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Project 2001 Plus “Current Issues in the Registration of Space Objects” Workshop Berlin, 20/21 January 2005. Conclusions. Session 1: Introduction. UN Register is the main source of information provided by governments and Int. Organisations on all types of space objects
Project 2001 Plus“Current Issues in the Registration of Space Objects” Workshop Berlin, 20/21 January 2005 Conclusions
Session 1: Introduction • UN Register is the main source of information provided by governments and Int. Organisations on all types of space objects • all states involved in launch or operation of space objects should become party to RegConv (acsession states to ESA and EU) • Harmonisation of information provided would assist the function of the Register (e.g. use COSPAR international designator, use GMT/UTC, Web-link to official information on space object, etc.) • National registration is equally necessary and important • unify formats used by states/ clarification and coordination needed • All data contained in the international register appears on the national register (e.g. Art. IV as „minimum-standard“ to gather information necessary for international registration) • Practice of international satellite organisations needs further clarification • Practice with regard to „procurement“ needs further clarification
Session 2: Policy Issues • disparity exists in format and content of information provided between parties registering space objects • examples of NL, UK show special ways of interpretating the RegConv • several issues identified that need to be considered • interpretation of „procurement“, Art. I lit. a RegConv, with regard to space objects launched by private entities • relevance of the concept of in-orbit delivery/ transfer of ownership for identification of the state responsible for registration • Member States should study their respective national practises to identify possible areas of inprovement an harmonisation
Session 3: Specific Issues • Change of ownership in space and state of registry is a relevant issue • Related to the problem of interpretating the term „procurement“ • Clarification of relevance for tranfer in orbit • little reliability of UN Register for industry needs (cross check with other sources e.g. ITU) • Role of „inter-party agreements“ re. Art. II (2) RegConv • Agreements necessary in case of two or more LS to determine State of registry • guidelines necessary to garanty unified approach – framework agreement? • different needs of information on registration of launcher and payload • Concept of „launching state“ in particular of the term „procurement“ has to be considered in this context • Term space object needs clarification (e.g. functional/non-functional objects) • Adherence of IGOs (expectation at least to follow UN Res. 1721 B)
Session 4: Future Issues • relationship between the UN Register provided by OOSA and the catalogues provided by COSPAR and ITU • different objectives, different registration requirements • useful link could be established through the UN register by OOSA • Space traffic management needed to guarantee safe interference-free access into outer space, operations in outer space and return from earth to outer space • improvement of the RegConv in a substantial way needed for developing comprehensive system for space traffic management • Development of pre-launch notification system (building on the Hague Code of Conduct)