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A Retrospective Glance

A Retrospective Glance. Some background Statistical environment in 1995 1995 conference issues Achievements since 1995. Content. Approximately 600 permanent staff 140 field staff Budget of about $45 million (excluding Census) One office in 3 centres.

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A Retrospective Glance

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  1. A Retrospective Glance

  2. Some background Statistical environment in 1995 1995 conference issues Achievements since 1995 Content

  3. Approximately 600 permanent staff 140 field staff Budget of about $45 million (excluding Census) One office in 3 centres Structure of Statistics New Zealand

  4. Statistics New Zealand is the national statistics office - other agencies also produce official statistics Operates under the Statistics Act 1975 Independent Government Statistician Provision for the co-ordination of statistics across government agencies Compulsory provision of data New Zealand Statistical System

  5. Technology upgrade underway Economic statistics - National Accounts, Balance of Payments, economic indicators Population Census, Household Economic Survey, Household Labour Force Survey Some use of administrative data - trade, births and deaths, migration and tourism Statistical Environment 1995

  6. Longitudinal - labour market Behavioural patterns in the work place Dynamics of commercial enterprises Personal income Wealth and poverty Contribution of the voluntary sector Impact of information technology More in depth Mäori statistics New statistics Requested in 1995

  7. Output price review SNZ web site development Data laboratory Reporting statistics Achievements Since 1995 - Access

  8. Time Use Survey Census Biotechnology Survey, Information Technology Survey Commercial Accommodation Survey Disability Survey, Health Survey Childcare Survey, Survey of Older People Education and Training Survey, Gaming Survey Achievements Since 1995 - Range of Statistics

  9. Health of the Mäori language Cultural Consumption Survey Longitudinal survey of Migrants Longitudinal Survey of Income Dynamics Household Assets and Savings Achievements Since 1995 - Range of Statistics

  10. Revised CPI, updated PPI Overseas trade price indexes for services Balance of Payments - coverage of service transactions, portfolio investment, foreign exchange hedging Reduced inconsistencies and revisions in GDP measures Introducing upgrade to National Accounts More use of tax data Achievements Since 1995 - Improvements

  11. Mäori Statistics Forum Advisory Committee on Economic Statistics Social Statistics Advisory Committee Ongoing dialogue with users Relationships with international agencies Achievements Since 1995 - Infrastructure

  12. Survey Management System Business Frame Classifications and Related Standards (CARS) Survey Information Manager Time Series Manager Information Network for Official Statistics (INFOS) Survey Processing System (SPROCET) Achievements Since 1995 - Information Technology

  13. Computer assisted interviewing Population Census Protocols for official statistics Protocols for integrating datasets Quality Compliance cost Achievements Since 1995 - Other

  14. A Retrospective Glance

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