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Florida Department of Education. STUDENT TRANSPORTATION REPORTING. Transportation Directors Meeting – February 10, 2011 Presenter: Ruth Jones Education Information & Accountability Services. Numbers (2009-10):. 1,024,906 = transported funded membership adjusted for term length
Florida Department of Education STUDENT TRANSPORTATION REPORTING Transportation Directors Meeting – February 10, 2011 Presenter: Ruth Jones Education Information & Accountability Services
Numbers (2009-10): • 1,024,906 = transported funded membership adjusted for term length • 83,908 = non-funded (ineligible) transported membership • 39,389 = students with disabilities • 37,142 = hazardous walking
Student Database • Surveys • Formats • Student Demographic Information • Student Transportation • Elements • Edits • Reports • Documentation: http://www.fldoe.org/eias/dataweb/default.asp
Transportation Calculations • First Calculation • Completed immediately after the annual legislative session • Based on district’s number of eligible students transported from: • July, preceding fiscal year; • October, preceding fiscal year; and • June, second preceding fiscal year.
Transportation Calculations • SecondCalculation • Completed after Survey 2 (end of state processing). Usually in December. • Based on: • July, current fiscal year; • October, current fiscal year; and • June, preceding fiscal year.
Transportation Calculations • Third Calculation • Completed after Survey 3 (end of state processing). Usually April. • Based on: • July, current fiscal year; • October, current fiscal year; • February, current fiscal year; and • June, preceding fiscal year.
Transportation Calculations • FinalCalculation • Completed after Survey 4 (final update). Usually November/December. • Based on: • July, current fiscal year; • October, current fiscal year; • February, current fiscal year; and • June, current fiscal year. • Prior Year Adjustments from audits are incorporated as they are received.
Why is it important to get the data right the first time? • Your funding will be correct. • Other districts’ funding will be correct. • You will not have to waste time and resources correcting prior data. • Legislature wants to see accurate data. • Once data systems are rolled-over to the new year it is harder to update records.
Elements • Student Number Identifier, Florida • District Numbers – Service and Enrollment • Year-Round/Extended School Year FTE Indicator • Days in Term (For FTE Purposes) • Transportation Membership Category • Vehicle Category • Bus Number • Bus Route Number • Hazardous Walking
When should Year-Round/Extended School Year FTE Indicator be coded ‘A’ or ‘B’? • Code ‘A’ is used only for schools on a year-round schedule. Most districts have no year-round schools. • Code ‘B’ is never appropriate for school transportation funding, only for FEFP funding. • Most districts should code all students ‘Z’.
Is Days in Term (for FTE Purposes) always 90 days? • No. During the regular school year, for example, a student who needs center to center transportation only one day a week would be reported with 18 days (90 day term divided by 5). • No. During summer periods report the scheduled days students are required to attend for each reporting period (surveys 1 and 4).
Who is eligible for Students with Disabilities Weighted Funding ? • Students with disabilities whose IEP specifies that at least one of the following criteria applies to the student. • Medical equipment required. • Special transportation environment required by a medical condition. • Aide or monitor necessary due to disability and need of student. • Shortened day required. • School assigned is located in an out-of-district school system.
What kind of medical equipment meets this requirement? • Medical equipment is defined as: • wheelchair, • crutches, • walker, • cane, • tracheotomy equipment, and • positioning or unique seating devices.
How do I know about an environmental change needed for a medical condition? • A physician’s prescription is required for medical conditions that require a special transportation environment (for instance, tinted windows, dust-controlled atmosphere, or temperature control).
Does a student with a disability get weighted funding if transported in a private vehicle? • Eligible students transported by private vehicles and eligible students for whom the district pays fares are treated as any other transported students.
How can I verify that I have the correct number of students with disabilities with weighted funding? • To verify the KG-12 students, use report F70806 - Transportation Membership Category ‘A’. This report lists students with a transportation membership code of ‘A’, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) - Weighted.
Who is categorized as a student with disabilities eligible for unweighted funding? • A student with a disability who does not qualify for weighted funding and meets one of the following: • Is in Grades KG-12 and • Lives less than two miles from school and • Has a disability other than SLD, SI and LI or has an IEP specifying that transportation services are required. • Is in Prekindergarten. • Is transported from one school center to another center or non-center as specified in the IEP.
Which Prekindergarten students are eligible for transportation funding? • Prekindergarten students with disabilities under Rule 6A-6.03026, FAC, regardless of distance (may be weighted or unweighted). • Prekindergarten age children of student parents enrolled in a Teenage Parent Program under s.1003.54, F.S. • Ineligible programs include: Prekindergarten Title I, Prekindergarten Migrant Programs, Early Intervention, Head Start, VPK, and Readiness Coalition programs.
Hazardous Walking • If Transportation Membership Category is ‘G’ (Hazardous Walking-Elementary) there must be a hazardous walking code that is found on the Department’s Hazardous Walking file. • Districts can access a file of the codes at North West Regional Data Center (NWRDC) — DPS.DISTRICT.GQ.F70881.Yyyyys
What are the dates for finalizing the hazardous walking database? • Update the Department’s hazardous walking database no later than the end of each survey week. • For 2010-11: July 16, 2010 October 15, 2010 February 11, 2011 June 17, 2011
How do I know if I submitted a student with an incorrect hazardous walking code? • Match your records against the file available from NWRDC (F70881) before sending it to the DOE. • After sending the records to DOE, look at the edit report (F70500) that indicates which records were rejected and the reason for the rejection. • Look at report F63504 - a count of students whose Transportation Membership Category is ‘G’. Verify it against expected numbers.
Student Demographic Records • A Student Demographic record must be reported for each Student Transportation record. • These records must match on the following fields: • District Number, Current Enrollment • Student Number Identifier, Florida • Survey Period • Year • Auditors use the demographic records to get students' names.
My district transports some students to another district for instruction and does not have all the Student Demographic information required. What should I do? • For these students, the matching demographic record comes from the other district. Your district submits only the Student Transportation record.
Why do I have so many students with no matching Student Demographic Records? • The Student Number Identifier, Florida was not used on the Student Transportation record. • The Student Number Identifier, Local was used. • An old Student Number Identifier, Florida was used. • The student’s enrollment district did not use the same Student Number Identifier, Florida as you did. • The Student Demographic record was submitted late.
How can I find out which students do not have matching Student Demographic records? • Use report F71026 - Students Without A Matching Demographic Record. This report provides a list of students who do not have a demographic record. • Use report F70526. This report lists all records with one or more validation edit errors. Having no matching demographic record is error number 50.
Average Bus Occupancy (ABO) • The transportation funding formula rewards efficiency by using a factor that is based upon the average number of eligible students transported per bus • This encourages greater bus utilization
Reports show more buses than I have. How can I find the reporting mistake? • Use the following two reports and look for buses with only one or two students. Verify each bus number on the report. • Counts of Students Transported on each Bus (F70808) - a count of students on each bus. • Names of Students Transported on each Bus (F70810) - a list of names of students on each bus.
What reports show the numbers used in the transportation calculation for my district? • The following reports can be requested to show these numbers. • F70092 - FEFP Transportation - a summary of all eligible students transported, by vehicle type and membership category. • F63499- FEFP Transportation - a summary of all students by membership category by survey for the year. • F70755 - Transportation Calculation Comparison - a comparison of current and previous calculations in four areas. • F63498 - Prior Year Amendment Comparison- a comparison of the amended and final counts for each survey period and the total count for the school year.
Who should I notify if a summer school session takes place outside the regularly scheduled survey week window? • A separate survey week must be established to cover these students. • The middle day or middle week of the summer period should be used as the basis for establishment of the survey week. • This effort must be coordinated with the district FTE administrator so that the same survey week is established for both FTE and Transportation reporting. • The Department of Education does not need to be notified but you should keep documentation for audit purposes.
If Friday, July 1 is the only day of summer session scheduled for survey 1, can I report that day with survey 4 data? • No. Whenever the summer session crosses two fiscal years (as in the example above), students must be reported in two separate surveys, one for June and one for July, with different term lengths, as applicable to the portion of the summer school session that takes place in each month. • A separate count of students must take place for the July day.
References • Sections 1006.21 – 1006.27, F.S. • Section 1011.68, F.S. (Funding) • Rule Chapter 6A-3 • Student Transportation General Instructions (http://www.fldoe.org/fefp/pdf/1011TransIns.pdf) • Student Information System documentation (http://www.fldoe.org/eias/dataweb/default.asp)
Student Transportation Data Reporting Contacts Tsung-Yuan Lin or Ruth Jones Education Information & Accountability Services(850) 245-0400tsung-yuan.lin@fldoe.org ruth.jones@fldoe.org