and the importance of strictlyrespectingthem. • Pass on best practices. • Share feedback (REX). 23% fatal accidents at the workplace*, in the last five years, were related to work at height. This is totally unacceptable, we must act now i.e. 1 in 4 fatalities! >30 High potential incidents (HIPO)* related to work at height in 2016 i.e. 1 potentialfatality or seriousinjury every 1 to 2 weeks! * Group perimeter, excluding transportation accidents

  3. 2016: more than 30 HIPOs*occurred that involved work at height FRANCE 1 THE NETHERLANDS 1 RUSSIA 1 USA 3 BELGIUM 5 SOUTH KOREA 2 CHINA 1 GERMANY 2 ARGENTINA 3 TUNISIA 1 > Read the incidentdescriptions THE PHILIPPINES 5 UGANDA 1 NIGERIA 1 URUGUAY 1 E&P CONGO 1 M&S ANGOLA 2 R&C BRUNEI 1 GRP SOUTH AFRICA 1 • All Group entities are exposed to incidents related to work at height.


  5. WORK AT HEIGHT • If the risk of fallingcannotbe: • eliminatedfrom the start, • throughworkorganizationmeasures, • or limitedthrough the use of collective protective equipment, • thenspecial PPE must beused in all work in which a personisexposed to the risk of falling 2 meters of more (unless more restrictive local regulationsapply). • Work at height designates work situations involving the use of special equipment (scaffolds, ropes, etc.)or a work location (roof, edge of a pit, etc.) which can potentially lead to falls from the same level. USE OF SPECIAL EQUIPMENT, SUCH AS: ACTIVITIES FROM AN ELEVATED PLACE, SUCH AS ON: Roofs of buildings and tanks Installation floors Dome of a truck or railway car Scaffolds Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP) Ropes

  6. WORK AT HEIGHT GOLDEN RULE 10 YOU MUST NOT Work under or near power lines without respecting the minimum safe clearance distance. Work on building or tank roofs without first checking their integrity and ensuring that the appropriate protective devices have been installed. Move a deployed mobile elevated work platform (MEWP), unless you are specifically authorized to do so. YOU MUST Put away tools when working at height (above 2 meters). Use a safety harness that is safely anchored, outside fixed barriers or in an MEWP. Use scaffolding that is fit for purpose and has been inspected.

  7. TIP SHEETS Sheets observing the musts and must nots of Golden Rule 10(designated by pictogram ) and the requirements stipulated in Safety Directive DIR-GR-SEC-013 "Prevention of falls from height".

  8. TIP SHEETS 17 Scaffolds 22Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP) 26 Individual mobile platforms / ladders 31Rope access work 35 Roofs (buildings and tanks) Click on the slide number to access the corresponding tip sheet. 39 Floors of installations 43 Domes of trucks and railway cars 47 The work environment 52 Falling objects 57 Fall arrestors 62 Offices

  9. CONCLUSION Work at heightis a high-riskactivitythatrequiresincreased vigilance and suitablepreventivemeasures. The Group'srecent accident rate shows that all branches are concerned. • Each and every one of us is responsible for showing exemplary behavior when working at height, and being vigilant when one of our colleagues is performing an activity at height. We must make sure that all risks are properlyassessedbeforestartingwork, once operations have started, it'softentoolate. We must escalate all difficulties in applying the rules and make sure thatwefind solutions. We must learnfrompastmistakes. Risks go beyond a personfalling. Strict compliance withrules, procedures and workpermitsis crucial. Rules and procedurestakeintoaccount the REX on serious incidents, both in the Group and in the industry as a whole. If in doubt, ask the operators about their activity and always remember you can use your Stop Card.


  11. ADVANCED VIGILANCE Booklet“Golden rule 10 – Work at height”http://www.toolbox-hse.total.com/fr/campagne-regle-dor-10-travaux-en-hauteur Quiz "How much do you know about work at height?" http://www.toolbox-hse.total.com/fr/campagne-regle-dor-10-travaux-en-hauteur Group E-learning module:"Work at height" available on the TLS platformhttps://clickandlearn.total.com/dashboard/ WAT Page "Work at height"http://wat.corp.local/sites/s215/fr-FR/Pages/securite-operationnelle/travaux-a-risques/Travaux-en-hauteur.aspx CONTACTS Group "Work at height" expert: David DOYONNAS – david.doyonnas@total.com Golden Rules project Anne SABLÉ – anne.sable@total.com / Nicolas FOREST – nicolas.forest@total.com




  15. SCAFFOLDS YOU MUST YOU MUST NOT Assemble, disassemble or modifyscaffolding if you are not trained or qualified/authorized to do so. Store material on the scaffoldexcept if authorized by the riskassessment. Throwtools or equipmentfrom the scaffoldfloor. Use scaffoldingthatis fit for purpose and has been inspected. Wear a safetyharnesswith a double lanyard if I assemble or disassemblescaffolds. Place a clearly visible label indicating the condition of the scaffold (green label whenaccepted, otherwise a red label). Make sure scaffolds are checked on a regular basis by a persontrained to do so.

  16. SCAFFOLDS Do not climb onto a scaffold unless your activities require you to do so. Do not climb on the toe boards or guard rails in order to work. Install a safety perimeter around the scaffolds when they are being assembled and disassembled. Use the access points provided and do not climb up the sides of a scaffold. Stabilize a mobile scaffoldbeforeusing it (brakes on all four wheels and stabilizersdeployed, etc.). Never move a mobile scaffold when there are people or equipment on it. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: • If you have to temporarily modify a scaffold (without jeopardizing its integrity, for • example by removing a guard rail or part of the floor): • Indicate the modified condition of the scaffold using a label of a different color than red or green. • Wear a safety harness.

  17. SCAFFOLDS 7 Check the general condition of a scaffold: 6 Presence of a safety label (green if the scaffold is compliant). Scaffold legs are properly braced (load distribution plates in full contact with the ground). Structure comprises crossbraces. Horizontal braces are properly fixed to the base plates. Working platforms are complete and totally clear of objects. Access gates or traps are closed. Full guard rails (top and middle rails, and toe boards) are installed on all working platforms. Ladders are secured 5 8 3 1 2 4

  18. SCAFFOLDS 06/2006  Operator drowned while disassembling a scaffold • Circumstances - Facts: • A team of scaffolders were disassembling a scaffold under the deck of a wellhead platform, just above the surface of the water. • The employees were wearing safety harnesses, but one of them attached his harness to an unstable part of the scaffold, which came away from the structure and fell into the water, taking the operator with it. • Fall into the water (6 meters deep). • Consequence: • The operator died. • Causes: • Anomaly in the work permit process (insufficient risk assessment and incomplete definition of preventive measures). • Scaffolders' level of training not checked. • The team was unsupervised. • Lack of explanations regarding safety responsibilities in the project team. • Lessons to be learned • (regarding work at height): • Scaffolds must be assembled, disassembled or modified only by trained personnel who are qualified to do so. • In addition to collective protective equipment, wearing a safety harness correctly secured to an anchor point is mandatory for all works at height.


  20. MOBILE ELEVATING WORK PLATFORM (MEWP) YOU MUST NOT Move a deployed mobile elevated work platform(MEWP), unless you are specifically authorizedto do so. Never climb out of the MEWP when it is deployed (unless you are specifically authorized to do so). WHAT ARE THE RISKS? YOU MUST Use a safety harness that is safely anchored […]in an MEWP. Be trained and authorized by your employer to use an MEWP. Have a second authorized person on the ground who is qualified to operate an MEWP. Make sure that the MEWP has a certificate of compliance issued by an approved agency. Always inspect the MEWP before use to make sure it is in good working order. Respect the usage conditions specific to each MEWP Crushing Shearing Electrocution Tipping over Ejection

  21. MOBILE ELEVATING WORK PLATFORM (MEWP) Check the platform before use - crucial points: The aerial lift is clear of objects • The presence of the certificate of compliance • Verification of conditions for use • Good working order of: • Operating control commands • Battery arrestor • Emergency shut-down function Presence of an anchor point for the harness Absence of leaks on the hydraulic system Proper positioning of the stabilizer legs or tires Aerial lifts with tires: tire condition How should you attach your harness? See "Fall arrestors".

  22. MOBILE ELEVATING WORK PLATFORM (MEWP) 04/2013  Driver of an MEWP crushed at height • Circumstances - Facts: • A contractor company was entrusted with performing asbestos removal works in a warehouse (removal of AC sheets from the inner surface of the roof). • Early one morning, the team leader was using the MEWP allocated for the task on his own. He reversed the MEWP with the aerial lift deployed to five meters, and failed to notice a metal beam behind him. • His rib cage was crushed between the beam and the aerial lift control panel. • Consequence: • The operator died. • Causes: • The team leader did not comply with the work permit process (went to the site alone and used the MEWP without notifying anyone of his presence or collecting the work permit from the site reception). • The team leader took a personal risk (his intention seems to have been to help out by getting ahead with certain tasks before his colleagues arrived). • Lessons to be learned • (regarding work at height): • Never move an MEWP when it is deployed, unless the operation has been specifically planned and a full risk assessment carried out beforehand. • Never use an MEWP alone without a second person authorized to drive the MEWP being present.


  24. INDIVIDUAL MOBILEPLATFORMS / LADDERS Mobile ladders are a means of accessing the work area. They should not be used as a work station or only exceptionally for simple tasks, when no other means can be implemented and only after a risk assessment has been conducted. YOU MUST Respect certain basic rules when using a mobile ladder. Set up systems to check that the ladders are in good working order and used correctly.

  25. INDIVIDUAL MOBILEPLATFORMS / LADDERS Crucial points when using a mobile ladder as a means of access: First make sure that there is no safer alternative (e.g. scaffold with secured ladders, staircase, etc.) For work at low or medium heights: replace the footstools, stepladders and mobile ladders by secured work platforms. About 2,5 meter About 1 meter Individual mobile platform Lightweightindividual mobile platform

  26. INDIVIDUAL MOBILEPLATFORMS / LADDERS Crucial points when using a mobile ladder as a means of access: • Check the condition of the ladder before using it, • in particular: • The presence of anti-slip foot pads. • All the rungs are present and in good condition. • The condition of the vertical rails. Install the ladder so that it is around1 meter higher than the landing floor (secure the passage between the ladder and the floor). Properlysecure or brace the ladder on the ground. If thisis not possible make sure someoneholdsitfirmly in place at the base Incline the ladder correctly: ~75°, i.e. a ratio of 1 in 4. Climb up and down facing the ladder, never with your back to it. Always keep three points of contact with the ladder (both hands and a foot or one hand and both feet).

  27. INDIVIDUAL MOBILEPLATFORMS / LADDERS 10/2007  3-m fall from a ladder • Circumstances - Facts: • An electricianwastaskedwithrepairing an automaticdoor in a storage building. • As hewasusing a ladder as a work station to reach the area above the door, the ladder slippedbackwards and fell flat to the floor. • The electricianfellthreemeters to the ground. • Consequence: • Manybruises and injuries. • 28 days' sickleave. • Causes: • Insufficientriskassessment in the work permit process (which lead to the unsuitablechoice of a ladder as a work station). • Non-compliance withrules for using a ladder (obtuse angle, no anti-slip feet and the ladder wasneithersecured at the top or braced at the bottom). • Lessons to be learned • (regarding work at height): • Ladders are used as a means of access to an upper or lower floor, and are not to be used as a work station. • Ladders must be inspected on a regular basis by a competent service and their general condition checked by operators before each usage. • Certain basic rules are to be complied with regarding the positioning of ladders (angle, anchoring, floor/ground condition, environment, positioned to reach beyond the arrival point, etc.).


  29. ROPE ACCESS WORK Rope access can only be used when the risk assessment has concluded that in the current circumstances the work in question can be executed safely and that use of any safer work equipment is not justified (due to a technical impossibility or to potential additional risks). YOU MUST Have ropeaccessworkdone by specializedcompanieswithqualified personnel. Have at least twopersons per work team, one of themwithsupervisorcompetencies.

  30. ROPE ACCESS WORK • General conditions • Considerthe workenvironmentin the area whereropeaccesstechnicianswillbeworking (risks for personnel, ropes, anchor points). • Check out the weather conditions. • Mark out, if possible, the perimeterbelow the area where the ropeaccesstechnicianswillbeworking. • Plan for emergency response and rescuemeans. • Equipment • Use a dual rope system withtwoindependentanchorage points. The first is a means of access, descent and support (workrope), and the second a safetymechanism (safetyrope). • Have a securedescender and ascender system, with a self locking system to prevent the user fromfalling if s/heshould lose control of his/hermovements. • Install a mobile fall-arrestorto secure the ropeaccesstechnician as he moves. • Wear a safetyharnesssuited(specific) to ropeaccesswork, attached to the safetyrope. • Secure the tools and otheraccessories.

  31. ROPE ACCESS WORK 06/2011  Fall from height after ropes broke (outside TOTAL) • Lessons to be learned • (regarding work at height): • Do not interfere with the rope safety device until the operation has been completed and the operator is safe • Circumstances - Facts: • A team of rope access technicians had been contracted to perform maintenance works under the deck of an oil platform in the North Sea. • The work had been completed and the rope access technician was ascending back to the deck, when both his work and safety ropes were sheared one after the other as they were drawn over a sharp edge. • The technician fell 20 meters into the water, hitting a beam located at 11 meters on the way down. • Consequence: • The operator died. • Causes: • Insufficient risk assessment (the ropes were not suitably protected for usage in the work environment). • Non-compliance with métier rules (the rope technician released the shunt safety device before arriving in the safe zone, which meant that when the first work rope was sectioned owing to wide lateral sawing movements, the safety shunt could not block his fall immediately; it was only after the technician had fallen a certain distance that he was able to re-engage the shunt, but this caused the second safety rope to tauten suddenly and it was severed immediately on the sharp edge).


  33. ROOFS (BUILDINGS AND TANKS) WHAT ARE THE RISKS? YOU MUST NOT Work on building or tank roofs without firstchecking their integrity and ensuring that theappropriate protective devices have been installed. Access roofs of buildings or tanks outside of secure walkways, and without special authorization, except where authorized by local regulations. Fall from a roof or fall through a roof YOU MUST Conduct an inspection of the area to check the integrity before the risk assessment (check both sides if possible, inner side and outer side).

  34. ROOFS (BUILDINGS AND TANKS) Operations on the roof of a tank or building: Priority should always be given to collective protective equipment over personal protective equipment. • Always use the secure walkways to move around a roof. • If there are no secure walkways, implement the following according to the work situation: • Collective protective equipment: • For example: • Temporary guard rails. • Safety nets below the work surface How should you attach your harness? See ”Fall arrestors”. • Personal protective equipment: • Safety harness attached using a suitable system to a validated anchor point.

  35. ROOFS (BUILDINGS AND TANKS) 12/2014  10-m fall through a roof • Circumstances - Facts: • Two employees from a contractor company were tasked with inspecting the sheet metal roof of a warehouse before repairs were carried out. • During the operation, one of the two employees fell through an opaque plastic panel that was being used as a skylight. • He fell ten meters onto the floor of the warehouse. • Consequence: • The operator died. • Causes: • Insufficient risk assessment in the work permit process (consequently among other things, preventive measures were not defined). • The team was unsupervised (the only person qualified for work at height was not present on the work site). • The site failed to supervise the contractors. • Insufficient training. • Lessons to be learned • (regarding work at height): • Make sure that the work site has been fully inspected before climbing on to a roof, to identify any weak points and therefore determine the most suitable prevention and protective measures (collective and/or personal protective equipment).


  37. INSTALLATION FLOORS YOU MUST NOT Remove collective protective equipment from the installations (guard rails, floors, etc.) without explicit authorization. Move outside the collective protective equipment, except when specific authorization has been given, and in that case you must wear a safety harness YOU MUST Implement a periodical program for the inspection of floors and guard rails by qualified personnel. Flag up any non-conformities observed on installations. Use compensatory measures to secure any area where collective protective equipment has been removed (guard rails, floors, etc.).

  38. INSTALLATION FLOORS Install permanent safety barriers if the collective protective equipment has been removed (marker tape is not enough) and signal the danger Never climb on the guard rail to reach a higher point. Do not obstruct walkways in the installations.

  39. INSTALLATION FLOORS 08/2006  Fall through a floor grating • Circumstances - Facts: • A contractor employee was climbing a scaffold erected alongside a distillation column, using the gangways and fixed platforms on the installations in certain places. • On one of the platforms at height, the employee climbed over some scaffold bars installed to protect a risk area (rusted grating) and fell through the floor. • His fall was arrested after 2 meters owing to the presence of equipment below. • Consequence: • Bruising to one leg. • The employee could have died. • Causes: • No warning signs to indicate the hazard (the victim mistook the scaffolding bars used to fence off a risk area for a scaffold being assembled, which is why he stepped over them. He did not intentionally disregard safety barriers). • Lessons to belearned • (regardingwork at height): • If collective protective equipment (guard rails, gratings, etc.) have been removed or compromised on platforms at height, then the followingmandatorymeasures must betaken: • Limit access to the hazardous area, preferably by installing permanent safetybarriers (a length of barricade tape is not enough). • Clearly flag up the danger behind the safetybarrier. (N.B. the warning signwasaddedafter the incident).


  41. DOMES OF TRUCKS AND RAILWAY CARS Access to domes only when strictly necessary.

  42. DOMES OF TRUCKS AND RAILWAY CARS If there is no collective protective equipment, or otherwise if required, use a safety harness secured to a lifeline or any other anchoring equipment. Use available collective protective equipment When moving on the dome of a railway car, use a harness with a double lanyard. In certain cases, think of using mobile platforms to secure the access to domes.

  43. DOMES OF TRUCKS AND RAILWAY CARS 08/2003  Fall from the dome of a tanker truck • Circumstances - Facts: • A tanker truck was being unloaded and the product transferred from the lower part of the tank. • The truck driver was performing the operation according to the procedure, when a site operator climbed up onto the tank to check the level and lost his balance. • The operator fell three meters to the ground. • Consequence: • Multiple fractures (skull, ribs, shoulders). • The employee could have died. • Causes: • Non-compliance with applicable rules (site employees are not authorized to climb up onto the tank). • The protective barriers installed on the truck were insufficient. • Failure to anticipate the risk of falling (insufficient training). • Lessons to be learned • (regarding work at height): • Personnel should climb on to vehicle domes only when strictly necessary, and it is strictly forbidden for any unauthorized personnel to do so. • The installation of effective collective protection equipment is the preferred means of securing access to vehicle domes; if this is not possible, a safety harness must be worn and secured to a reliable anchor point.


  45. WORK ENVIRONMENT When working at height, the risk assessment must take into consideration all dangerous situations present in the work environment. This is particularly true for: Work at height in a confined space Work above or neara water body Take into account the weather conditions (high winds, snow, lightening, etc.) when working at heights. Working near power lines Work with co-activities

  46. WORK ENVIRONMENT Focus on work at height near power lines YOU MUST NOT WHAT ARE THE RISKS? Work under or near power lines withoutrespecting the minimum safe clearance distance. A metal ladder or scaffold conducts electricity. Electrical arcs can be created even without touching a power line.

  47. WORK ENVIRONMENT Power lines: Maintain a minimum distance of 5 meters from power lines (any shorter distance must be approved by a qualified person).

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