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Monday 1 st October 14:30WelcomeMartyn Redman14:40Secretary/Treasurer's reportPamela Beighton14:55IVA Planning - WorkshopsRyan Ostilly/Martyn Redman16.00Coffee/Tea16.40IVA Planning Workshop Feedback17.25 Closing RemarksMartyn Redman19:30Cocktail receptionStephe
Monday 1 st October
14:30 Welcome Martyn Redman
14:40 Secretary/Treasurers report Pamela Beighton
14:55 IVA Planning - Workshops Ryan Ostilly/
Martyn Redman
16.00 Coffee/Tea
16.40 IVA Planning Workshop Feedback
17.25 Closing Remarks Martyn Redman
19:30 Cocktail reception Stephen Bill AGENDA
8. What it really means! Income against expenditure
If ALL members paid their subscriptions we would still be 33,000 short for this years activities
9. So, how have we dealt with this? We had money in the bank at the end of last year
Careful cashflow monitoring
Subsidised Expenses
Members Questionnaire &
Additional subscriptions
10. What you can do Ensure your subscriptions are paid in good time!
Encourage new members
Support the Board with additional funding
Tuesday 2nd October
9:00 Welcome Stephen Dale
9:20 Update on the Commissions Work Program Tim Hayes
10:30 Coffee
11:15 Comment from French Administration Cyril Sniadower
11.45 VAT groups in Belgium Inge Stuyver
12:30 Lunch
Consultation on Reverse Charge Stephen Dale
Current text of Reformed 8th Directive Ryan Ostilly
15:00 Feedback
15:10 Money Laundering Update Richard Yewdall
15:30 Coffee
16:00 ECJ Update Stephen Dale
16:20 AOB
16:30 Closing Remarks Stephen Dale AGENDA
22. VAT Forty years young April 1967 1st and 2nd VAT Directives
30 years after the 6th Directive now Directive 2006/112
50 years after the creation of the EC.
23. VAT Forty years young- but facing major challenges Major changes and challenges to the VAT system
B˛B services
8th Directive
Extended reverse charge
Joint and several liability
Other fraud initiatives
More compliance and reporting
More not less - burdens on business.
26. 26 International VAT Association
Latest Developments from the European Commission
Tim Hayes
VAT and other turnover taxes unit
European Commission
27. 27 Table of contents Background
VAT strategy
Topical, upcoming and dormant issues
VAT package
Fight against fraud
Proposals in the pipeline
28. 28 Background Lisbon strategy
Burdens on business
29. 29 VAT strategy
launched in 2000 and updated in 2003
seeks to
ensure more uniform application
increase administrative cooperation
30. 30 Topical issues
VAT package
fight against fraud
VAT rates
31. 31 Upcoming issues financial services
Technical adaptations
mechanism for elimination of double taxation
32. 32 Dormant issues travel agents
postal services
33. 33 VAT package objectives ensure taxation of services where consumed
facilitate discharge of obligations by non-established businesses
modernise procedure for refund of VAT
34. 34 Current VAT package
slimmer VAT package including:
Modification of the place of supply of services
Mini OSS
Refund procedure
35. 35 VAT package in ECOFIN
was discussed by ECOFIN on 5th June 2007
remains the priority of Member States
ready from technical point of view
some contentious issues still remaining
Will be in place by 1st January 2010 at the latest
36. 36 VAT package - B2B services for services between Member States, taxation at place of customer becomes general rule
still combined with a number of exceptions
immovable property, cultural services, hiring of means of transport, restaurant services, intermediary services
accompanied by new obligations (listing)
37. 37 VAT package - B2C services general rule of taxation at place of supplier remains
combined with extended number of exceptions
immovable property, cultural services, services supplied at distance, hiring of means of transport, restaurant services, intermediary services
with discernable revenue impact
38. 38 VAT package - One stop scheme Mini OSS for EU operators: only for telecom, broadcasting and e-commerce services
replicates the current scheme for third country operators
Objective: ensure that, at least, changes in place of taxation are accompanied by facilitation measures provides single place of compliance for non-established taxable persons
39. 39 VAT package VAT refunds leaves principles unchanged
modernises procedure by
introducing fully electronic procedure
giving more legal certainty for businesses
providing for better control
40. 40 VAT package elements parked (1)
maxi one stop scheme
deduction rules
luxuries, amusements, entertainment
travel and accommodation
restaurant and catering
41. 41 VAT package elements parked (2) updating SME scheme with equal access
Proposed maximum threshold of EUR 100 000
Objective: put all MS on equal footing
Give flexibility to MS
simplifying distance selling rules
EU-wide threshold of EUR 150 000
42. 42 VAT package why elements parked? Difficult discussion
some parts not agreeable
being kept for later
more time necessary to reach agreement
43. 43 Fight against fraud a clear priority for all Member States
aimed at identifying appropriate measures
At first focused on reverse charge as tool
44. 44 Fight against fraud - background
German and Austrian requests to apply general reverse charge for domestic transactions
both rejected as too general to be covered by procedure
United Kingdom request to use reverse charge in targeting certain sectors was granted
agreed after discussions but more limited than asked
45. 45 Fight against fraud taxation options applying reverse charge
taxing intra-Community transactions:
In Member State of departure
In Member State of destination
46. 46 Fight against fraud state of the discussions
discussion is very much ongoing
views vary considerably
difficult to predict outcome
Report to the December ECOFIN
47. 47 Fight against fraud - summary Conventional measures
More far reaching measures
Possibility of a pilot project?
48. 48 Reduced rates -background
reform of reduced rates proposed in 2003
resulted in 2006 prolongation of experiment for labour-intensive services
left obligation for the Commission to report on impact of reduced rates when applied to locally supplied services by mid-2007
49. 49 Reduced rates Commission communication identifying possible future avenues of reflection
Discussion launched in Council
Formal proposal by Commission: after consultation of stakeholders
Extension of derogations for new Member States
50. 50 Commission proposals in the pipeline - Technical adaptations
Supply of gas and electricity: technical update and extension to district heating and cooling
Rules on right of deduction
Concept of international bodies for VAT exemption
51. 51 Commission proposals in the pipeline Financial services Modernising the definition of exempt financial services and insurances
Respecting limits of the current exemption
ensuring that text better reflects the complexity and diversity of the modern industries
new exemption for cross border cost sharing arrangements
enable institutions to develop cost sharing and efficiency-driven consolidation without creating any new tax burdens
Extending the existing option to tax these services which is currently at the discretion of Member States.
more general choice for institutions to reduce exposure to non-recoverable tax.
52. 52 Planning 2008 - 2009 Vouchers and promotion schemes
Public consultation
Clear rules and legal certainty of certain types of vouchers (e.g. telephone cards)
53. 53 Planning 2008 - 2009 Mechanism to avoid double taxation
When interpretation of facts by Member States is divergent
Public consultation completed
Public authorities & subsidies
Ensure fair competition
Result problems of outsourcing linked to non-deductible VAT
Public consultation
54. 54
Thank you for your attention.
Any Questions?
58. PricewaterhouseCoopers - ITX Topic Meeting VAT Grouping
International VAT Association *
Inge Stuyver
59. Objectives of the presentation Inform you about the main rules regarding VAT Grouping
Inform you about the impact of VAT Grouping on businesses
60. Introduction
61. Objectives of the presentation Inform you about the main rules regarding VAT Grouping
Inform you about the impact of VAT Grouping on businesses
62. Main rulesWhat is VAT Grouping?
63. Main rulesWhat conditions should be met? 5 conditions should be fulfilled simultaneously to apply VATGrouping:
Taxable persons
Establishment in Belgium (also fixed establishments)
Financial link
Economic link
Organisational link
64. Main rulesWhat conditions should be met?
65. Main rulesWhat conditions should be met? Financial link Current practice
For B, C and D: no possibility to set up VAT Group as A is not part of VAT Group
Future financial link
For B and D: on the basis of 10%- rule
For C: on the basis of presumption relationship of control
66. Main rulesWhat conditions should be met? 50%-rule
67. Main rulesWhat conditions should be met? - 50%-rule
68. Main rulesWhat conditions should be met? 50%-rule
69. Main rulesDuration, start and termination of the VAT Group Start of the VAT Group on the 1st day of the month following that in which (implied) approval given by the tax authorities
Termination when one of the 5 conditions is not longer met (i.e. no financial, economic and organisational link)
70. Main rulesOther implications and points of attention Joint liability of all members for payment of VAT, fines and interests (new article 51ter of Belgian VAT Code)
Place of supply rules head office branch
Adjustments at entry when leaving
Anti-abuse rules apply (art. 19 bis Belgian VAT Code)
No change in corporate tax or accounting rules
Evidence still required to prove intra-group transactions
No change in profit allocation
Attention to cost-allocation in case of non-deductible VAT
71. Main rulesInput VAT deduction Application of articles 45 to 49 Belgian VAT Code and Royal Decree no. 3 as before
Right to deduct VAT depending on destination (VAT taxable / VAT exempt / mixed) of bought-in services and goods concerned (same applies to business assets)
Burden of proof regarding destination for VAT group
72. Main rulesWhat does it mean from a VAT point of view?
73. Objectives of the presentation Inform you about the main rules regarding VAT Grouping
Inform you about the impact of VAT Grouping on businesses
74. Business impactWhat type of companies might be interested in VAT Grouping? Groups with a number of Belgian entities and important intra- group billings
Groups with centralized car fleets
Groups with companies with a limited or no right to deduct and high IT or building costs
Groups with real estate companies
Groups aiming to mitigate a VAT loss on M&A deal fees
75. Business impactGroups with important intra-group billings
76. Business impactGroups with centralized car fleets
77. Business impactGroups with companies with limited right todeduct VAT
78. Business impactGroups with real estate companies Invoering anti-misbruikbepaling in artikel 59 §3 W. BTW
Aan de administratie kan niet worden tegengeworpen, de juridische kwalificatie door de partijen gegeven aan een akte alsook aan afzonderlijke akten die een zelfde verrichting tot stand brengen, wanneer de administratie door vermoedens of door andere in § 1 vermelde bewijsmiddelen vaststelt dat die kwalificatie tot doel heeft de belasting te ontwijken, tenzij de belastingplichtige bewijst dat die kwalificatie aan rechtmatige financiële of economische behoeften beantwoordt.
Inwerkingtreding : 1 november 2006Invoering anti-misbruikbepaling in artikel 59 §3 W. BTW
Aan de administratie kan niet worden tegengeworpen, de juridische kwalificatie door de partijen gegeven aan een akte alsook aan afzonderlijke akten die een zelfde verrichting tot stand brengen, wanneer de administratie door vermoedens of door andere in § 1 vermelde bewijsmiddelen vaststelt dat die kwalificatie tot doel heeft de belasting te ontwijken, tenzij de belastingplichtige bewijst dat die kwalificatie aan rechtmatige financiële of economische behoeften beantwoordt.
Inwerkingtreding : 1 november 2006
83. Contents Preamble and objectives
Key changes
Food for thought
Implementation Timelines
Activity of IVA
84. Considerable problems with existing Directive
Change refund notification periods
Simplify and modernise with technology
Pay interest on late refunds
Strengthen rights of appeal by businesses
85. Refunds shall not be paid where VAT has been incorrectly invoiced Art 4(a)
Reemtsma ECJ implementation?
Practice in refunding ZRS in France to change?
Partially exempt businesses have right to refund Art 6
Société Monte Dei Paschi di Siena ECJ
Electronic claims to be addressed to Member State of refund, but submitted through portal of Member State of Establishment Art 7
86. Additional information to provide electronically:
Contact e-mail address of applicant - Art 8.1(a)
Full address of supplier - Art 8.2(a)
VAT ID and prefix of supplier Art 8.2.(b) / (c)
Partial exemption deduction and % Art 8.2.(f)/(g)
Good/Service code, reference to Art 9 Art 8.2.(h)
10 good/service codes must be used Art 9
Code 10 = other, which requires further explanation
87. Member State may request copy of invoice where: (Art 10)
The taxable amount > Eur 1,000
> Eur 250 in the case of fuel
Member State may request claimant to provide description of business activity codes Art 11
9 month deadline , 30 September Art 15.1
Electronic confirmation of receipt of claim
Immediate, MS of establishment Art 15.2
Without delay, MS of refund Art 19.1
88. Claim thresholds changes as follows (Art 17):
Quarterly claims Eur 400 (previously Eur 200)
Annual claims Eur 50 (previously Eur 25)
Member State may request claimant to provide description of business activity codes Art 11
9 month deadline , 30 September Art 15.1
Immediate confirmation of receipt of claim Art 15.2
89. Decisions on claims within 4 months Art 19.2
Payment 10 working days thereafter Art 22.1
Query process may be invoked Art 20
Within 4 months
Send a request either to MS of establishment or to claimant
Where validity and accuracy are in doubt, original or copy invoices may be requested and thresholds are ignored.
Claimant has 1 month to provide the requested information
90. Decision on claims queried: - Art 21
Within 2 months after receipt of info from claimant; or
If no response, within 3 months of raising query
If more info is required, a decision must be made on whole or part of claim, within 8 months from submission
Payment on claims queried to be made within these deadlines Art 22.1
Appeals to be filed to MS of refund with same rights as domestic taxpayers Art 23.2
91. Interest paid to applicant on late refunds:
- Art 26 / 27
Does not apply if claims are queried and information is not provided within the 1 month period.
From date when refund should have been paid
Rate of interest to be the same as that applied to domestic taxpayers
If not interest is available in domestic law, then the rate of interest levied by the administration on taxpayers will be used.
92. Dual systems : 8th and 13th directive
2 methods of submission
3 deadlines (incl UK 13th directive deadline)
Tax certificates not required for 8th Dir
Claims forms not required
Powers of attorney?
Ability to send claim / invoice information up front in anticipation of a query?
93. Implementation timeline Component of the VAT Package
Political agreement in ECOFIN June 2007
Luxembourg veto on adoption
Presidency seeking adoption Dec 2007
Implementation expected 01 Jan 2010
94. Activity of IVA Secure the role of the Agent / Fiscal Rep
Reflect Agent role in software specification
Agent / Fiscal Rep
Facilitate the work of administrations
Measure to reduce the risk of fraud
Meet Member States and Commission
Gilles and Stephen met French: 5 Sep 2007
Further meetings will be set up with others
108. Money Laundering Directive 2005/60/EC
Introduced new measures affecting businesses in the financial sector
This includes tax consultants and VAT refund agents MONEY LAUNDERING
109. New measures will require:
Identification Procedures
Record Keeping
Staff Training requirements
Reporting procedures
110. Original legislation was primarily concerned
with the proceeds of drug trafficking
Now includes any serious crime including tax evasion
111. Customer identification required
Beneficial owner to be identified
Trust or foundation
112. Tax advice identified as the greatest risk
Tax advisors who defend or represent clients in judicial proceedings not subject to reporting obligations in accordance with the directive
The Directive establishes detailed rules
for customer due diligence
Enhanced due diligence for high risk customers
Includes relationships with high profile public
figures from countries where corruption is
114. The Directive applies to businesses including:
Credit Institutions
Financial Institutions
Auditors,external accountants,tax advisors
Real Estate agents
115. Customer Due Diligence to be carried out:
When establishing a business relationship
carrying out transactions amounting to 15000 Euros or more
Where suspicion of money laundering
Where doubts about authenticity of customer ID
116. Measures include:
Identification of customer from official documents or reliable independent sources
Obtaining information on intended nature of business relationship
Monitoring the relationship and scrutinising transactions to ensure consistent with instructions
117. Agents will have to ensure that adequate safeguards are in place where moneys go through bank accounts
Measures to be applied to all new customers and existing customers on a risk sensitive basis
118. Enhanced due diligence required where:
Customer not physically present for ID
Additional documents required
VAT Certificate
Passport copy
Company Registration Documents
119. Reporting Obligations
Each Member State has a Financial Investigation Unit (FIU)
Any activity which is complex or unusually large where reasonable grounds to believe that money laundering or terrorist financing
120. Reporting obligations do not apply where information received by tax advisors for the purpose of ascertaining the legal position or concerning judicial proceedings before during or after such proceedings
121. Registration requirements in each Member State
Fees may be payable on an annual basis for each premises from where business conducted
Penalties for failure to register or comply
122. Member States have to implement the Directive
Rules should be similar in all Member States
Tax advisors will be affected except where excepted through membership of recognised bodies such as Institute of Chartered Accountants or Law Society
123. Recommendations:
Check if your business can be exempted by membership of professional association
If not contact your local tax office or the FIU for details of how to register
Information should be available on the Internet
C-277/05 / Judgment / 2007-07-18 / Société thermale d'Eugénie-Les-Bains
No show deposits are not subject to VAT
Articles 2(1) and 6(1) of Sixth Council Directive 77/388/EEC of 17 May 1977 are to be interpreted as meaning that a sum paid as a deposit, in the context of a contract relating to the supply of hotel services which is subject to value added tax, is to be regarded, where the client exercises the cancellation option available to him and that sum is retained by the hotelier, as a fixed cancellation charge paid as compensation for the loss suffered as a result of client default and which has no direct connection with the supply of any service for consideration and, as such, is not subject to that tax.
The Court has not followed the position of the Advocate General who had opined that deposits retained by a hotel on the cancellation of a reservation by a customer are to be regarded as consideration for a taxable supply and not as compensation payments for loss.
141. FRENCH CASES extending the principles defined by the ECJ
Paris Administrative Court of Appeal / 2007-04-21 / SCA Pfizer Holding France
Costs incurred for the transfer of securities / Overheads
The Court decided that costs can only be regarded as overheads if they have a direct link with the whole business activity. The Court provides examples of overheads.
On that ground, the Court decided that the company in question does not properly demonstrate that link by merely arguing that the transfer of securities is justified by financial constraints and by the purpose of reorganizing its distribution business in France.
This caselaw deals with costs incurred for the transfer of securities and makes direct reference to ECJ caselaw rendered regarding the VAT recovery of expenditure involved in the acquisition of securities (ECJ, 8 June 2000, C-98/98, Midland Bank; ECJ, 22 February 2001, C-408/98, Abbey National; ECJ, 27 September 2001, C-16/00, Cibo Participation).
Revision of the VAT deduction rules (2)
They will come into force on 1 January 2008 and are based on the following principles:
The direct attribution method will continue to take priority;
(ii) Subsidies outside the scope of VAT do not impact the deduction ratio;
(iii) The deductible proportion of VAT on companys expenses will be determined by applying a deduction ratio, which is obtained by multiplying the three following ratios:
a VAT liability ratio /coefficient dassujettissement (previously the allocation key provided for in article 207 bis of Annex II, i.e. the apportionment between expenses within the scope/expenses outside the scope of VAT);
-a taxation ratio/coefficient de taxation (previously the deductible proportions provided for in articles 212 and 213 of Annex II) and;
- an eligibility ratio/ coefficient dadmission, which reflects the eligibility or not to deduct.
Revision of the VAT deduction rules (3)
They will come into force on 1 January 2008 and are based on the following principles:
(iv) The variations in these ratios and in the use of the assets (if more than 10 %) should be taken into account for any adjustments which have to be made each year;
(v) The new rules will also have an impact on the input VAT management processes of partially liable persons and their IT systems will have to be adapted accordingly. E.g. transactions outside the scope of VAT will have to be booked separately.
C-442/05 / Opinion / 2007-07-10 / Zweckverband zur Trinkwasserversorgung und Abwasserbeseitigung Torgau-Westelbien
Concept of single transaction
The Advocate General Mazak has opined that the connection of the water distribution network to a property owners installation by a water supply undertaking for a separately calculated fee comes under the heading of Ť the supply of water/Water supplies ť within the meaning of Sixth Council Directive 77/388/EEC of 17 May 1977 and should be regarded, with the water delivered to the dwelling in question, as forming a single transaction for the purposes of VAT.
C-451/06 / Opinion / 2007-07-18 / Walderdorff
Exemption / Concept of leasing or letting of immovable property
The Advocate General Sharpston opined that the concept of leasing or letting of immovable property in Article 13B(b) of Sixth Council Directive 77/388/EEC involves assigning the right to occupy the property and to exclude other persons from it.
It does not extend to a situation in which the owner of the property assigns the right to use it for a specific purpose but retains the right to use the property himself, or to authorise others to use it, for the same purpose or for other purposes