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GREEN marks the position of the protein fibronectin in this frog embryo Section HOW DO WE

GREEN marks the position of the protein fibronectin in this frog embryo Section HOW DO WE DO THIS? RED marks nuclei. Making Polyclonals serum + or - purif. MCB 6.2 ( ‘ 0601 ’ ) Monoclonals. PAGE PolyAcrylimide Gel Elecrophoresis MCB 3

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GREEN marks the position of the protein fibronectin in this frog embryo Section HOW DO WE

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GREEN marks the position of the protein fibronectin in this frog embryo Section HOW DO WE DO THIS? RED marks nuclei

  2. Making Polyclonals serum + or - purif.

  3. MCB 6.2(‘0601’) Monoclonals

  4. PAGE PolyAcrylimide Gel Elecrophoresis MCB 3 Western or Immunoblot MCB 3.5 “3EIMMBLOT”

  5. Immunocytochemistry Most common enzyme conjugates: Alkaline phosphatase Horseradish Peroxidase

  6. Fluorescent microscopy FITC secondary

  7. Anti-fibronectin Then FITC Fluorescence, rather than a converted substrate, as secondary to mark protein’s presence RED, PI, nuclear counterstain

  8. Principle of Confocal microscopy

  9. Confocal – What it offers Fluorescence microscopy Regular Confocal

  10. ActinGurken

  11. Hunchback Kruppel

  12. Immunogold SO: Immunogold Immunofluorescence Immunocytochemistry

  13. Tracking specific macromolecules For protein: antibody-antigen For nucleic acid: n.a. complementarity

  14. MCB 7.2 PCR Start here week2/3

  15. In situ hybridization with 35S RNA probes 1 2 3 4

  16. In situ hybridization using radioactive probe -expose photographic emulsion

  17. In situ –Shh

  18. FGF8 in situ

  19. FISH

  20. Northern Northern or SLOT-BLOT

  21. Northern - or dot/slot blot Developmental Northern or SLOT-BLOT Microarray Tiling Microarray RNA seq. Single cell RNA seq. RIBOSOME PROFILING- on way to proteome


  23. Array analysis: see animation from Griffiths

  24. Figure 4.16(1) Microarray Analysis of Those Genes Whose Expression in the Early Xenopus Embryo Is Caused by the Activin-Like Protein Nodal-Related 1 (Xnr1)

  25. Figure 4.16(2) Microarray Analysis of Those Genes Whose Expression in the Early Xenopus Embryo Is Caused by the Activin-Like Protein Nodal-Related 1 (Xnr1)

  26. Figure 4.15(1) Microarray Technique

  27. Figure 4.15(2) Microarray Technique

  28. Northern - or dot/slot blot Developmental Northern or SLOT-BLOT Microarray Tiling Microarray RNA seq. Single cell RNA seq. RIBOSOME PROFILING- on way to proteome

  29. MCB 5.1 Reporter Constructs

  30. Myf-5 Driven Beta-gal X-gal

  31. Acrosin-GFP

  32. GFP spindles http://www.duke.edu/web/microlabs/endow/moviepage.html

  33. Other markers of cells

  34. Flourecent dye injection into cells

  35. Antibody, FITC to P granules Hoescht-Dye

  36. A dye that fluoresces when it binds Ca++ Time series

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