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Physical Security. Information Security. Personnel Security. Material Control & Accountability. Transport Security. Introduction. Controlling Laboratory Biorisks Training Course International Biological Threat Reduction Program Global Security Programs Sandia National Laboratories
Physical Security Information Security Personnel Security Material Control & Accountability Transport Security Introduction Controlling Laboratory Biorisks Training Course International Biological Threat Reduction Program Global Security Programs Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM USA SAND No. 2008-0480P Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company,for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
Physics 8% Other Fields 11% Chemistry 7% Other Engineering 14% Math 3% Computing 11% Mechanical Engineering 15% Biology 6% Electrical Engineering 25% Sandia National Laboratories Provides innovative, science-based, systems-engineering solutions to the most challenging national and international security problems • Over 8,500 employees • Over 1,500 PhDs • Over 2,500 MS/MA • Over 1,000 on-site contractors • Annual operating budget ~$2 billion
Sandia’s Global Security Center Reduces current and emerging proliferation and terrorism threats by creating sustainable system solutions through international cooperation US/Russia Nuclear Security Reducing the risk of theft or diversion of Russian nuclear weapons, materials, and related expertise Border Security Detecting, deterring, and interdicting nuclear smuggling across international borders Nuclear Nonproliferation/ International Physical Security Preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction by enhancing International Safeguards, and promoting the peaceful uses of nuclear technology Biological/Chemical Threat Reduction Reducing biological and chemical threats globally by focusing on safety and security of legitimate materials Regional Security Developing technical solutions to regional security problems
Sandia’s International Biological Threat Reduction • IBTR’s mission: To enhance United States and international security by reducing biological threats worldwide • IBTR’s highest goals • Enhance safety, security, and containment of dangerous biological agents in bioscience facilities • Strengthen capacities to detect and control dangerous biological agents • Improve understanding and mitigation of biological threats
IBTR Technical Program Areas Extensive collaboration with US Government agencies Laboratory Biosafety, Biosecurity, and Biocontainment Infectious Disease Diagnostics and Control Training and Workshops Policy, Regulatory, and Guidelines Support Extensive collaboration with international organizations Assessments and Analysis
Lectures Case studies Guided class discussions Lab activities Group presentation Course assessments Pre-course assessment Daily quizzes Post-course assessment Course Overview • Biorisk Management • Assessment • Mitigation • Performance
Case Studies • Case studies will be done in the same small groups for the week • You will complete all case studies as a member of the “Facility Biorisk Committee” • Biorisk officer • Laboratory manager • Principal investigator • Facilities, operations & maintenance representative • Through the series of case studies, the “Facility Biorisk Committee” is tasked with doing a risk assessment and developing a risk mitigation plan • On Day 5, your “Facility Biorisk Committee” will present your risk assessment and risk mitigation plan
Group Exercise #1 In your group take 10 minutes to discuss and answer the following question: What are the risks of working in a laboratory with biological materials? Report your answers to the class.
Group Exercise #2 In your group, take 10 minutes to discuss and answer the following three questions: • How did you identify these risks? • Which steps do you take to minimize these risks? • How do you know these steps are working? Use post-it notesto write down your answers and post them on the empty board.
Group Exercise #3 Let’s get organized… Take the post-it notesand place them under one of the following columns: Assessment Mitigation Performance
Biorisk • The risk associated with biological materials in the laboratory has a safety and a security component. • The concept of Biorisks encompasses both Biosafety and Biosecurity.
What are Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity? • Biosafety Risk • The risk of accidental exposure to or release of a biological hazard • Biosecurity Risk • The risk of intentional removal (theft) of a valuable biological material • How do we best manage these Biorisks? Francisella tularensis Yersinia pestis
Key Components of Biorisk Management • Biorisk Management has three key components: • Risk Assessment • Risk Mitigation • Performance / Quality Control
Next Steps… During the next sessions we will refer back to the AMP model and individually address the three components