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Pursuing Excellence: Keys to Success and Innovation

Discover the principles of excellence in business and innovation with insights from Tom Peters' teachings. Learn about the importance of embracing change and fostering creativity to achieve excellence in diverse environments. Explore how diversity and collaboration drive innovation and success in the modern world.

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Pursuing Excellence: Keys to Success and Innovation

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  1. NEW ZEALAND 2007

  2. Ho hum: 2+ weeks in New Zealand …PfizerFordGapChryslerYahoomicrosoftwal*mart??????

  3. “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”—Charles Darwin

  4. LONGTom Peters’ X25*EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS.Great Lakes Broadcasting ConferenceLansing/0314.2007*In Search of Excellence 1982-2007

  5. Slides at …tompeters.com

  6. EXCELL-ENCE????

  7. “I am often asked by would-be entrepreneurs seeking escape from life within huge corporate structures, ‘How do I build a small firm for myself?’ The answer seems obvious:Buy a very large one and just wait.”—Paul Ormerod, Why Most Things Fail: Evolution, Extinction and Economics


  9. Excellence1982: The Bedrock “Eight Basics” 1. A Bias for Action 2. Close to the Customer 3. Autonomy and Entrepreneurship 4. Productivity Through People 5. Hands On, Value-Driven 6. Stick to the Knitting 7. Simple Form, Lean Staff 8. Simultaneous Loose-Tight Properties


  11. “Why in the world did you go to Siberia?”

  12. SynonymsPurityTranscendenceVirtueEleganceMajestyAntonymsMediocritySynonymsPurityTranscendenceVirtueEleganceMajestyAntonymsMediocrity

  13. The Peters Principles: Enthusiasm. Emotion. Excellence. Energy. Excitement. Service. Growth. Creativity. Imagination. Vitality. Joy. Surprise. Independence. Spirit. Community. Limitless human potential. Diversity. Profit. Innovation. Design. Quality. Entrepreneurialism. Wow.

  14. Enterprise* ** (*at its best):An emotional, vital, innovative, joyful, creative, entrepreneurial endeavor that elicits maximum concerted human potential in the wholehearted service of others.*****Excellence. Always.***Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Communities, Owners, Temporary partners


  16. We become who we hang out with 1

  17. Measure “Strangeness”/Portfolio QualityStaffConsultantsVendorsOut-sourcing Partners (#, Quality)Innovation Alliance PartnersCustomersCompetitors (who we “benchmark” against)Strategic Initiatives Product Portfolio (LineEx v. Leap)IS/IT ProjectsHQ LocationLunch MatesLanguageBoard

  18. Why Do I love Freaks? (1) Because when Anything Interesting happens … it was a freak who did it. (Period.) (2) Freaks are fun. (Freaks are also a pain.) (Freaks are never boring.) (3) We need freaks. Especially in freaky times. (Hint: These are freaky times, for you & me & the CIA & the Army & Avon.) (4) A critical mass of freaks-in-our-midstautomatically make us-who-are-not-so-freaky at least somewhat more freaky. (Which is a Good Thing in freaky times—see immediately above.) (5) Freaks are the only (ONLY) ones who succeed—as in, make it into the history books. (6) Freaks keep us from falling into ruts. (If we listen to them.) (We seldom listen to them.) (Which is why most organizations are in ruts. Make that chasms.)

  19. “Normal” = “o for 800”

  20. “The Bottleneck Is at the Top of the Bottle”“Where are you likely to find people with the least diversity of experience, the largest investment in the past, and the greatest reverence for industry dogma:Atthetop!”— Gary Hamel/Harvard Business Review

  21. “Diverse groups of problem solvers—groups of people with diverse tools—consistently outperformed groups of the best and the brightest. If I formed two groups, one random (and therefore diverse) and one consisting of the best individual performers, the first group almost always did better. … Diversitytrumped ability.”—Scott Page, The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies Diversity

  22. We become who we hang out with 2

  23. WhackyWikiWorldWow

  24. Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything —Don Tapscott & Anthony Williams

  25. “The Billion-man Research Team: Companies offering work to online communities are reaping the benefits of ‘crowdsourcing.’”—Headline, FT, 0110.07

  26. WikinomicsWikiWorldWeapons of Mass collaborationCrowdSourcingsmart mobsLinuxHuman genomw projectInnoCentiveYouTubeSecond LifeWikipediaMyspace

  27. try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Screw it up. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Screw it up. it. Try it. Try it. try it. Try it.Screw it up. Try it. Try it. Try it.

  28. do things.

  29. “We have a ‘strategic plan.’ It’s called doing things.”— Herb Kelleher

  30. drill.

  31. “This is so simple it sounds stupid, but it is amazing how few oil people really understand that you only find oil if you drill wells.You may think you’re finding it when you’re drawing maps and studying logs, but you have to drill.” Source: The Hunters, by John Masters, Canadian O & G wildcatter

  32. try things.

  33. “We made mistakes, of course. Most of them were omissions we didn’t think of when we initially wrote the software. We fixed them by doing it over and over, again and again. We do the same today. While our competitors are still sucking their thumbs trying to make the design perfect, we’re already on prototype version#5.By the time our rivals are ready with wires and screws, we are on version #10.It gets back to planning versus acting: We act from day one; others plan how toplan—for months.”—Bloomberg by Bloomberg

  34. Screw. things.Up.

  35. “FAIL, FAIL AGAIN. FAIL BETTER.”—Samuel Beckett

  36. “Fail . Forward. Fast.”High Tech CEO, Pennsylvania

  37. Sam’s Secret #1!

  38. “Rewardexcellent failures. Punishmediocre successes.”Phil Daniels, Sydney exec

  39. try.Miss.try.

  40. READY.FIRE!AIM.Ross Perot (vs “Aim! Aim! Aim!”/EDS vs GM/1985)

  41. No try. No deal.

  42. “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.”—WayneGretzky

  43. EXCELLENCE. 4/40.

  44. 4/40

  45. De-cent-ral-iz-a-tion!

  46. “If it feels painful and scary—that’s real delegation”—Caspian Woods, small biz owner

  47. “Best practice” = ZERO Standard Deviation

  48. Ex-e-cu-tion!

  49. “Execution is the jobof the businessleader.”—Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan/ Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done

  50. “Execution isasystematic processof rigorously discussing hows and whats, tenaciously following through, and ensuring accountability.”—Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan/ Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done

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