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Project Management x470 Project Baseline (Scope, Time). UC Berkeley Extension, Business and Management Week 2 – 30 April. Jennifer Russell 415.385.1749 jr@mastodonconsulting.com. Ray Ju 415.845.8880 rayju@sbcglobal.net. Agenda. PMBOK Knowledge Framework Project Initiation
Project Management x470Project Baseline(Scope, Time) UC Berkeley Extension, Business and Management Week 2 – 30 April Jennifer Russell 415.385.1749 jr@mastodonconsulting.com Ray Ju 415.845.8880 rayju@sbcglobal.net
Agenda • PMBOK Knowledge Framework • Project Initiation • Team Exercises • Project Lifecycles • Work Breakdown Schedule • Schedule Project • Estimate Cost • Quiz #1 Think TEAM
PMBOK Guide Knowledge Areas Scope Time Cost Human Risk Communication Resource Procurement Integration Quality Think TEAM
Section I, Chap 1-2 PM Framework Introduction Project Lifecycle and Organization Section II, Chap 3 Standard for PM of a Project PM Processes for a Project Section III, Chap 4-12 PM Knowledge Areas (nine) Section IV Appendices Section V Glossary and Index PMBOK Guide Layout Think TEAM
Monitoring and Controlling 10 Initiating 2 Planning 20 Executing 8 Closing 2 Construction Software Development IT Infrastructure Research Project Processes Projects are composed of processes PMBOK Project Management Processes Product / Service Processes Project life-cycle usually derived from product processes Think TEAM
PMBOK Guide Process Framework Develop Project Charter Process Think TEAM
PMBOK Guide Process Groups Major Outputs Project Management Outputs Initiation Planning Execution Monitoring & Control Closure • Team performance assessed • Vendor Contracts signed • Comm. Plan implemented • Work results reviewed / accepted • Earned Value • Baseline metrics reporting • Change control / corrective and preventive measures • Project plan updates • Lessons Learned • ContractsClosed • Project Closure Sign-Off • Project Charter Baseline Others • Scope Statement • WBS • Schedule • Cost • RAM • Comm. Plan • Risk Response Plan • RFQs Think TEAM
Project Integration Management Process Group Process Name Process Major Deliverables Initiating Develop Project Charter Project Charter Identify stakeholders Stakeholder Analysis Planning Develop Project Management Plan Project Management Plan Executing Direct and Manage Project Execution Work/Tasks Completed Change Request Implemented Corrective and Preventive Actions Implemented Monitoring & Controlling Monitor and Control Project Work Recommended Corrective and Preventive actions Forecast Integrated Change Control Approve / Rejected Change Requests Updates to planning documents Closing Close Project Final product, service or result Think TEAM
Project stimuli Problems Opportunities Business requirements Considerations Contract / Project Statement of Work Enterprise environmental factors Organizational process assets Project Type - I “Must Do” SOX, HIPAA, compliance “Keep the Lights On” Infrastructure projects Enhancements New Products/ Opportunities Project Type - II alignment with the business strategy Starting the Project Think TEAM
Mission, Vision, Values Carter McNamara, 2008 Mission: Describes the overall purpose of the organization Vision: Vivid description of the organization as it effectively carries out its operations Values: Represent the core priorities in the organization’s culture, including what drives members’ priorities and how they truly act in the organization Think TEAM
Project Charter • Formally authorizes the project defines the why Scope Statement • States what work is to be accomplished and what deliverables need to be produced Project Plan • States how the work is to be performed and by who, when, and where • Scope, Cost, Schedule, Risk, Communication, Staffing, Quality, and Procurement Major Project Documents Expansion explanation of these documents later in slide show Think TEAM
A Network Migration Project A large bank is migrating its branch and ATM network from a 3-tier IP network to an MPLS service provider network. Data Center Data Center Core MPLS Regional Office Distribution Branches ATMs Branches ATMs ATMs Access Branches and ATMs Think TEAM
Bank Network Migration Project Deliverables Think TEAM
Project Initiation Challenges • Timing of Project Manager engagement • Degree of accuracy for project and product documents • Speed vs. Accuracy vs. Change Control culture • Functional Areas Concern: Spending precious resources’ time on projects that will be disapproved Think TEAM
Planning Fundamentals • If the deliverable is well understood prior to being performed, much of the work can be preplanned • If the deliverable is not understood, then during the actual task execution more knowledge is gained that, in turn, leads to changes • The more uncertain the deliverable, the greater the need is for frequent “validation cycles” • Project life cycle approach depends on deliverable (goal and solutions & requirements) certainty • Detail plan only up to the next point of knowledge “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” - Harold Kerzner Think TEAM
Project Integration Management Think TEAM
Project Flexibility Matrix Think TEAM
Project Scope Management Think TEAM
Project/product objectives Product scope description Project requirements Project boundaries Deliverables Product acceptance criteria Project assumptions and constraints Initial project organization Initial defined risks Schedule milestones Fund limitation Initial WBS Cost estimate Project configuration management requirements Approval requirements Project specifications Project Scope Statement Think TEAM
Customer Needs vs. Wants Needs, are more associated with the underlying problem Wants, are more associated with a solution Think TEAM
Linear Standard waterfall Rapid development waterfall Iterative* Dynamic systems development method Evolutionary development waterfall Regional Unified Process SCRUM Project Lifecycle Approaches • Incremental • Staged delivery waterfall • Feature driven development* • Adaptive* • Adaptive software development • Adaptive project framework • Extreme* • INSPIRE *a.k.a. Agile Project Management Which lifecycle approach makes sense for the project? Think TEAM From: Robert K. Wysocki
Lifecycle Evaluation Parameters • Solution looking for a problem • Highly-unlikely situation • Nothing about project is certain • Client accepts product after some iterations or pulls plug UNCLEAR GOAL • Low complexity • Well-understood technology infrastructure • Low risk • Experienced and skilled teams • Needs adaptive and iterative approach CLEAR CLEAR UNCLEAR SOLUTION & REQUIREMENTS From: Robert K. Wysocki Think TEAM
Extreme Adaptive Iterative Incremental Linear Map Project Lifecycle Approaches UNCLEAR GOAL CLEAR UNCLEAR SOLUTION & REQUIREMENTS From: Robert K. Wysocki Think TEAM
Extreme Adaptive Iterative Incremental Linear Lifecycle Approaches Impact to Uncertainty & Complexity UNCLEAR UNCERTAINTY & COMPLEXITY INCREASES GOAL CLEAR UNCLEAR SOLUTION & REQUIREMENTS From: Robert K. Wysocki Think TEAM
Project Complexity/Uncertainty • As projects become more complex, they become more uncertain • As complexity increases: • Nailing down requirements decreases • Process flexibility must increase • Processes must be more adaptable • Change requests become more frequent • Risk increases • The need for greater team cohesiveness increases • More communication is needed From: Robert K. Wysocki Think TEAM
Project Complexity/Uncertainty • Customer involvement must increase as complexity increases • The customer will resist because: • The Customer’s Comfort Zone • Customer may be reluctant to take ownership of product • Customer may refuse to sign off because needs change • Business Value • As projects move from clarity of goal and solutions (& requirements) to less clarity of goal and /or solutions (& requirements) the higher the Business Value • The risk of project failure is also higher !!!!! From: Robert K. Wysocki Think TEAM
Linear Project Lifecycle Think TEAM
Iterative Project Lifecycle Think TEAM
Scope Statement Exercise • Create a Scope Statement for your project • Use the Project Workbook template as a guide • Presentations • Class discussion Think TEAM
Team Project Time and Scope Guardrails • Involve the entire project team talents • Build and develop weekly not week 9 • Time: Can do within 6-12 months • Scope: Have fun and be realistic • Business, Community, Philanthropy, Social Responsibility, Event, Actual • Cost: Blank Checkbook $$$$$ • Justifiable and budgeted • What if? Think TEAM
Subdivision of major project deliverables or sub-deliverables into smaller, more manageable components until the deliverables are defined in sufficient detail to support development of project activities (planning, executing, etc..) Steps: Identify major project deliverables Decide if adequate cost and duration estimate can be made at this level of detail for each deliverable Identify constituent components of the deliverable if necessary Verify correctness of decomposition (necessity, definition, cost, duration, responsibility) Decomposition Definition: Think TEAM
Work Breakdown Structure • A deliverable oriented grouping of project components that organizes and defines the total scope of the project • Defines products, not tasks • Can be developed using a top-down or bottom-up approach • Can be hardware-related, function-related, life cycle-related or a combination Foundation of all planning! Think TEAM
Work Breakdown Structure • WBS items assigned an identifier for hierarchical summation of cost and resources • WBS dictionary – work package description, schedule dates, cost budget, staff assignment and other data points as needed Think TEAM
Work Package • Lowest level deliverable in a WBS • Work effort guideline 40 to 80 hrs • Ownership assigned at this level • Tasks are identified under this level • Task size guideline - not to exceed 80 hrs; less for high risk project Think TEAM
WBS Template Project Name Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase N Deliverable 1 Product Scope Deliverable 2 Deliverable N-1 Project Scope Deliverable N Think TEAM
Scope Baseline • Scope Statement • WBS • WBS Dictionary Think TEAM
Bank Network Migration WBS Think TEAM
WBS Discussions • Questions on WBS construction • Who prepares the WBS? • Who needs to be involved? • Who approves the WBS? Think TEAM
WBS Team Exercise • Construct a life-cycle based WBS for your project • Use a Post-It-Note sheet for each deliverable • Concentrate on product deliverables • Add project management process deliverable that have already been discussed in class Think TEAM
Scheduling Techniques • Gantt or bar charts • Milestone charts (zero duration) • Networks (show interdependencies) • Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) • Conditional Diagram Method • Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) for use with Critical Path Management (CPM) Think TEAM
Bar (Gantt) Charts Think TEAM
2009 2010 ID Task Name Finish Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul 1 Network Design Completed 11 / 22 / 2009 2 Scope Statement 12 / 8 / 2009 3 WBS 12 / 22 / 2009 4 Schedule Baseline 12 / 27 / 2009 5 Cost Baseline 1 / 15 / 2010 6 Final Network Engineering 1 / 5 / 2010 11 / 22 / 2009 12 / 27 / 2009 1 / 15 / 2010 Network Design Completed Schedule Baseline Completed Cost Baseline 12 / 1 / 2009 1 / 1 / 2010 11 / 6 / 2009 1 / 31 / 2010 Scope Statement Signed 12 / 8 / 2006 Milestone Chart Think TEAM
Activity Dependency • Mandatory – inherent in the nature of the work being done, a.k.a. hard logic • Discretionary – defined by the project team, a.k.a. preferred logic, preferential logic, soft logic • External – involve relationships between project activities and non-project activities Think TEAM
Precedence Diagramming Method • Method of constructing network diagram that uses boxes (nodes) to represent activities and connects them with arrows to show dependencies • Activity On Node Think TEAM
Precedence Network Think TEAM
Precedence Relationships FINISH START Engine Installed Install Ignition FINISH-TO-START START Paint Room A START-TO-START START Carpet Room B START Fertilize Garden START-TO-FINISH FINISH Water Garden Think TEAM
Precedence Relationships FINISH FINISH Cook Turkey FINISH-TO-FINISH Bake Yams PERCENT COMPLETE Network Rqmts 50 % 20 % Network Design Think TEAM