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How to Look BIG:

How to Look BIG:. Growing your Brand’s Image Online and in the Public’s Eye. Colin Chase. Currently an Innovative Marketing Consultant with Chase-It Marketing Previously: Director of eCommerce, Director of Marketing, Multimedia Software Developer, Network Administrator

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How to Look BIG:

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  1. How to Look BIG: Growing your Brand’s Image Online and in the Public’s Eye

  2. Colin Chase • Currently an Innovative Marketing Consultant with Chase-It Marketing • Previously: Director of eCommerce, Director of Marketing, Multimedia Software Developer, Network Administrator • 17 year career spanning IT, Software Development, Marketing, & Ecommerce

  3. How to Look BIG: Know your brand & Know your target audience

  4. Know Your Brand & Audience • Through Knowledge and Experience “Knowledge is only half the battle, butExperience wins the war.” • You may require in depth market research from a good marketing firm, or maybe you can find enough information on your own. • Don’t just Know, but Experience your product & target market. Immerse yourself in several ways into the comprehensive whole of your product, website, & market. • Use Social Media, Surveys, Secret Shoppers. Ask your vendors, employees, and customers for their input as well. Whatever mechanism provides you with a clear picture.

  5. How to Look BIG: • Aesthetics and Content

  6. Aesthetics & Content • The key Aspect that WILL differentiate your Brand & Website from among your competitors and make your Brand memorable is first your APPEARANCE & GRAPHICS, and second is your Website’s CONTENT. • Don’t fret, but also don’t go cheap. • This includes:The Brand’s logo, website design and usability, single-purpose landing pages, imagery, layout, printed materials, even your email signature. • Also is your Content worth reading? \

  7. How to Look BIG: • Remember the Goal of Marketing

  8. Marketing Creates Demand • The Internet has not change Marketing’s core goal. The Internet has indeed changed HOW marketing gets done, but it has not changed WHAT marketing does. (Though now we focus more on the Web.) • Marketing simply Creates Demand.

  9. How to Look BIG: • Brand Marketing

  10. Branding • Brand Marketing is essential for Brand Recognition, and without it you’re in trouble. • Many Brand Marketing activities can generate income and loyal life-long customers, because they function for dual purposes. • Activities including:Press Releases & Announcements, Multi-Channel marketing, Banner & Text Ads, Social Media Marketing, Content (Article) Marketing, Cross Promotions, Sweepstakes & Contests

  11. All Marketing is Branding • Whether you’re a B2B or a B2C, whether you’re selling a service or a commodity, whether you’re products are your own Brand or you’re just a part of the distribution channel.It doesn’t make a difference! • All Marketing should be Brand Marketing.

  12. How to Look BIG: • Partner with Others,The BIGGER the BETTER

  13. Why Partner “9 times out of 10 it is apparent that a website simply needs more Traffic, so long as the conversions remain acceptable.” You need to attract an interestedaudience while concurrently building demand in that audience for your Brand.

  14. Why Partner “What Does a larger Brand have in their possession that your Brand does not?” • Brand Recognition • And, Lots of Customers

  15. How to Partner • Devise reasons for publicity, whether a contest or a sweepstakes or a product Give-Away or a unique product attribute or a new “thing” you’re launching. Leverage your angle and use it! • Create and publish Press Releases frequently. Get your Brand’s name out there, as half the battle truly is just getting noticed. • Devise a publicly positive angle and exploit it for the betterment of your Brand. This is your theme. • Look for partnering opportunities or contact potential partners on your own.

  16. How to Look BIG: • Examples

  17. Press Releases & News Story • The proof is in the pudding. • Note: When I publish a Press Release I envision only the SEO aspects as the long-lasting effect. • In December 2009 I created a Press Release regarding Backyard Hockey Rinks. Three weeks later the NY Times called, and a few weeks after that a story ran in the NY Times about Backyard Hockey Rinks and the Brand I worked for was highlighted (story ran 2/10/10).

  18. Press Releases & News Story

  19. Press Releases & Sweepstakes • The proof is in the pudding. • Again, when you create a Press Release envision only the SEO aspects as the long-lasting effect. • In Nov & Dec 2010 I published Press Releases regarding the new BrothersAllNatural.com website and then a new product. A few weeks later a marketing firm connected to Warner Brothers Home Video called and within a few months (March 2011) the Brand’s first movie sweepstakes was launched. • This has snowballed into much, much more.

  20. Press Releases & Sweepstakes Over 60,000 Entries! Over 10,000 Entries! Over 20,000 Entries!

  21. Partnering with Large Brands • The really Large Brands that are true household names have many assets - such as millions of customers and national trust. Their logos are just like Trust Symbols on a website. • Large Brands need to get something out of the promotion such as concerted promotional activities from your Brand. Activities like sweepstakes, mentions on your site, mentions in your weekly email, Press Releases, etc. • However, as subsequent efforts become more successful, then your Brand often ends up getting much more out of the promotion.

  22. Partnering with Large Brands Disney and Walmart! How much better can it get?!?

  23. B2Bs and a Niche Market • Business-to-Business (B2B) companies are often working within a smaller niche market as opposed to working within a large and hugely vast market such as the Consumer market. • The problem with niche markets is that the competition, which is also serving that niche market, is often quite similar at face value.Thus the key is to differentiate in a memorable manner from the competition. • But how? Where to begin?

  24. B2Bs and a Niche Market • The basics of good marketing were included on this interactive CD-ROM: • Content included Documents and Video • Past Projects (ventures) • What they Offer (capabilities ) • Award-winning Projects (engineered solutions) • Etcetera • CD-ROM was easy to use as a handout at Trade Shows as well as to be included in mailers • The “wow” factor, the intrigue of “what is this?”, made the CD-ROM engaging and interesting • Success was achieved: • We provided entertaining and informative content • The sections on the CD-ROM and the content differentiated the company (Weber Knapp) • Video included “active” Keywords taken from the script, which were clickable to open up more detailed information • Thus, CD-ROM itself differentiated company • Kudos – This Marketing Project won an Award for innovation • Video Segments (2 to 4 min) were included: • Highlighting specific aspects • Video segments were detailed • Video segments then linked to articles via Keywords that appeared during the video’s dialog • Articles had more detailed information • Keywords paused the Video and opened a PDF to a specific page • When PDF was closed, the video would resume where it left off

  25. How to Look BIG: • Social Media is a MUST

  26. Social Media • How do you know what your Target Audience is thinking? How do you “connect” with them? • Do you use Surveys? Questionnaires? • Or do you get Social? “The majority of Internet ‘connected’ Americans are using Social Media every single day.Every day!”

  27. Social Media “Social Media allows you to reach out, while also appearing approachable and engaged.” • Social Media, such as Facebook, is a must. You have to reach people where they are, and this is where they are. This is how you “hear” your audience and connect directly with them. • Remember to use whatever leverage you have. Target your best, most profitable demographic (such as “moms with toddlers” in the case of the examples I have provided) and WIN some “Brand warriors” for your company and Brand.

  28. Social Media Potential Concepts / Ideas to Get Social: • Post something every day if possible.Plan for this ahead of time is able, use Google Alerts to be notified of specific topics that provide for timely items to post, use systems that automate posting if necessary (but make sure to comment on all remarks made – stay engaged). • Post images (photographs, product imagery). • Create contests for Facebook. • Create Cross Promo’s with other Brands on FB. • Make reasons to visit your website or to join a mailing list (weekly newsletter email).

  29. How to Look BIG: • The REASONS

  30. Press Releases • It all begins with a Press Release. • Worse case scenario - If all you get is a bunch of invaluable backlinks for your SEO, then you still win big. This is pretty much a guarantee, so long as you get the SEO enhancements. • Additionally, other Brands and external markets learn about your Brand and company. • Best case scenario – If a news agency picks up the Press Release and does a story, then all the better. This cannot be guaranteed though.

  31. Sweepstakes or Contests • A great method for increasing Brand Recognition. • Worse case scenario - If all you get is dozens of new subscribers to your Weekly Email Newsletter, then it was worth it. Dozens of subscribers should equate to dozens of orders over a duration of time – still an acceptable ROI by any measure. • Additionally, even more Brands and external markets learn about your Brand and company. • Best case scenario – Your brand gleans hundreds or thousands of new Customers. Plus maybe a large Brand involves themselves more concertedly in a cross promotion with your Brand.

  32. Advertising – Banners and PPC • Another great method for increasing Brand Recognition, while obviously trying to garner conversions. One feeds off the other. • Worse case scenario - If all you get is thousands in your target market to “see” your Brand (in text or banners), then you still gain Brand Recognition. • Most banner ad networks offer re-targeting, to “follow” an interested person around the Internet, which makes your ads more effective. • Best case scenario – You garner dozens, hundreds, even thousands of conversions from your Ads.

  33. How to Look BIG! • To Contact Colin please visit: www.Colin-Chase.com • Or by Phone: 585-802-4573 • Or by Email: Colin.Chase.Consulting@gmail.com

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