Goodluck Jonathan Person of the Year
Background • GoodluckEbeleAzikiwe Jonathan was born 20 November 1957. He was born in Bayelsa State. He has a B.S in Zoology. He has a wife, Patience, and has 2 children. He is a Christian and comes from the Ijaw people in Nigeria.
President • Goodluck Jonathan was sworn in as President of Nigeria on 6 May 2010,becoming Nigeria's 14th President. He focused on anti-corruption and working towards a peaceful country. He came into office under very ‘poor conditions’ and since then has been working to end violence.
Kinda confusing • Controversy on whether he is good or bad? He promised to release $4 mil to clean up leaded areas and that money has not been released since it was promised. However, it is unclear who is holding this money. Other reports said that since he went into office, he cleaned up lots of the corruption in Nigeria.
Good vs. Bad • http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/africa/nigeria/120530/president-goodluck-jonathan-first-year-term-security • ‘Isahsaid he has lost confidence in Nigerian leaders after years of unkept promises and the current administration has done nothing to restore his faith.’ – Say’s Global Post Analyst • http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2111975_2111976_2112110,00.html - • ‘possesses the qualities needed at this moment of great challenges, having come to power at a crucial moment in the history of Nigeria.’ –Say’s Time Magazine about Jonathan’s reign.
Conclusion • Overall I think he has done enough to improve Nigeria’s corruption and some of it’s violence. However, promise to clean leaded water’s have been broken. He is very controversial which is interesting but generally I would say he is doing quite well.