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CHECK. 1. Correcting the mistakes ! Example : The ecology is history science The ecology is biological / environmental science 2. Find 3 mistakes in this summary and correct them ! Example : Ecology represents local interests . ( the interests of the whole Earth )
CHECK 1. Correctingthemistakes! Example: The ecology is historyscience The ecology is biological/environmentalscience 2. Find 3 mistakesinthissummary and correctthem! Example: Ecologyrepresentslocal interests. (theinterests of thewholeEarth) The biologicaldiversity is thegreatestvalue of Economy. (Ecology ) Ecologyappliesplanningforshorttimee.g. 1 year. (…forlongtimee.g. 20 years)
CHECK 2. Choosingthecorrectsentence! Onesentence is correct/true. Whichone? Choosethecorrectsentence! Put√ (true) and X (false) CorrectthefalsesentencesExample: The ecology is a study of Economy X (environment/biology) Profit is thebiggestvalue of Ecology X (Economy) Ecologyrepresentstheinterests of thewholeEarth√ 3. Completethe text (thesentences)! Example: The ECOLOGY is a study of interactionbetweenthe………….. and thebioticfactors. (abioticfactors)
the definition of ECOLOGY ECOLOGY is: -Environmentalscience -Biologicalscience The SCIENCE of Humans and theEnvironment The SCIENCE of EnvironmentalProtection a STUDY of interactionsbetweenthelivingorganismsand theirenvironments a STUDY of interactionsbetweentheabiotic and bioticfactors a STUDY of alllivingorganismsintheEcosystems
the definition of „OIKOS”, HABITAT • OIKOS means: • -house, • - household, • -habitat • HABITAT means: • a livingarea of livingorganisms • - theoriginalplace (naturalplace) of livingorganisms
The tasks of Ecology • The task of ecology is conservation of: • -biologicaldiversity, • - alldifferentorganisms (plants, animals, fungus), • -thenaturalhabitat, • -thenaturalresources • RENEWABLE resourcesmeans: • Theycan be replacedbynature (e.g. wind, sunlight, water, geothermalenergy) • NON RENEWABLE resourcesmeans: • Theycannot be replaced (e.g. fossilenergy: oil, carbon)
The tasks of Ecology • The task of ecology is toreduce/topreventpollution • - POLLUTION can be causedbyindustry, transport, trade and agriculture • Someways of preventionare: • Wecanusealternativeforms of energy, • Wecanrecyclematerials, • Wecanusedecreasingamounts of energy and materials
The principles of Ecology • 1. Clean air, cleanwater, biologicaldiversityarethegreatestvalueforEcology • 2. Ecologyappliesplanningforlongtime (e.g. 20 years) • 3. Ecologyrepresentstheinterests of thewholeEarth
The principles of Economy • 1. Profit is thebiggestvalueforEconomy • 2. Economyappliesplanningforshorttime (e.g. 1 year) • 3. Economyrepresentsthe local interests
The principles of Environmental management • 1. Ifpreventioncost is high, thereis no profit. • 2. Ifpollutioncost is high, thereis no profit. • 3. Ifprevention and pollutioncostareoptimal, there is high profit
The subject of Ecology is theEcosystem • The ecosystem is: • -anopensystem, wherethere is a material and energywhichdriftsbetweenabioticandbioticfactors, • theinteractionsbetweenthelivingorganisms and theirenvironment • allorganisms and theirenvironment
the definition of Environmentalfactors (ecologicalfactors) The environmental/ecologicalfactorsaretheabioticfactors (nonlivingfactors) in an environment INDICATIONS OF ECOLOGICAL FACTORS meansthat: -theabioticfactorsdeterminebioticfactors, -theabioticfactorsdeterminewhocanlivethere. The livingorganismscan’tliveanywhere, anytime and inanyvolumeontheEarth.
the classificationtype of theabioticfactors is accordingto • thetype of effects(e.g. chemical, physical), • theeffectsonlivingorganism (e.g. theinteractionwithinone species, ortheinteractionbetweenspecies) • thequality of effects(e.g. independentlyeffectivefactor/subsistencefactor, orcollectivlyeffectivefactor/conditionerfactor, • thegeographicallocation(e.g. abioticfactorsinAquaticEcosystems, orabioticfactorsincontinental/terrestrialEcosystem
abioticfactors IN theTerrestrialecosystem • Moisture, • -Airfow, air pressure, • -Temperature, • -Soil, • -Rocks, • -Sunlight,
ABIOTIC FACTORS intheaquaticEcosystem • DissolvedOxygen • Mineralconcentration of water • Watertemperature • sunlight
Watercycle • Evaporationis: • theprocess, whentheoceans , and seasevaporate. • Transpirationis: • theprocess, whentheplantsgive out vapor. • Precipitationincludestherain and snow. • Runoff is theprocess, whentherainbecomesgroundwater. • Groundwater isthewaterinthesoil. • - theinteractionsbetweentheorganism and theirenvironment
Carbon cycle Photosynthesis is the process, when 6CO2 + 6 H2O becomes sugar (glucose) and 6O2 with the help of sunlight. Respiration is the process, when the living organisms give out O2. Combustion is a synonym of fire. Decomposition is the process, when the organic materials (e.g.plants, sewage sludge) disintegrate by metanogen bacteria and later become fossil fuels
NITROGEN CYCLE The biological nitrogenfixationmeans: thefixation of atmosphericnitrogenbysymbioticbacteria, and synthesis of amino-acids, whichbecome protein The decomposition of nitrogenbynitrifyingbacteria is theprocess, whentheorganicnitrogengraduallydisintegratesinto NO3
vertical axis: strengths of ecological factor and the response given to it horizontal axis: changing of ecological factor maximum minimum THE ECOLOGICAL TOLERANCE The ecologicaltolerancerepresentstheadaptation of livingorganismstochangeoftheenvironment Tolerance is theintervalbetweeenthe minimum and the maximum value, whenthelivingorganism is viable. Above maximum and under minimum valuethehabitat is lethal.
HIGH TOLERANCE Hightolerancemeans, whentheintervalbetween minimum and maximum value is large. The hightolerance species aregeneralistsorcosmopolitan, orEURIÖK, theyarewidespreadontheEarth (e.g.lake and seatrout)
LOW TOLERANCE Lowtolerancemeans, whentheintervalbetween minimum and maximum value is small. The lowtolerance species arespecialistsorindicators, or SZTENÖK (e.g. seacorals, mussels, lichens, perch)
ADAPTATION, MODIFICATION Adaptationmeans: changewitheffectonthegeneticinformation Modificationmeans:: changewithouteffectonthegenes .When the difference appearsonly inthephenotype(For example:plantgrows smaller in dry weather).
Adaptabilitytosunlight The highlighttolerantplantsare HELIOPHYTA The shadetolerantplantsare HETEROPHILIA The plantswhichcan be adaptedtotheshade is SCIOPHYTA The shortdayplantsget less than 12 hoursdaytime(e.g. tropicalzone) The longdayplantsget more than 12 hoursdaytime(e.g.temperatezone) The daytimeanimalsareactiveduringthedaytime. The nighttimeanimalsareactiveduringthenight (e.g.bats, owls)
Adaptability of livingorganisms to TEMPERATURE Heatdemandmeans: thetolerancetotemperature (hightoleranceor, lowtolerance) Permanent body temperaturemeans, thattherearelivingorganismswithconstanttemperature(mammals, birds). Changing body temperaturemeans: thattherearelivingorganismswithinconstantbodytemperature (e.g. reptiles, frogs, salamanders, insects)
Topreventloss of temperature Bergmann’s rule explainsthat: the ratio betweenthe body mass and the body surface is differentwith species wholiveindifferentclimaticzones. In case of close-relative species, species of larger body mass are found in colder climate zones. Animalswholiveincoldzoneshavesmallersurfacetopreventloss of temperature. (Aptenodytesforsteri): 100 cm, 30 kg (Spheniscusmendiculus): 50 cm, 2,5 kg 110X40cm= 4400cm2>> 30 kg > 50X20cm= 1000 cm2 2 kg 4 15
Topreventloss of temperature Allen’s rule: in case of close-relative species, those who live in colder climate have smallerears. The Allen’sruleclaimsthatanimalsinwormclimatehavelargeearstogiveoffheat (e.g. desertfox). The articfox has smallearstopreserveheat.
Topreventloss of temperatureThe adaptation of animals to the temperature Gloger’s rule: in case of close-relative species, colour is usually lighter in colder climate (e.g. ermine: white in winter and brown in summer (ability to change the colour as adaptation to the environment, mimicry!!!), Adaptation with fur and hair e.g. polar bear.
OzoneHole = Ozonedepletion OzoneHole = Ozonedepletionmeanstheaverageannualdecrease of theozoneconcentrationinthestratosphere. • Dobson-unit is themeasure unit of the • thickness of theozonelayer. 1 Dobson-unit is • 0,01 mm thicklayerat 1 bar atmospheric • pressureatthesurface of theEarth.
The stratosphericozonelayer • The ozonelayeris situated about 15 to 30 km above the earth's surface. • The Ozone protects the living organisms by absorbing harmful UVB (280 nm – 315nm) from the sun. • UV-B is dangerous, causes problems for photosynthesis, metabolism . UV-B causes mutate of cells, causes increase malignant/nonmalignant melanoma, and photo allergy. • The ozonelayer is being destroyedbyclorine-fluorine-carbon-hidrogens (CFC’s: freon) • Is very toxic, because the ozone prevents the absorption of O2 in the lungs. • Help the formation of tropospheric ozone if higher quantity of nitrogen-oxids and carbon-hidrogens are in the air
SMOG • Smog is a combination of variousgaseswithwatervapor and dust. • LONDON SMOG/SULPHUR SMOG/ WINTER SMOG: 2SO2+O2 ↔ 2SO3 • LA SMOG/ PHOTOCHEMICAL SMOG: • N2 +O2→2NO→+O2 →2NO2 • NO2+UV →NO+O • O+O2 →O3 • O3+HC →HCO3
WATER RESEOURCES • BOUND WATER RESEOURCES: Itcan be foundinminerals and rocks. • ACCESSIBLE WATER RESEOURCES INCLUDE: oceans and freshwater. • The freshwaterincludesglacier and deepwaterandsurfacewaterandvapor. • The surfacewaterincludeslakes, groundwater, streams, bigenewater.
Earth’sOcean • Stratifiedhorizontally: • Intertidalzone/Wetlands/ litoralregionmeans: landmeetswater, areacoveredwithwaterperiodically. • Neriticzone/orcontinentalshelfzonemeans: thedepth of water is fromsurface of oceanto 200 meters. The sunlight is high and nutrientsriche. The CoralReefs of neriticzone, wheredominatedbycoral. • Oceaniczone/pelagiczoneis awayfromshore , it is openwater. Stratifiedvertcally: • Photiczone/lightzone, wherethesunlight is high • Aphoticzone/little and zerolightzone • Benthiczone/abyssalzone/benthos/deep-seazone: In the benthos region there is no sunlight and nutrients aren’t rich.Food is detritus, thatfallsfromabove. Hydrothermalventshelpchemocinto-tropicorganisms.
WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS • HALOBITY: ion concentration, depends on the concentration and quality of oll ions of the water • Trophic index: the ability for producing organic material of the aquatic communities • Eutrophication:Excessive amounts of nitrates can cause too much algae growth. This lowers the dissolved oxygen levels when the algae die and decompose. • Saprobicwater: the intensity of decomposition of organic materialsbybacterias. The types of saprobicwaterare: oligosaprobic, mesosprobic, and polysaprobicwater. Intheoligosaprobicwatertheintensity of decompositionoforganicmaterials is small/low. The polysaprobicwater is marshor, swamp. • Toxicty: ability to damage an organismbymercury, cyanide, heavymetals , lead. • Dissolved Oxygen: levels change throughout the day based on water temperature and photosynthetic activity. Warm water contains less dissolved oxygen than cool water. • pH determinethequality ofwater. The wateris acidic or alkaline.
ADAPTATION TO THE WATER • aquaticplants, and animals (e.g.seaweeds, fishes) • marshplants (e.g.marigold/gólyahír,/ meadowbuttercup/réti boglárka) • plantswithmediumwaterdemand (e.g. trees) • droughttolerantplants (e.g. species of drygrasslands– chamomile) • animal’s species periodicallybindingtowater (e.g. salamander, amphibians) • terrestrialanimal species (e.g. butterflies)
THE SOILPROFILE • Litterlayer/ „A” layer • Leachinglayer/ „A” layer • Accumulation /aggregationlayer/ „B” layer • Soilformationlayer/ „C” layer • Complete and incomplete structured soils • (e.g.: saline soil : Alayer, limestone: Blayer)
RIZOSPHERE • Specific habitat is the rizosphere : environment formed by roots (microfloramacrofauna)
Biosphere’slevels • Subindividuallevels: molecularlevel, cellularlevel, tissuelevel, organlevel • Individualslevel is theorganismlevel (e.g. Flyingfox) • Supraindividuallevels: populationlevel, communitylevel, biomelevel, orecosystemlevel.
POPULATIONS • Population: all of the individuals of a species that live together in one place at one time. • Population is a group of individuals that live in the same place at the same time. • The structural fundamental unit of ecological processes is the population.
Characteristics of Populations • Populationsize, (growthrate):is a totalnumber of individualsinthepopulation • Population densityis the number of individuals per unit area. • Geographicdistributionthe area inhabited by a population • Dispersioninterprets how individuals in a population are distributed • Agestructure (sex ratio) informs about the number of individuals at different ages • Survivorshipcurvesinform aboutreproductivestrategy of populations
POPULATION GROWTH • Populationincreases: Natality + immigration • Populationdecreases: Mortality + emigration • 1. Number of births (natality) • 2. Number of deaths, mortalityfromdiseases, being eaten • 3. Immigration (in) - individuals entering an ecosystem, • 4. Emigration (out) - individualsleaving an ecosystem. • Growthrate - Positivegrowthrate= populationincrease, - Negative growth rate= population decrease.
CLOSED POPULATION • Reproductiverate: • r= births – deaths/N (populationsize) • These are populations in which individuals can NOT enter or leave. • Populations change because of births and deaths, e.g.: ZOO, FISHTANK
OPEN POPULATIONS • Thesearepopulationsaffectedbyall (4) factors: birth, death, immigration, emigration; e.g.: naturalecosystems
EXPONENTIAL GROWTH (J shapedgrowthcurve) • When the individuals in a population reproduce at constants rate, occurs under ideal conditions (no limits) . G = rN • G = the population growth rate • r = births-deaths/N (reproductive rate) • N = the population size
Logistic growth (S - shapedgrowthsigmoidcurve) • When limiting factors restrict the size of the population to the carrying capacity (K) of the habitat. G = rN(K-N/K) • G = the population growth rate • r = births-deaths/N (reproductive rate) • N = the population size K = Carrying capacity of an environment = is the maximum population size that an environment can support
REPRODUCTIVE STRATEGIES • R-selectedpopulations (r version) • manyoffspring , • littleparentalinvestment , • resultsexponentialgrowth , • usuallyhaveshort life, • environmentalconditions of theirhabitatsarevariable, • becomesexuallymaturewithin a shorttime, The number of individualsof R –strategist species canincreaseexplosion, iftheirenvironmentalconditionsareinvariable. It is calledgradation.
REPRODUCTIVE STRATEGIES • K-selectedpopulations (K version) • fewoffspring, • largeparentalinvestment, • logistic growth, • usuallyhavelong life, • environmentalconditions of theirhabitatsareconstant, • becomesexuallymaturelater, • theyincreaseslowly.
GRADATION • Concept of gradationmeans: The number of individuals can increase explosion. • latentphase, • introductionphase, • outbreak, • breakdown, • closingphase .
DENSITY of population • The DENSITY of population: is the total number of individuals per area or volume occupied. • Density dependent factors: • Competition for resources • Predation • The toxic effect of waste product • Population size • Parasitism • Disease • Densityindependentfactors: • Natural disasters, • Climate extremes, • Drought, • Frost, • Some human activities.
PredationLotka-Volterramodel • PredationLotka-Volterramodelexplore a populationdensity of prey and predatorthetimechangesas a function.
AGE STRUCTURE • AGE STRUCTURE: These are represent information about the number of population at different ages. 1. prereproductiveages, 2. reproductiveages, 3. postreproductiveages.