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Good afternoon, I’m SOPHIA the Owl. I like to discuss very important t things with you today. . We’re going to start with a story. Teachers will give you a story The Dog and the Wolf. See you after reading. . Why didn’t hungry wolf accept dog’s offer? . Who is happier, a dog or a wolf?.
Good afternoon, I’m SOPHIA the Owl. I like to discuss very importantt things with you today.
We’re going to start with a story. Teachers will give you a story The Dog and the Wolf. See you after reading.
Here comes one of my friends from the woods. Do you knowwho he is? Hello, children. On whole wide world important is a word, That only in my little home the most I feel like a host.
In woods today without the way Ježurka (Hedgehog) hunts and goes away.Master of the job his own, works and guards his home. You problably don’t know the story about me. Please, teacher, give to kids stori about me - Ježurka (Hedgehog).
Children, what is similar to wolf and Ježurka (Hedgehog) ? • size of their nose • their values • the food they eat? You answered correctly, what topic will we today study?
Yes, today we’ll talk about values. Value, worth, evaluation,...What is all that? Let’s try to find an answer together.
Hi, codfish Dave, help us figure what are values? Hi, I think it’s time to join you. I’m codfishDave. I’m swimming the Adriatic Sea so I’ve decided to help you. Dave, you are just in time. We’re talking about topic worth talking about.
If you never had that thing and if you saw it now new in shop, how important would it be to you to buy it? Do you have at home some old toy, book or piece of clothes or something else that sholud be in garbage long time ago? Why do you keep that thing? Is it more important then other things you have? Why?
Some value? Do you think that it would have the same meaning as the one you have home now? Why? What has that thing for you?
Where is thevalue: in material (in thing) or in their stories and inside us? If that day youbought something else, book, blue car or other doll, do you think you would be attached to it? Is it possible that you and people around you gave that thing some value?
If we make our own values, does it mean that we all have the same ones? Does it mean that poeple value things differently? Do you think that some people will not give value to thing’s meaning, but to it’s price?
Does it have something to do with spirit? If people value differently material things, is it possible that they value differently spiritual, emotional and intellectual things? What are spiritual values?
Can you touch them? Do they have shape, color orsmell? Can color or smell remind us on some value? Will the same smell remind you on same value as your friend? Tell some spiritual values you know.
Can they be similar? Let’s check it with some game... So, it means that not all values are the same for everyone?
One story is about mythical king Midas who had a bit wrong values. The other story is about an old philosopher Diogenes. After an interesting game, listen to two stories.
I’m going to read some books because they worth its weight in gold. Greetings, see you next time. I’m back to the sea. See you!!! Dear childrem, I’m on my way to my little house. Maybe we’ll see each other in the future. Bye!
yellow mother’s the God of the Greeks A1 B1 C1 expensive finger joy A2 B2 C2 great material worth sense wine A3 B3 C3 STUPAC A Gold STUPAC B Touch STUPAC C God Dionis THE FINAL SOLUTION King Midas