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American Chemical Society

American Chemical Society. WELCOME TO THE ACS LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE: LOCAL SECTION TRACK. Lee Latimer California Local Section Chair, ACS Committee on Local Section Activities. You said it, We heard it, Let’s do it! ACS Strategic Plan for 2012 and Beyond. ACS Vision, Mission, and Core Values.

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American Chemical Society

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  1. American Chemical Society WELCOME TO THE ACS LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE: LOCAL SECTION TRACK Lee Latimer California Local Section Chair, ACS Committee on Local SectionActivities

  2. American Chemical Society You said it, We heard it, Let’s do it!ACS Strategic Plan for 2012 and Beyond

  3. ACS Vision, Mission, and Core Values Vision: Improving people’s lives through the transforming power of chemistry Mission: Advance the broader chemistry enterprise, and its practitioners, for the benefit of Earth and its people Core Values: • Passion for chemistry in the broadest sense • Research • Education • Innovation • Solutions • Focus on members • Service to members • Volunteer contributions • Professionalism • Integrity and transparency • High standards • Diversity and inclusion • Diverse community of highly-skilled chemistry professionals • Advancement of chemistry as a global multidisciplinary science American Chemical Society

  4. ACS Goals ACS is a Congressionally chartered not-for-profit 501(c)3 scientific professional society. The Society will remain a strong and sustainable organization, maintain ing adequate financial resources and adhering to financial stewardship principles that will ensure its ability to accomplish ACS goals today and into the future. ACS will marshal our unique resources to: • Be the most authoritative, comprehensive, and indispensable provider of chemistry-related information. 2. Empower an inclusive community of members with networks, opportunities, resources, and skills to thrive in the global economy. 3. Foster the development of the most innovative, relevant, and effective chemistry education in the world. 4. Communicate chemistry’s vital role in addressing the world’s challenges to the public and policymakers. American Chemical Society

  5. ACS Local Sections: We are EVERYWHERE 187 ACS Local Sections Small: 55 Medium Large: 23 Medium Small: 46 Large: 13 Medium: 42 Very Large: 8

  6. Committee on Local Section Activities • What: A Standing Committee of the Council • 20 full committee members • 6 associate members • Role: Assist, nurture, inspire, support and recognize Local Sections • Help local sections to be all they want to be • Process/Design Annual Reports and assist with mining the data • Stimulate LS programs and initiatives • Address general development needs • Train new leaders • ChemLuminary Awards

  7. Support for Local Sections Committee on Local Section Activities Lee Latimer, Chair, LHLatimer@mindspring.com Carol Libby, Subcommittee Chair, Grants and Awards, cblibby@cs.moravian.edu Tom Beattie, Subcommittee Chair, Local Section Assistance and Development, beattietr@aol.com Mitchell Bruce, Subcommittee Chair, Technology Tools and Operations, mitchell_bruce@umit.maine.edu John Gavenonis, Subcommittee Chair, Alliances and Partnerships, johngav@comcast.net

  8. Member Communities Group Management Team American Chemical Society

  9. Member Communities Group Cheryl Brown c_brown@acs.org Mikal Ankrah m_ankrah@acs.org Laura Melohn, l_melohn@acs.org Farai Tsokodayi f_tsokodayi@acs.org Robin Green r_green@acs.org Aviva Westheim a_westheim@acs.org Alan Brylawski a_brylawski@acs.org Alvin Collins, a_collins@acs.org

  10. Member Communities Group Carol Payton, c_payton@acs.org John Christensen j_christensen@acs.org Samuel Toba, s_toba@acs.org Kate Sellar k_sellar@acs.org Tanya Fogg, t_fogg@acs.org Chris McCarthy, c_mccarthy@acs.org Richard Love r_love@acs.org Brittany Vesce b_vesce@acs.org American Chemical Society

  11. LSAC Strategic Planning- “Helping Local Sections Be All They Want to Be” • 2011 LSAC Focus • International Year of Chemistry • 2012 LSAC Foci • Advocacy: Local and Government; LS Government Affairs Committees • Community Building: Local Section Partnership Project; Science Cafés • 2013 TBA (2012 Executive Committee to determine)

  12. 2012 Leadership Institute Goals The goal of the 2012 Leadership Institute is to support and enhance the creation of ACS leaders. Attendees will have the opportunity to: • Learn the responsibilities of a new volunteer role; • Share best practices; • Develop leadership and management skills; and • Engage with other attendees to foster new peer-to-peer networks.

  13. 2012 Local Section Track Goals • Provide local section chair-elects and leaders with • tools to be successful in their leadership role • examples of projects that work and time to develop initial plans for programs • a forum for local section officers to connect with ACS volunteers from their neighboring local sections • a venue to discuss and address their common concerns and successes • networking opportunities for section leaders to identify and evaluate best practices from other section leaders and ACS staff. • practice planning events and something to take home

  14. ACS Resource Fair Saturday, 5:30 – 7:30 pm, Texas Ballroom Foyer • Meet the ACS Board of Directors • ACS Network • Get Involved/Stay Involved • Chemistry Ambassadors • eRosters • Annual Reporting • International Activities Office • ACS Professional Education • ACS Secretary’s Office/Strategic Plan • Career Management and Development • Education Division

  15. American Chemical Society Tools and Resources for Success! Tom Beattie San Diego Local Section Chair, LSAC Subcommittee on Local Section Assistanceand Development

  16. “NUTS AND BOLTS” FOR LEADING YOUR SECTION • Every section is different • based on size, location, institutions, resources, etc. • offers opportunities for uniqueness • Successful sections share common characteristics • focus on members, students, community • devise programs for each cohort • have strong, shared infrastructure

  17. SECTION CHAIR IS A MANAGER • Good training for • running a research group • managing a lab • leading a department • operating a company • being governor or president • Surrounding yourself with good people • creating an executive board • using individuals interests and talents • fostering a team atmosphere • promoting support and back-up

  18. KEY ELEMENTS • Executive Board • chair, chair-elect, secretary, treasurer, committee chairs, councilors, alternate councilors, member-at-large (or as defined in your Bylaws) • Budgeting • annual and long-term • Elections • every fall, results in by December 1 to the ACS Secretary’s Office • Meetings • executive, general, monthly/quarterly • Events • CCED, NCW, award dinners, symposia, public outreach • Activities • networking, advocacy, student/mentor, picnics • Annual report • due February 15 of the following year • Succession planning

  19. EXECUTIVE BOARD • The people you count on • Those who vote on key issues • Where the ideas come from • Long-range planning • Critical workers • Sources for other volunteers • Meet face-to-face, even with distance issues • Schedule regular meetings • In person, phone teleconference, Skype, Email

  20. Executive Board • Seasoned section veterans • Young section members • Academics, industrials, government-based, consultants, and others • Seniors and retirees • Underrepresented groups • Persons from other organizations • Former section officers

  21. BUDGETING • Annual budget is very useful • Identifies income and expenses • Indicates what is needed to implement a program • Indicates what is needed to run the section • Helps to ensure that the minimum treasury requirements are met

  22. Budgeting - Income • Annual allotment (after Annual Report is submitted) • Voluntary local section dues • Councilor reimbursement • Grants • Sponsorships • General for year • Specific for an event • Shared costs with other groups • Donations • Interest on bank accounts or investments

  23. Budgeting - Expenses • Agreed upon by executive board • Initially negotiable • Direction to take • Community activity • Member activity • Student activity • Modifiable later in the year -- with proper justification • Free food without purpose usually is not wise

  24. ELECTIONS • Nominations and Elections Committee • Critical to have willing candidates • Must be open to all • Biographies of candidates • By mail or electronic (check Bylaws) • Bylaws need to be consistent

  25. Elections • Turnout is not always sterling • Every member needs opportunity to vote • Succession plan helps here • Use personal contact – Emails, general notices, don’t work well

  26. MEETINGS Your section uniqueness is important here • Choices • monthly, quarterly? • with dinner? • at restaurant with charge? • snacks paid for by section? • at local university? • partner with other organizations? • Talks • technical, general science, pop science, non-science? • subgroups • ACS Resources for Meetings • ACS Online Speaker Directory • ACS Webinars (Thursdays) • LSAC-sponsored grants • National Meeting Recorded Content

  27. Meetings • Convenience is critical • Consider travel time • Realize travel convenience • Parking counts heavily • Spread meeting locations around • Same program in different locations • Find something through the year to suit each member’s tastes • What worked earlier?

  28. ONLINE SPEAKER DIRECTORY • ~ 80 Currently enrolled • Speakers are vetted • Topics of all kinds • Geographical diversity • Your section works out details • Your section pays expenses (reimbursements available from ACS in 2012) • You can share costs with other sections

  29. ACS WEBINARS • Live on Thursdays at 2 pm Eastern time • Archived after ~ 2 weeks for anytime use • Interesting and expert speakers • Broad diversity of topics • Topics not taught in undergrad or graduate curricula • Could be broadcasted at bag lunch meetings at schools

  30. National Meeting Recorded Content • Approximately 500 selected talks from ACS national meetings are made available • Opportunity to share content from top speakers with your section at no cost American Chemical Society

  31. LSAC GRANTS • Innovative project grants (IPG) • Up to $3000 • One per year per section • Easy application and follow-up report • New to your section • Hopefully will become repeated within your section • Lots of examples of successful ones

  32. LSAC GRANTS • For assisting with booking Online Speaker Directory speakers (travel expense reimbursement for 2012 bookings) • Science Cafes • Specialty grants with a specific focus are typically introduced after Spring national meetings • Mini, Nano or Bridging the Gap

  33. EVENTS • Annual Meeting (check Bylaws for requirements) • Chemists Celebrate Earth Day • April 22nd of each year • National Chemistry Week • typically end of October • Award dinner • 50/60 year member lunch • Annual symposium with theme • Public Outreach Events

  34. ACTIVITIES • Advocacy • Student/member interactions • Networking/social events • Organized trips • museums • sports events • wine tasting • whale watching

  35. ANNUAL REPORT • Due February 15 of following year • FORMS • purpose and use • ongoing updates • application for ChemLuminary awards • ACS is a 503(b) non-profit organization • Constructive comments and feedback • Promoting best practices

  36. SUCCESSION PLANNING • Everyone has reason(s) to participate • Understand their motivation • Building capabilities • Finding volunteers • Approaching volunteers • Cultivating volunteers • Keeping volunteers • long and short term

  37. SUMMARY – “NUTS AND BOLTS” • Executive Board • Budgeting • Elections • Meetings • Events • Activities • Annual report • Succession planning

  38. American Chemical Society Get Involved, Stay Involved Web Resources andSocial Networking forACS Local Sections Chris McCarthy ACS Staff Member Communities Group

  39. Get Involved, Stay Involved www.acs.org/getinvolved • Resources for • Local Sections • Technical Divisions • NCW & CCED Coordinators • Silver Circle • Quick Volunteer Opportunities • It’s your one-stop shop for the resources local section and division leaders need to be successful. American Chemical Society

  40. Get Involved, Stay Involved www.acs.org/getinvolved What’s Important Now Deadline-driven info, breaking news • Logistics • Annual reporting • Elections/Bylaws • Officer Resources (Best practices, officer job descriptions, treasurer’s handbook) • Training Webinars • Engaging Members • Event Planning • Communication Tools • Member Recruitment and Retention • Grants & Awards (IPGs, ChemLuminary, etc.) • ACS Network American Chemical Society

  41. Get Involved, Stay Involved www.acs.org/getinvolved • Promoting Chemistry • Community Activities(NCW, CCED) • Advocacy for Chemistry (government affairs, public affairs) • Local Section Information • Committee on Local Section Activities • Maps, websites, local section lookup • Size categories • Leadership Skills • ACS Leadership Development System • Leadership Institute American Chemical Society

  42. Get Involved, Stay Involved www.acs.org/getinvolved • “What’s Important Now” updates also available via mobile • Works on iPhone, Android, and many other smartphones and tablets • Updates also available in the Volunteer Support & Engagement group in the ACS Network American Chemical Society

  43. Get Involved, Stay Involved www.acs.org/getinvolved • A “What’s Important Now” widget is available for local section and technical division websites. • Incorporated into all pages on the webs.com service. • Can be added to self-hosted pages as well. American Chemical Society

  44. Social Networking Tools • Facebook • More than 800 Million registered users; 2nd highest pagerank on the web • Social utility that connects people, to keep up with friends, upload photos, share links and videos. • Twitter • 300 Million registered users; 10th highest pagerank on the web • Social networking and microblogging service using instant messaging, SMS or a web interface. (Tweets are 140 characters or less) • LinkedIn • 120 Million registered users; 16th highest pagerank on the web • A networking tool to find connections to recommended job candidates, industry experts, and business partners. • ACS Network • More than 220,000 registered users • Audience is the chemical community. Great way to conduct local section business. American Chemical Society

  45. Local Section Presence on Facebook (Pages vs. Groups) Pages: • Posts come from Brand vs. Person • Posts show up directly on fans’ walls, more public (opportunities for sharing, liking, and commenting) • Can add applications; can see extensive analytics Groups: • Posts come from Person vs. Group • More insular; private. • Content only shared in group among members American Chemical Society

  46. What Makes a Good Post? • Keep it short—messages under 100 characters are far more likely to be liked, commented on, and shared. • Timing matters—posts on weekdays are more popular than on weekends or weeknights. • Questions, especially yes/no or short answer ones, get more traction • The 2012 CCED theme is Rethinking Recycling — It’s Easy to Be Green. Do you recycle at home? • Ask for tips—social media users, like anyone, love to share personal experiences and insights. American Chemical Society

  47. Twitter Basics • A “tweet” is a post from an individual twitter account. • Tweets starting with “@__” are comments/questions directed to that user • Ex. “@ACS_NCW What is this year’s theme for National Chemistry Week?” • A hashtag (#NCW, #ACS_SanDiego, #ChemAmb) is a way of indicating a tweet is related to a particular topic. Using them especially enhances conversations around events. • RT – ReTweet, resending another person’s tweet to amplify its message. • Twitter can be accessed at twitter.com, via mobile apps, via text messages, or through dashboard tools like TweetDeck or HootSuite. American Chemical Society

  48. Twitter Use at ACS National Meetings • Main account for the ACS National Meeting @ACSNatlMtg posts meeting-related posts. • Through print and electronic marketing, encouraged use of hashtags specific to meeting (e.g. #ACSDenver, #ACSSanDiego) • Significant growth in 2 ½ years, especially in Denver. • Who’s tweeting? Attendees, presenters, staff, exhibitors, media, local businesses, and people who can’t attend but are interested in the subject matter. American Chemical Society

  49. Twitter Use at ACS National Meetings • Jennifer Maclachlan, of the Northeastern Local Section and Division of Small Chemical Businesses, also know as @pidgirl on Twitter, organized a “tweetup” during the ACS National Meeting in Denver. • Twitter allows meeting attendees a way to communicate with each other and plan ad-hoc events. American Chemical Society

  50. ACS Network • Audience is chemical community • Most content is open to all to view. Sign-on is required to participate, but community membership not limited to ACS members • Connect and communicate with others in the Network; promote self via personal profile (academic/work history, publications, presentations, etc.) • Ability to form and customize groups (public, closed, and hidden). Group collaboration tools include: • Threaded discussions • Document Sharing • Blogging • Ideation • Learn more at the ACS Network table in the Resource Fair on Saturday evening. American Chemical Society

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