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Dynamic Allocation. Joe Meehean. Dynamic Allocation. Memory for local objects is automatically created and reclaimed memory is created for it at beginning of a function memory is reclaimed at the end of the function e.g., void func (){ int a = 7; if( a == 15 ){ a *= 2; } }
Dynamic Allocation Joe Meehean
Dynamic Allocation • Memory for local objects is automatically created and reclaimed • memory is created for it at beginning of a function • memory is reclaimed at the end of the function • e.g.,void func(){int a = 7; if( a == 15 ){ a *= 2; }} • It would be illegal to try to reference a (use its name) outside of the function func • What if we want objects that last longer?
Dynamic Allocation • C++ provides a separate block of memory for this purpose • called the heap or free store • objects allocated (created from) the heap last until they are deallocated (explicitly returned to the heap) • heap allocated objects do not have names • we access them through pointers • Allocating this memory is called dynamic allocation • accomplished using the new operator • type *pointer_name = new type; • e.g.,int *pInt = new int;double *pdbl = new double;
Dynamic Allocation 21 intaLocal = 21; int *pLocal = &aLocal; int *pHeap = new int; *pHeap = 34; aLocal pLocal 34 pHeap
Dynamic Allocation • Initializing dynamically allocated objects • must use direct-initialization • e.g.,int *pInt = new int(1024);double* pDbl = new double(3.14);
Dynamic Allocation • Deallocating heap objects • when we are done with an object we should return its memory to the heap • forgetting to deallocate heaps objects is called a memory leak • memory leaks cause programs to grow until they consume all of the machines memory and crash • delete operator • deallocates heap objects • delete pointer_name; • e.g.,int *pInt = new int(15);... delete pInt;
Dynamic Allocation • What happens to pInt after it’s object has be deallocated? • pIntbecomes undefined, it is no longer valid • pInt points to memory is no longer owns • called a dangling pointer • Cleaning up dangling pointers • dangling pointers cause all sorts of programming errors • ALWAYS set a pointer to 0 (or NULL) after deallocating • e.g.,int *pInt = new int(15);...delete pInt;pInt = NULL;
Dynamic Allocation • Calling delete on a zero-valued pointer is legal and safe • this is good in case you accidentally delete the same pointer twice • e.g.,int *pInt = new int(15);...delete pInt;pInt = NULL;...delete pInt;
Dynamic Allocation • Dynamic allocation and const • legal to dynamically create constant objects • must be initialized when its created • cannot be changed once initialized • e.g.,constint*pInt = new int(15); • const heap objects also must be deallocated • e.g.,delete pInt;
Dynamic Allocation • Common errors • Forgetting to delete dynamically allocated memory • causes memory leaks • Reading and writing to an object after it has been deleted • overwrites some other object’s memory • avoid by setting pointer to 0 after deleting • Deleting the same memory twice • two pointers may point at same heap object • deleting one pointer invalidates the other • calling delete on the other may corrupt the heap • big time bad news
Dynamic Allocation & Arrays • What if we don’t know how many elements we need in an array until after we start running? • e.g., read in unknown number of items • do not know correct size get number of items from user • e.g.,we want to make a variable size tic-tac-toe board • can be 3x3, 4x4, NxN • do not know until user write size on the console • “Enter Board Size: “
Dynamic Allocation & Arrays • Dynamic allocation of arrays solves this problem • heap can allocate memory at run time based on a variable size • type *array_name = new type[dimension] • returns a pointer to the first element in the array • e.g., int*pIntArray = new int[15]; • Must deallocate later • just like other dynamic allocations • syntax slightly different • delete [] array_name;
Dynamic Allocation & Arrays // ask user for input cout << "What is the largest prime to find?“; cout<< endl; // get user input size_tmax_prime; cin >> max_prime; max_prime++; // i'th entry stores whether number i is a prime bool*potential_prime = new bool[max_prime]; //run the sieve … // clean up the memory delete [] potential_prime;
Dynamic Allocation & Arrays • Dynamic allocation of multidimensional arrays • dynamically allocate an array • each element of 1st array stores pointers a row • row is a dynamically allocated array of columns 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Dynamic Allocation & Arrays • Dynamic allocation of multidimensional arrays int **matrix = new int*[rows]; for(inti = 0; i < rows; i++){ matrix[i] = new int[columns]; }
Dynamic Allocation & Arrays • Dynamic allocation of multidimensional arrays int count = 1; for(inti = 0; i < rows; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < columns; j++){ matrix[i][j]= count; count++; } } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Dynamic Allocation & Arrays • Dynamic allocation of multidimensional arrays • need to deallocate all dynamically allocated memory • deallocate each row • then, deallocate the array that stored row pointers for(inti = 0; i < rows; i++){ delete [] matrix[i]; } delete [] matrix;