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Cleaning up the Waters of the World. Change Oil Spill Response Global Alliance. Joining Forces-Strategic Brilliance can WIN any Battle. Panel Presenter: Ms. Diane Wagenbrenner Vice President Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization. The Clean Water Act -Refresher.
Change Oil Spill Response Global Alliance Joining Forces-Strategic Brilliance can WIN any Battle
Panel Presenter: Ms. Diane Wagenbrenner Vice President Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization
The Clean Water Act -Refresher • The CWA establishes “it is the national policy that the discharge of toxic pollutants in toxic amounts be prohibited” • Toxic pollutant defined: Toxic pollutants, a subset of hazardous substances, include pollutants that “after discharge and upon exposure, ingestion, or inhalation … [by] any organism” will “cause death, disease, behavioral abnormalities, cancer, genetic mutations, physiological malfunctions, … or physical deformations in such organisms or their offspring” (33 U.S.C.A. § 1362).
The Clean Water Act-Refresher • Dispersants (Corexit 9527, 9500, etc.) contain toxic pollutants, which were applied in toxic amounts in the Gulf of Mexico (and EVOS) adversely affected human health and marine life. • The CWA and subsequent regulations (OPA 90 and 40 CFR) call for the design of plans and actions that result in the REMOVAL of hazardous waste and toxic pollutants from the environment. • Dispersants do not REMOVE oil from the environment.
10-25% Removed Isn’t Good Enough • Exxon Valdez-1989 – 2014 Still not removed. • Despite the extensive cleanup attempts, less than ten percent of the oil was recovered • A later NOAA Report as of 2010 there were an estimated 23,000 US gallons of Valdez crude oil still in Alaska's sand and soil, breaking down at a rate estimated at less than 4% per year. • Same is true in the Gulf of Mexico, Nigeria, Middle East and most oil producing/spilling countries in the world. Spills don’t get cleaned up!
The Buck Stops with State and Federal Agencies Fact: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) NOAA and other responsible agencies have done nothing to stop the use of dispersants. These agencies continue to justify and defend inadequate and destructive “cleanup” methods. They say these agents are hardly ever used, but they should not be used at all!
Think in Solutions REPLACE CHEMICAL DISPERSANTS! With Safe, Non-Toxic and Effective Technology A New Idea to Some ---- Complete Environmental Restoration Technology must exceed the incredibly advanced drilling and extraction technology or life on earth as we know it will end. What Course of Action Makes the Most Sense?
LAEO and Alliance – Effective Action Since our 2013 Conference the Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization and Change Oil Spill Response Global Alliance made major progress on our campaign to Change Oil Spill response and abolish the use of chemical dispersants.
Our Actions—Adding Up • FOIA request and legal pressure holding ARRT accountable for Tribal Inclusion etc. • Investigative Report and Analysis compiled and sent to key Senators resulting in congressional pressure on responsible agencies. • Investigative Report and Science-based documentation produced covering chemical dispersant replacement solutions. • Expanded educational & information campaigns
LAEO and Alliance – Effective Action • LAEO Science and Technology Committee is now directly engaged in a project with qualified scientists to update EPA science guidance on effective bioremediation solutions that can be used in place of toxic chemicals to clean up a spill. • LAEO continues to publicize and expose ineffective oil spill clean ups and the dangers of chemical dispersants, and presenting scientific facts on major media channels.
Published Science--Publicized New Science Paper Coming Out – Human Health Impacts
The U.S. is Behind the Rest of the World! • We are actively monitoring and seeing to it that effective clean-up technology is used—some major headway in: • Australia – Dispersants Banned, Alternative technologies adopted and certified. • Nigeria-150,000 gallon spill, 100% cleaned up • Safe and Effective Alternatives replacing chemical dispersants in: • Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern Oil producing countries • Netherlands • Canada • Philippines • Mexico
How to Take Effective Action • There is an entrance point for cooperative action and INCLUSION. The US taking the Chairmanship of the Arctic Council is an opportunity we must take participate in. • LAEO has compiled clear cut strategic steps to improving the state of our oceans and waters. • Example: Nigeria 50 years of environmental devastation now has hope of being reversed! Oil companies, government agencies, communities all jumping on-board. • The potential for financial loss and endless damage claims since the BP Oil spill is now too great a risk – hence the likes of Shell, Exxon and BP can’t ignore their spills and environmental destructive acts any longer • This won’t be fixed overnight.
HOW DO WE GET THE WATER RIGHTS ADVOCACY JOB DONE • In any major battle or war there are multiple actions on different flanks in a campaign. • Tribal Governments, Environmental and Advocacy Groups, Government Agencies and Industry members all play a role. ---- • LAEO has been doggedly pursuing a course towards finding non-destructive solutions for cleaning up oil spills. • I wanted to share some tidbits of what we have found to be successful in this crusade: REASON--ONE OF OUR BEST WEAPONS We employ REASON as a weapon along with strategic communications and information campaigns.
Define Reason What is REASON? (American Heritage Dictionary) --Def: A statement or fact that justifies or explains an action, decision or belief. The use of chemical dispersants is not justifiable! --Def: The ability to think, understand and make decisions logically and sensibly, intelligence. Our Environmental Protection Officials and Industry stakeholders have lost their ability to think and make decisions logically on this subject. It appears that some have become incapable of REASONING on in this area! WHY?
Using Reason as a Weapon Another definition is: “The rehabilitation of a person’s self-determinism is the rehabilitation of his ability to reason.” Stuck in a system that forces crazy behavior and illogical actions long enough, and one ends up in this weird mental condition. Telling bureaucrats how bad and wrong they are, well that will end up shutting the door in your face for good. Wars, Conflicts, Loud Protests may get attention but it doesn’t accomplish reason= self-determinism and understanding of the facts is the ultimate weapon. (This doesn’t mean that protest and large demonstrations and public outcry doesn’t have its place in the battle. )
Using Reason as a Weapon Have your ever tried to REASON with an angry man? How about a drunk or an upset person? Think of a time you tried to convince someone to behave differently when you used an antagonistic tone. Did they respond in cooperation? REACTINGisn’t effective PERSISTING on a sensible strategic course is effective.
Using Reason as a Weapon Our chosen course of action is through REASON-presentation of facts and employing effective communications strategy for capturing attention, educating, persuading others to LOOK and understand. One doesn’t have the listening ear of an angry man…so how do you get opposing forces to listen and act??? One by one, contacting, enlightening and actually getting those powers, who can really do something to change conditions--- to do so. Get them VESTEDinto forwarding the better course.
Stay on Course! So what do we do about the fact that Chemical Dispersants are entrenched into the Alaska and United States Response Plan? Stay on our determined Course!! • More Tribal Resolutions • Inclusion and Participation-Tribal Emergency Management and Response Teams • Tribal/Stakeholder Science and Technology Engagement • Don’t deal the the STOPPERS, the Angry people, deal with the people who are GOOD. There are many more good people than bad. • Many groups and organizations are doing great work, help them. • Engage in legally addressing the regulations as well as scientifically challenging this issue with more and more FACTS. FACTS that support abolishing these chemicals!
How will we Win? Reason and Persistence! And it WILL happen--just like when superstitions and nonsense finally ended in a global consensus that the world is truly round--not flat!
LAEO & Alliance Future Plans • LAEO is presently establishing an Environmental Solutions Institute with current priorities: • Arctic Council Science and Technology Research Team • Conducting oil spill response professionals’ training program – re-educating on safer/more effective environmental solutions. • Ocean’s Are Broken Campaign – Motion Picture • Publishing Science based solutions research papers-independent & uncolored. • Continue Lawrence Anthony’s Unique Conservation work to save endanger species in our Oceans and Continents. • Insist upon INCLUSION, consider American and all Natives throughout the world as participating, indispensable and vital resources for teaching man to respect all life as inter-connected and dependent—understand that mankind will not survive if these traditions are abandoned.
Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization Re-Education & Resources Website
Change Oil Spill Response Global Alliance www.protectmarinelifenow.org or www.changeoilspillresponse.org
LAEO Thanks You for Your Work and Partnership with the Global Alliance! • If you have questions or would like to partner with the Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization contact me: diane@theearthorganization.org