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This training provides information on the goal-setting policy for adult education programs. Participants will learn how to effectively set and achieve short- and long-term goals, improve program performance, and understand the impact on the Adult Learning Plan and the Michigan Adult Education Reporting System.
It must be borne in mind that the tragedy of life does not live in not reaching your goal. The tragedy of live is having no goal to reach. Benjamin E. Mays
Workforce Development AgencyOffice of Adult EducationGOAL SETTING POLICY(Effective July 1, 2011)
TRAINING INFORMATION • Welcome and Introductions • Objectives • Why Now • Goal Selection • Collaborative Goal Setting Process Between the Participant and the Local Program Staff • Identifying Attainable Short-and Long-Term Goals • Employment and/or Postsecondary Goals (as applicable) • Participant Goals • Impact on Adult Learning Plan • Impact on Michigan Adult Education Reporting System • Q&A
OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this training info, participants will… • Implement the 2011-12 goal setting policy requirements • Establish an effective goal-setting process for participants to effectively set and achieve numerous short- and long-term goals which are realistic, while improving program performance • Be aware of short-term goals vs long-term goals and the effectiveness of incremental goals • Be aware of impact on the Adult Learning Plan and the Michigan Adult Education Reporting System
Goals are dreams with deadlines. Diana Scharf Hunt
Why Now Formal document linking goals and data under a written policy. Allows for more flexibility, participant centered planning, and multiple pathways for success. Allows more opportunities to demonstrate participant and program achievement. Supports concept of participant transition
GOAL SELECTION • Goals should be selected that are appropriate to the educational level of the participant at program entry • Goals should align with the participant’s program(s) of enrollment • Local programs cannot discourage participants from selecting goals that require follow up • Local programs must provide educational services to a participant as determined by their assessment test at program entry. • Goal setting policy aligns with latest DELEG Assessment Policy effective July 1, 2011
A goal without a plan is just a wish. Larry Elder
COLLABORATIVE GOAL SETTING PROCESS • Goal selection is a collaborative process between the participant and local program staff • Participants need to select their own goals, however, they also need the expertise, guidance and counseling of local program staff • Local program staff must work with participants to ensure that goals selected are achievable, and also counsel participants about the selection of appropriate short-term goals necessary to achieve their long-term goals • Goal counseling is done during the creation of the participant’s ALP and periodically during the program year
IDENTIFYING ATTAINABLE SHORT- AND LONG-TERM GOALS • A participant, along with guidance from local program staff, may select as many short-term and long-term primary goals and secondary goals as determined appropriate to meet the needs of the individual • Short-Term Goals: Any goal that is achievable within the specific program year, which would lead to the achievement of any long-term goal(s) • Long-Term Goals: Any goal that is desired, but not likely to be achievable within the specific program year
EMPLOYMENT AND/OR POSTSECONDARY GOALS • Participants with a labor force status of unemployed at entry MUST select obtain employment or enter postsecondary education as a short-term goal. • Participants with a labor force status of employed at entry MUST select retain/retain employment or postsecondary education as a short-term goal. • Participants with a labor force status of “Not in the Labor Force” are exempt, and would not select an employment goal. (Definition: not employed and not actively seeking employment)
PARTICIPANT GOALS • Ten (10) PRIMARY GOALS • Goal 1 is required for all participants, is an NRS performance measure, but does not require NRS Follow-Up • Goals 2-5 are not NRS performance measures, and do not require NRS Follow-Up • Goals 6-10 are NRS performance measures which do require NRS Follow-Up, as applicable, if selected as a short-term goal. • Seven (7) SECONDARY GOALS All secondary goals do not require NRS Follow-Up and are not NRS performance measures
PARTICIPANT PRIMARY GOALS • Educational Gain: Required goal for all participants • Improve Basic Literacy Skills (Non-ESL programs) • Improve Basic English Skills (ESL programs) • Not subject to NRS Follow-Up • NRS performance measure • Not applicable to Work Based Project Learner
PARTICIPANT PRIMARY GOALS (Non-NRS) • Function At or Above 9th Grade Level (ABE only) • Applies only to participants assessed below the 9th grade level in Reading, Math or Language as determined by a Office of Adult Education-approved pre-test • Participant is placed in an ABE program of enrollment • Achievement: Score at or above the 9th grade level in all subject areas that the participant received instruction • Upon achievement, participant is ready to move into a GED Prep or HSC program of enrollment. • Not subject to NRS Follow-up • Not a NRS performance measure
PARTICIPANT PRIMARY GOALS (Non-NRS) • Achieve English Language Proficiency (ESL only) • Applies only to participants who lack English Literacy skills as determined by a Office of Adult Education-approved pre-test • Participant is placed in an ESL program of enrollment • Achievement: Must score 236+ in Reading, 236+ in Listening and 231+ in Writing (as available) on CASAS • Not subject to NRS Follow-up • Not a NRS performance measure
PARTICIPANT PRIMARY GOALS (Non-NRS) • Pass One or More Official GED Tests • Applies to participants assessed at or above the 9th grade level in Reading, Math or Language as determined by a Office of Adult Education-approved pre-test and/or placed in GED Prep courses • Goal is selected for participants on a path toward obtaining a GED • Not subject to NRS Follow-up • Not a NRS performance measure
PARTICIPANT PRIMARY GOALS (Non-NRS) • Attain High School Diploma Credits • Applies to participants assessed at or above the 9th grade level in Reading, Math or Language as determined by a Office of Adult Education-approved pre-test and/or placed in local board approved High School Completion courses • Goal is selected for participants on a path toward obtaining a high school diploma • Not subject to NRS Follow-up • Not a NRS performance measure
PARTICIPANT GOALS: PRIMARY GOALS (NRS) NRS Follow-Up Goals: Obtain a GED Obtain a High School Diploma Enroll in Postsecondary Education Obtain Employment Retain/Improve Employment
PARTICIPANT GOALS: PRIMARY GOALS (NRS) NRS Follow-Up Goals: • NRS performance measures • Subject to NRS Follow-up if selected as a short-term goal, and the participant’s Exit Status is either “Student completed…but does not plan to continue`` or “Separation before Completion” • Local programs must not discourage participants from selecting goals that require follow up
PARTICIPANT PRIMARY GOALS (NRS) • Obtain a GED • Applies to participants assessed at or above the 9th grade level in Reading, Math or Language as determined by a Office of Adult Education-approved pre-test and placed in GED Prep courses • Goal is selected for participants on a path toward obtaining a GED • Achievement: Obtain certification of attaining passing scores on all five GED tests, by achieving an average score of 450 or higher. • Subject to NRS Follow-up if selected as a short-term goal, and the participant’s Exit Status is either “Student completed…but does not plan to continue`` or “Separation before Completion” • NRS performance measure
PARTICIPANT GOALS: PRIMARY GOALS (NRS) • Obtain a High School Diploma • Applies to participants assessed at or above the 9th grade level in Reading, Math or Language as determined by a Office of Adult Education-approved pre-test and placed in local board approved High School Completion courses • Goal is selected for participants on a path toward obtaining a high school diploma • Achievement: Participant obtains a local school board approved diploma documenting satisfactory completion of secondary studies. • Subject to NRS Follow-up if selected as a short-term goal, and the participant’s Exit Status is either “Student completed…but does not plan to continue`` or “Separation before Completion” • NRS performance measure
PARTICIPANT GOALS: PRIMARY GOALS (NRS) • Enroll in Postsecondary Education • Goal is selected for participants on a path toward enrolling in postsecondary education • Achievement: Participant enrolls in a postsecondary educational or occupational skills training program that does not duplicate other services or training received, regardless of whether the prior services or training were completed • Subject to NRS Follow-up if selected as a short-term goal, and the participant’s Exit Status is either “Student completed…but does not plan to continue`` or “Separation before Completion” • NRS performance measure
PARTICIPANT PRIMARY GOALS (NRS) • Obtain Employment • Goal is selected for participants on a path towards employment • Should be selected as a short-term goal if the participant’s Labor Force Status is Unemployed (not employed and actively seeking employment) • Achievement: Participant enters employment by the end of the first quarter after the program exit quarter. Employment is working in a paid, unsubsidized job or working 15 hours or more per week in an unpaid job on a farm of business operated by a family member or the participant • A job obtained while the participant is enrolled can be counted for “Obtained employment” and is reported if the participant is still employed in the first quarter after exit from the program • Subject to NRS Follow-up if selected as a short-term goal, and the participant’s Exit Status is either “Student completed…but does not plan to continue`` or “Separation before Completion” • NRS performance measure
PARTICIPANT PRIMARY GOALS (NRS) • Retain/Improve Employment • Goal is selected for participants on a path toward retaining/improving employment • Should be selected as a short-term goal if the participant’s Labor Force Status is Employed • Achievement: Participant remains employed in the third quarter after their exit quarter • Subject to NRS Follow-up if selected as a short-term goal, and the participant’s Exit Status is either “Student completed…but does not plan to continue`` or “Separation before Completion” • NRS performance measure
NOT IN THE LABOR FORCE NOT IN THE LABOR FORCE: Participant is not employed and is NOT actively seeking employment Participant would not select an employment goal as a short-term goal.
PARTICIPANT SECONDARY GOALS • Participants may select as many secondary goals as appropriate • All secondary goals do not require NRS Follow-Up • All secondary goals are not NRS performance measures
Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another. John Dewey
PARTICIPANT GOALS: SECONDARY GOALS • Reduction in Receipt of Public Assistance Achievement: Participant’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or equivalent public assistances is reduced or eliminated due to employment or increased income
PARTICIPANT GOALS: SECONDARY GOALS • Achieve Citizenship Skills Achievement: Participant attains the skills needed to pass the U.S. citizenship exam • Register to Vote or Vote for the First Time Achievement: Participant registers to vote or votes for the first time during the program year.
PARTICIPANT GOALS: SECONDARY GOALS • Increase General Involvement in Community Activities Achievement: Participant increases involvement in the following community activities: • Attending or organizing meetings of neighborhood, community, or political organizations • Volunteering to work for such organizations • Contributing to the support of such organizations • Volunteering to work on community improvement activities
PARTICIPANT GOALS: SECONDARY GOALS • Increase Involvement in Children’s Education Achievement: Participant increases involvement in the education of dependent children under their care, including: • Helping children more frequently with their school work • Increasing contact with children’s teachers to discuss children’s education • Having more involvement in children’s school, such as attending school activities and parent meetings and volunteering to work on school projects.
PARTICIPANT GOALS: SECONDARY GOALS • Increase Involvement in Children’s Literacy Related Activities Achievement: Participant increases involvement in the literacy-related activities of dependent children under their care, including: • Reading to children • Visiting a library • Purchasing books or magazines for children
PARTICIPANT GOALS: SECONDARY GOALS • Achieve Work-Based Project Learner Goals • Achievement: Participant acquires the skills taught in a short-term learning course designed to teach specific work-based skills. • A short-term course is an instructional program of at least 12 hours but no more than 30 hours in duration. • Project learners are not counted for the education gain measure and are not assigned an educational functioning level. • No core outcome measures are reported for project learners
Impact on Adult Learning Plan Adult Learning Plan will be revised to reflect new Goal Setting Policy Revised ALP will be effective July 1, 2011
Impact on Michigan Adult Education Reporting System MAERS will be updated to reflect new Goal Setting Policy
RESOURCES • WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Office of Adult Education Website: www.michigan.gov/adulteducation • Adult Education Guidebook • WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, Office of Adult Education (517) 373-8800