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Holy orders. Jose Alcantar Miguel Jacome Jacob Torres Diego Vasquez Christian Virtucio. THE MINISTRY OF JESUS.
Holy orders Jose Alcantar Miguel Jacome Jacob Torres Diego Vasquez Christian Virtucio
THE MINISTRY OF JESUS • Holy Orders celebrates the ministry of Jesus as a priest, prophet, and servant leader. These three roles of Jesus have shaped the Catholic understanding of the ministry of all God’s people and of the ordained ministry in particular. • Jesus as a high priest comes from the New Testament. • The image of Jesus as the one true high priest offering himself in sacrifice on the cross was linked to Christians’ celebration of the Eucharistic meal. • Celebrating the Eucharist was the central expression of faith for Christians.
Continuation • A prophet is someone who unceasingly reminds people about God and God’s ways. • God’s word was revealed not only in Jesus’ spoken words, but also in the flesh and blood reality of his life. • Jesus flatly rejected the desire of many of his followers to make him a political or military ruler. • He didn’t trick, coerce, terrorize, or manipulate people in any way to get him to them to follow him. He treated them with compassion, and respect, forgave their sins, healed their wounds, and gave them nourishment for both body and soul.
THE CHURCH: A PRIESTLY PEOPLE • Priesthood of all believers means that every Christian can minister in a priestly role, a prophetic role, and a servant leader role.
ORDAINED MINISTERS: REPRESENTING CHRIST • Holy Orders congers on men a sacred power for the service of the faithful, a power for that comes to them from Christ through his church. • Apostolic succession – through this sacrament there are continuous link between the authority given the Apostles by Christ and the authority of validly ordained bishops through the ages. • Jesus chose men to be his Apostles. • The church is bound by Jesus’ choice to ordain only men and thus ordination of women is not possible.
THE FUNCTIONS OF THE ORDAINED • Bishops have the fullness of Holy Orders and are entrusted with these tasks: • 1.leading worship and sacraments (priestly function) • 2.teaching and applying the truth of the Gospel to their own times (prophetic function) • 3.pastoral governance (servant-leader function)
Continuation • Priests are coworkers with the bishop of their diocese, so they share with him and their fellow priests the responsibility for worship, teaching, and governing. • Deacons are directly connected with a bishop, whom they serve by helping him and his coworkers, the priests, to carry out their tasks.
CELIBACY: THE GIFT OF SELF TO GOD • Catholic priests and bishops are celibate and they don’t marry and pledge not to have intimate sexual relationships. • A man who is already married may be ordained to a permanent deacon, but a deacon who is single cannot marry.
SYMBOLIC ACTIONS AND WORDS:’ • The participation of the Christian community is the first action in receiving any sacrament • Lying on of hands is the main symbolic action in the sacrament of Holy Orders; the lying on of hands by the bishops symbolizes and brings about his empowerment by the Spirit
THREE ORDERS, THREE RITUALS • Bishops receive the Book of the Gospels, their head is anointed with sacred oil, and they are given a ring, which signifies marriage to the church • They also receive a miter (a type of hat symbolizing authority) and a shepherd’s staff of leadership style in Jesus, the good shepherd.
Continuation • Priests include clothing them in official vestments of the office, anointing their hands with oil, and presenting them with a paten, and a chalice holding the bread and wine, signs of their role in the Eucharist. • Deacons are also dressed in their vestments during the ordination ritual. They receive the Book of the Gospels, a symbol of the ministry of preaching that is part of a deacon’s official role in the church.
HOLY ORDERS’ HISTORY • Specific duties were to be fulfilled in the first century of the Christian community • It became common to appoint or elect either a person or a group to take the leadership role both in coordinating the various service activities of local communities and in presiding at the Eucharist • The second century to the sixth century, church leadership roles became more specialized. Ordination rites developed for each kind of ministry. • The role of the deacon was by and large absorbed into the functions of the presbyters.
Continuation • Bishops delegated more and more responsibility to priests in order to keep up with the growing number of church communities. • In the sixth century, bishops and priests became more set apart from the rest of the church community. • The influence of monastic life had a great deal to do with this distinction. • Early Christians felt drawn to living apart from society in cavers, the desert, or in an isolated community called monasteries.
Continuation • The Council of Trent set out to establish a more pious and better educated clergy than had existed during the Middle Ages. It decreed that seminaries were to be established in each diocese, and bishops were obliged to be residents of their own diocese
SINCE VATICAN COUNCIL II • Vatican Council II dated back to the early traditions of the church. • It renewed the church’s recognition that many facets of Christ’s priesthood are the shared responsibility of ordained persons and laypeople together. • Bishops, priests, and deacons were encouraged to work along with laypeople helping to provide for the spiritual needs of the community.
Continuation • Laymen and laywomen direct retreats, teach religion, serve as spiritual directors, and hold administrative positions in Catholic schools, parishes, and diocese. • Laypeople, (by the sacrament of Holy Orders) are empowered to teach, to preside at the sacraments, and to govern in the name of Jesus Christ.