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Queen Anne’s County Family YMCA CAMPAIGN FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT Confidential – September 2013. Julie Sistrunk - Daxko T2 consulting jsistrunk@daxko.com. Table of Contents. Study Overview 3 Image & Awareness 5 Capital Project 8 Philanthropic Support 14
Queen Anne’s County Family YMCA CAMPAIGN FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT Confidential – September 2013 Julie Sistrunk - Daxko T2 consulting jsistrunk@daxko.com
Table of Contents • Study Overview 3 • Image & Awareness 5 • Capital Project 8 • Philanthropic Support 14 • Campaign Leadership 19 • Timing/Environment 21 • Recommendations 26
Study Overview Process • Over 20 people were involved in the study through task force meetings and individual interviews. • In depth interviews were conducted by Julie Sistrunk between June and August 2013. • We also conducted a philanthropic screening on Y members and participants. • We are confident there is sufficient data to support findings of the report.
Study Overview What we tested • Image and awareness of YMCA • Agreement with the capital project goals • Campaign goal and potential gift levels • Availability of campaign leadership • Timing and environment for raising funds
Findings: Image & Awareness • What is the image of the YMCA in the community?
Findings: Image & Awareness • What is the image of the YMCA in the community? • Image • The Y’s strong reputation and longevity is a plus. • I’ve never heard anything negative about the Y. • It's a positive and recognizable brand. • Awareness • Many people aren't aware of the plans for a YMCA. • I’m hearing positive things about the new Y - negatives are minority. • The tour of the Easton Y was amazing. Many don't understand the scope of what is offered for families. • Need to set up tours to Easton - educating and building awareness will be key! • The word is getting out the "we are getting a Y"!
Findings: Project • Do you think the YMCA is on track with plans for the • capital renovation and expansion? 77% 23% With Suggestions
Findings: Project • Do you think the Y is on track with plans for the new YMCA? • GENERAL • The plans look great – this will be very good for the community! • LOCATION • The location across for the high school and middle school is perfect – will be great for students. • Centerville is a great area for a Y. I see the growth in Queenstown and Centerville. I think people will come from Kent Island. • Initial reaction...why in Centreville when over half the population is in Kent Island? • The Y will be a destination… families will get their kids there for programs.
Findings: Project • Do you think the Y is on track with plans for the new YMCA? • COUNTY PARTNERSHIP • The partnership makes sense – stand alone pools can’t support themselves. • The only concern is what the County is doing to develop retail. • Need to articulate how the County will benefit and why they should support it. • There could be sensitivity about spending tax dollars and potentially competing against businesses.
Findings: Compelling Elements • What is the most compelling element that donors will likely support? • A Community Center & Gathering Place • The Y will be for the community, like an "anchor store" is for a mall. • A central meeting spot for the County. • The Y will provide a center to the community. This will be SUCH a benefit! • Having a Y is an asset for economic development and attracting families. • The Y will have a broad appeal. • Aquatics • Aquatics is important … there’s a need for year roundaccess. • Pool drownings have been in the news. Teaching kids to swim is life-saving work. • Having a swim team is important. • Youth & Families • There is not a lot to do for kids - no movie theater or bowling alley. • Young families need things they can do together. • Having positive activities for kids. There are not options afterschool and in the summer. • Keeping kids off street.
Findings: Campaign Goal Gift chart used in study: Levels of gifts needed for a $11,000,000 Campaign (payable over 3-5 years)
Findings: Campaign Goal • Is a $11 million goal attainable over a 5-year pledge period?
Findings: Campaign Goal • Are there individuals, businesses or foundations that have the ability to give lead gifts over a five-year period? • Getting one gift at $1 million will not be too bad - hard if have to have several. • Could see a potential at the lead gift level, then next tier would be $250,000 and a few at a $100,000.
Findings: Philanthropic Support • Would you consider making a gift to the proposed campaign?
Findings: Leadership Findings: Leadership • Would you be willing to work on the campaign? • Serve on a committee, open doors, host gatherings, etc. • I will do anythingto help! • I am good at asking for money. • Absolutely!! • Trying to slow down but will help.
Timing & Environment for Raising Funds 20
Findings: Timing • Does now appear to be an appropriate time to begin this campaign? 11% Maybe 89% Yes
Findings: Timing How would you assess economic condition of our the community at this time? • The economy is starting to make a turn - home sales are up. • It is getting stronger. • It’s better than it was during the Gunstoncampaign. • It hasn't recovered fully. 100% Yes 22
Findings: Timing Other major campaigns that might compete? • Wye River Upper School • GunstonSchool – wrapping up ($4.5M) • Chesapeake College $3M for Nursing School • Hospice campaign complete • Some campaigns have struggled - it has been tough. • The space is clearing. • But no one shared these campaigns would keep the Y from being successful.
Findings: Timing • How important is it for the YMCA to move forward with this project and address the needs outlined?
Findings: Timing Is this the right time for the Y to launch a campaign? • It depends on level of County support. • Everything is lined up now for the project to happen. • If you don't do it now, it will be a huge missed opportunity. • The timing couldn't be better • We need these facilities and services in our community for our kids and families! • This is very important for our County!
Recommendations Proceed with pre-campaign planning steps for a campaign in the range of $3.5 million to $4 million • Recommended goal: • Based on the findings from the interviews, plus the number prospects identified, we anticipate the YMCA can raise between $3,500,000 to $4,000,000 in a capital campaign. • To reach this goal will require securing the leadership gifts listed in the following gift chart. • IMPORTANT – a final campaign goal should not be determined or announced until the Top 8-10 gifts are secured through the initial quiet phase of the campaign. These gifts will determine the scope of the campaign.
Recommendations Levels of Gifts Needed to Raise $4,000,000 Gifts to be spread over 5-year pledge periods
Recommendations Campaign Timing • With the significant demand for YMCA programs and services and the timing for a partnership with the County, we believe this is an important opportunity for the Y to pursue if you want to have a significant, long-term presence in Queen Anne’s County. • Even if you determine you need to take a phased approach, we think you should proceed now in building towards a full facility YMCA to serve the County. • Following is an outline of some of the key next steps we recommend:
Recommendations KEY NEXT STEPS 1. Confirm the County’s partnership commitment • Share the findings of the study with County leaders and confirm their level of financial support. Determine if they will be willing to fill the gap between what can be raised and what is needed to build the scope of the facility the market research indicates is needed to serve the County. • Based on the County’s level of commitment, determine the scope of what you should plan for and develop if a phased plan is needed. • Note: As you build support for the County/YMCA partnership, we suggest you emphasize that the County is funding/building the pool, and the Y is going to operate it and fund the ongoing operation as part of the larger facility. This is an important distinction from “the County is giving money to a Y”. You should also clearly articulate the benefits the Y and this partnership will bring to the County, to economic development initiatives and to tax payers who will not have to subsidize the operation of the pool or the new community center.
Recommendations KEY NEXT STEPS 2. Determine the staffing & volunteer structure needed to support the campaign • We will provide recommendations on staffing needs as well as a suggested volunteer structure for the campaign. With the need for developing relationships and having a presence in Queen Anne’s County, along with the potential for a campaign to support St. Michaels, securing the level of staff and support resources will be an important factor to consider. • As you consider the volunteer structure, you may need to think beyond the typical single committee that engages all your campaign volunteers. With several specific communities/areas which you will draw from for the campaign, you might end up with several targeted committees representing those areas, with an oversight group of lead volunteers who help to coordinate efforts.
Recommendations KEY NEXT STEPS 3. Develop a comprehensive campaign plan/timeline • Once you are clear about the timing and scope of the County’s support and have thought through the plan/structure to staff and support a campaign in QueenAnne’s County, you can begin to put a campaign plan and timeline together. We will be glad to advise you as you do thisnext level of work. • It will be important to circle back to those who were interviewed in the next 60 days with a summary report and, in some cases, personal visits to share results and continue to build their involvement and interest. 4. Begin a focused, disciplined process for cultivating/engaging your top 25 prospects • There are opportunities to build on the relationships with those involved in the study, plus there were several people we were unable to secure for interviews. We suggest you put together a tour program with a focus on getting the top influencers and philanthropic leaders of Queen Anne’s County to experience the magic of your YMCA first hand!
Thank You! • We appreciate this opportunity to continue our support of the great work of your YMCA. And, we stand by to provide any additional resources needed to support your continued success!