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John and Jane’s Trips to Portugal (31.03 to 04.04.2014). 5th Mobility – Comenius Project – 2012/2014. WELCOME DAY: 1st day greetings , meetings, presentations and ice- breaking activities at school …. John and Jane: Our 5th stop is in Monção – Portugal!
John andJane’s Trips to Portugal (31.03 to 04.04.2014) Project financed with the support of the European Commission through the Lifelong Learning Programme. The information in this publication (communication) is of the solemn responsibility of its author, which the Commission can’t take any responsibility for the eventual use that can be given of it. 5th Mobility – Comenius Project – 2012/2014
WELCOME DAY: 1st day greetings, meetings, presentationsand ice-breakingactivitiesatschool … John and Jane: Our 5th stop is in Monção – Portugal! John:Wow! Our trips are almostover! Jane: Yes, solet’smakethebestofit! Thisweekwe’re in PORTUGAL! 31st ofMarch, 2014
John: Look Jane there are some teams fromthe ice-breakingactivities! WELCOME DAY
Jane: Yes, John! Andhere are the green andtheyellow teams too! WELCOME DAY
John: In theafternoonwewent to visitthetown centre. Jane: Thefortresswassointeresting. Just imagine howitwas in the 15th century! WELCOME DAY
John: People in thosedaysbuiltsuchamazingthingsandhad no technologylikewehavetoday … Jane: Andtodaythetown centre hasoldandnewbuildingstogether. WELCOME DAY
John: OnTuesdaywehadlabactivitiesattheAquamuseum. Jane: Thatwassointerestingeventhoughtheweatheroutsidewasalwaysraining John: Yesbutwewereable to learnaboutthe local river’s fauna and flora andfishermentoolsandtechniques. WATER DAY
John: I reallyenjoyedWednesday! Weactuallyvisited a dam fromtheinside! Jane: Yes, andit’sthebiggestenergyproducer in Portugal! ENERGY DAY
John: In theafternoonwegot to visitthedistrict’s capital, look at some windmillsand … Jane: Andgo to thecity shopping centre, too! ENERGY DAY
John: Yes Jane … butonourwayback to Monção westoppedbythebeach! Jane: Oh yeah! TheAtlanticOcean! Itwaswindyandthetidewasup. Butitsmeltsogood! ENERGY DAY
John: OnThursdayweattended some drama lessonsandtheteachergaveus a Portuguese languagelesson! Jane: Itwasinterestingbecauseweused a ball to presentourselves in Portuguese! CULTURAL DAY
John: Butwhat I likedmostofthatdaywastheafternoon! Jane: Oh yeah! Wewent to the local museumanddid a ceramic workshop with a real artist! John: Welearnedaboutthehistoryoftheceramicart in Portugal andthenlookedattheexhibition, visitedthemuseumandgot to paintourown tiles! CULTURAL DAY
John: Itwas a reallyfunday! Jane: Wegot to go to thetraditional outdoor open market (the “feira”) and in theeveningwehad a comeniusgatheringattheschoolcanteen. CULTURAL DAY
John: Therewereabout 200 people! Jane: We ate traditionalfood, talked to otherstudentsandpartners, thehostfamiliesgottogether, andthen … CULTURAL DAY
John: Andthenwegot to singand dance! Jane: Itwassomuchfun! Wewatchedandparticipated in folk dances with a folk groupand in theendwehad a short disco session! John: I wassotiredwhen I gothome! Jane: Me too. CULTURAL DAY
John: Thelastdayoftheschoolweek … Jane: Itwentsofast! John: Yes. Time to evaluatetheweek. Wewrotedownourimpressionsandstarted to thinkaboutour trip back to ourhomelands… EVALUATION DAY
John: Theteachersalsodidtheirassessments. Jane: Then came thespeechesandwewereallgiven diplomas! EVALUATION DAY
John: I likedthe diploma. I’mgoing to putitup in myroomwhen I getback! Jane: Goodidea! EVALUATION DAY
John: You, knowwhat? Jane: What? John: I’malready feeling sadbecausewehave to leavetomorrow … EVALUATION DAY
Jane: Don’tbe! In theafternoonwestillhave final activitieswithallourpartners! John: That’sright! We’rewatching a 3D movie in theschoolauditorium, eat popcorn andthengo to thegym to have a Zumba lessonwiththe PE teacher! Jane: Itwillbesomuchfun! FINAL ACTVITIES BEFORE WE LEAVE…
John:Now I look backatthewholeweekandthinkofallthenewfriendswemade … Jane: Yes, thisisthe time wherethe Portuguese “Fado” musicactuallymakessense – destinymakesusfeelbluebecauseweknowit’salmostover. Afterthis trip weonlyhave ONE more … LAST GOOD-BYES
John: Yes, justone more … butwemadefriends for life! Jane: That’strue! Andwe’llalwaysrememberalltheexperienceswehadandthingswelearnt… John and Jane:That’swhywecan’tsay LAST STOP! We’lljustsay – ONE MORE STOP – CROATIA! LAST MOBILITY