Austrumi Linux Austrumi is a bootable live CD Linux Distribution. It is based on Slackware and it was created and maintained by group of programmers from Latgale region of Latvia. As of June 2011 the lastestoffical release of Austrumi Linux is 2.2.9. The entire operating system and its application run from RAM which makes Austrumi faster than larger distros that must read from a disk
PC System Information • CPU - Intel-compatible (Pentium II or later); • RAM - at least 128 MB (if 128MB or less, then run boot: al nocache • HDD - not needed; • CD-ROM - bootable CD-ROM drive / USB 2.0 port
Pc Performance and Features • Austrumi has games, media player, word , excel and applicationsIncludes graphic editors, office suite, networking tools, Internet browsers, FTP and mail clients, multimedia packages, classic games and system tools
Summary Advantages Disadvantages • Disadvantages include cannot connect peripheral devices such as USBs and external hard drives • Austrumi advantages include it is fast and it runs off RAM and can run multiple applications