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CHAPTER 9. INDIA (500 b.c.e – 500 c.e .). MAURYAN EMPIRE. CHANDRAGUPTA. First empire Efficient govt. Military expansion. PATALIPUTRA. 18 sq. mi. Largest city. GOVT. Provinces, districts Secret police. MILITARY. 700k men Expansion, power. ECONOMY. Mining, manufacturing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CHAPTER 9 INDIA (500 b.c.e – 500 c.e.)


  3. CHANDRAGUPTA • First empire • Efficient govt. • Military expansion

  4. PATALIPUTRA • 18 sq. mi. • Largest city

  5. GOVT. • Provinces, districts • Secret police

  6. MILITARY • 700k men • Expansion, power

  7. ECONOMY • Mining, manufacturing • Infrastructure • Foreign trade • State-controlled • Promote private investment

  8. ASHOKA • Grandson • Most popular ruler • Buddhism official religion • Expansion • Religious toleration

  9. MAURYAN DECLINE • After Ashoka’s death • Logistical issues • Large empire

  10. GUPTA (320-500) • Reunite India • Cultural renaissance

  11. GUPTA • Politically, economically same as Mauryan • Smaller land, bureaucracy • Religious toleration • Hinduism favored • brahmans

  12. ART/LITERATURE • Love of life • Lovers embracing, musicians, dancers • Golden age of lit. • Religious, philosophical, drama • Poetry, adventures • Thieves, courtesans, beasts • Kama Sutra”

  13. SCIENCE • Learning stimulus • Buddhist university (Nalanda) • Foreigners • 1-9, “zero” • Influences • Math, astronomy • Cube roots, sines, factors

  14. MEDICINE • Hospitals – free • Animals • Sterilized wounds • Cesarean operations • Plastic surgery • Known diseases, treatments: • Jaundice, abcess, tumor, diarrhea, fever • Leprosy treatment • Unknown to west for centuries

  15. BUDDHISM • India • Challenge Hinduism • Nonviolence • Major religion: Asia • Siddhartha Guatama • Monasticism

  16. BELIEFS • End rebirth: Nirvana • Moral conduct and meditation • Sorrow everywhere

  17. 4 NOBLE TRUTHS • Suffering dominates • Why? • We can rid of suffering • Follow 8 fold path to Nirvana

  18. JAINISM • Challenged Hinduism • India, 5th century B.C. • Mahavira

  19. BELIEFS • Ahimsa: nonviolence • All things – jiva (soul) • No meat and wine • Hindu beliefs • Karma • Moksa • Different path to pursue Moksa

  20. BELIEFS • Ultimate goal: • Renounce world • Wandering monk, nun

  21. BELIEFS • No meat and wine • Fasting • Five virtues: • Non-violence • Truth • Do not steal • Chastity • Worldly things

  22. JAINISM • Drastic beliefs

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