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Interplay of Tacit and Explicit Knowledge in Requirements Engineering. Marite Kirikova Riga Technical University LATVIA. What is knowledge. Lock (1632-1704):
Interplay of Tacit and Explicit Knowledge in Requirements Engineering Marite Kirikova Riga Technical University LATVIA SoMeT 2004
What is knowledge Lock (1632-1704): “Knowledge then seems to me to be nothing but perception of the connexion of an agreement, or disagreement and repugnancy of any of our ideas” H. Davenport and L. Prusak [5]: “Knowledge is a fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, expert insight and grounded intuition that provides an environment and framework for evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information. It originates and is applied in the minds of knowers. In organization it often becomes embedded not only in documents or repositories but also in organizational routines, processes, practices, and norms.” Sidmae: “Knowledge consists of dynamic functional structures. It comprises the unity of three following aspects: first, understanding of the reality, second, attitude to the reality, and, third, corresponding reaction.” SoMeT 2004
Main emphasis on the following aspects: • Systemic nature of knowledge • Dynamic development of knowledge • Ownership of knowledge SoMeT 2004
Addressing tacit knowledge in ISD methodologies by Fiona M. Murphy & Dr. Larry Stapleton, presented at ISD’04,reprinted by permission SoMeT 2004
Motivation • Shall we consider potential availability of different types of knowledge and possibilities of its growth when choosing SE approaches? The hottest point – requirements! • How interplay of tacit and explicit knowledge influences capability of the methodology? SoMeT 2004
Approaches Under the Analysis • Use Cases based approach • Enterprise Model based approach • Agile approach SoMeT 2004
Object Model Use Cases based approach (simplified) Knowledge integration Use cases Interviews SoMeT 2004
Object Model Business rules Business Process Model Actors ... Interviews or group work Enterprise Model based approach (simplified) SoMeT 2004
Agile approach (simplified) Interviews or group work SoMeT 2004
Knowledge domains Knowledge about the enterprise Knowledge about the the application Knowledge about the design Knowledge possesors Use Cases based approach User Analyst Designer EM based approach Planner Owner Designer Agile approach Stakeholder Designer SoMeT 2004
Knowledge types Tacit Explicit Shallow Deep Pieces Models System Knowledge features Consistency Individual Shared Formal Completeness Intuitive Formal SoMeT 2004
Externalisation Combination Internalisation Socialisation Explicit knowledge Explicit knowledge Tacit knowledge Transfer of tacit Transfer of explicit Transfer of explicit Transfer of tacit models system pieces knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge Transformation of Transformation of Transformation of Transformation of explicit knowledge explicit knowledge tacit knowledge tacit knowledge Design Implementation Analysis Transfer of explicit knowledge Transfer of explicit knowledge Transfer of tacit knowledge Transformation of explicit knowledge Transformation of explicit knowledge Transformation of tacit knowledge Knowledge elicitation Knowledge analysis Knowledge interpretation Knowledge acquisition Learning Knowledge Processes and Related Concepts SoMeT 2004
Socialisation User and Analyst Enterprise and application knowledge pieces Information about Externalisation the enterprise User and Analyst Enterprise knowledge models Enterprise knowledge Application knowledge models models Internalisation Use Cases Application knowledge Designer models Enterprise and applicatoin knowledge + designers design knowledge Combination Designer Design knowledge system Design model Use Cases Based Approach SoMeT 2004
Knowledge Enterprise Knowledge transfer (Enterprise – Application) Application Knowledge transfer (Application - Design) Design T A C I T Shallow Pieces U A d U U A d D D Models U A d U U A d D D System (U) (A) (d) (D) (D) D Detailed Pieces U A U U A d (D) D Models U A U U A d D D System (U) (D) D D E X P LI C IT Shallow Pieces N/a N/a Models System Detailed Pieces Models System Consistency check Individual + + + Shared Partly Partly - Formal - - Possible Completeness Intuitive Intuitive and use cases based Intuitive Formal Use Cases Based Approach SoMeT 2004
EM Based Approach Application model Application knowledge system Application details Design model Application knowledge C Design details system Projection Design knowledge CASE tool system B Enterprise and design Enterprise knowledge system knowledge Internalisation system Enterprise model Designer Design knowledge Organised constituents Socialisation Enterprise model of the enterprise model Planner AND Owner Combination AND Designer AND Internalisation Planner AND Owner Facilitator Planner AND Owner AND Facilitator New Constituents of To be enterprise models enterprise the enterprise knowledge model Externalisation A To be enterprise and Planner AND Owner software knowledge Externalisation AND Designer Socialisation Planner AND Owner Planner AND Owner AND Facilitator Enterprise knowledge pieces New enterprise knowledge SoMeT 2004
Knowledge Enterprise Knowledge transfer (Enterprise – Application) Application Knowledge transfer (Application - Design) Design T A C I T Shallow Pieces P O d P O D P O D Models P O d P O D D System P O (d) P O D D Detailed Pieces P O P O D D Models P O P O D D System (P) (O) (D) (D) E X P LI C IT Shallow Pieces Models System Detailed Pieces Models System Consistency check Individual + + + Shared + + + Formal + + + Relative completeness Intuitive Formal Intuitive Formal Intuitive Formal EM Based Approach SoMeT 2004
Socalisation Socalisation Stakeholder AND Application knowledge Stakeholder AND Developer Developer Knowledge pieces on Knowledge pieces on broad range of issues broad range of issues Externalisation Externalisation Stakeholder and Stakeholder and More detailed application Developer Developer knowledge Initial requirements Detailed Shallow enterprise Shallow enterprise model requirements model and application and application models models Combination Combination Developer Developer Shallow or detailed Detailed design model design model Internalisation Initial design model Internalisation Stakeholder AND Stakeholder AND Developer Shallow design Implementation Developer Real software product model Developer Agile Approach SoMeT 2004
Knowledge Enterprise Knowledge transfer (Enterprise – Application) Application Knowledge transfer (Application - Design) Design T A C I T Shallow Pieces S D S D S D D D Models S D S D S D D D System S D S D S D D D Detailed Pieces S D S D S D D D Models S D S D S D D D System (S) (D) (S) (D) (S) (D) (D) (D) E X P LI C IT Shallow Pieces Models System Detailed Pieces Models System Consistency check Individual + + + Shared + + + Formal - - - Relative completeness Supported by S involvement Supported by S involvement Intuitive Formal Agile Approach SoMeT 2004
How does the approaches look from the point of view of knowledge?How capable are they?Let us look at potential knowledge growth patterns... SoMeT 2004
Diversity of views Enterprise model based Agile Use-case based Size of project knowledge system (tacit+explicit) Depth of knowledge SoMeT 2004
Conclusions: Capability of approaches • Traditional use-cases based approach is most suitable for middle sized, projects where as-is rather than to-be enterprise system is to be supported by new software applications • Enterprise model based approach is suitable for large size systems with a potential explicit knowledge reuse. It can be used for as-is enterprises as well as for to-be enterprises, and can handle frequent changes in requirements • Agile approach is suitable for small and middle-sized projects, it can handle frequent changes, and is useful for both as-is enterprise applications and to-be enterprise applications SoMeT 2004
Answers to the stated questions • Shall we consider potential availability of different types of knowledge and possibilities of its growth when choosing SE approaches? YES • How interplay of tacit and explicit knowledge influences capability of the methodology? • Natural flow of knowledge creation • Both tacit and explicit systems knowledge • Transfer of both tacit and explicit knowledge • Appropriate depth of both tacit and explicit knowledge SoMeT 2004
Future work • Analysis of knowledge processes and respectively potential capabilities of other approaches such as: • Components based development • Patterns based development • Natural language based development • Adoption of ERP systems • Etc. SoMeT 2004