Pests that come during Summer Season
Various occurrences and events surround us and the most basic one that we come across throughout our lives is the changing seasons every year. The existence of our whole world is the result as well as the foundation of season change. A single year is divided into seasons on the basis of weather, ecology and amount of daylight. Indian climate has mainly four seasons such as summer, rainy/monsoon, autumn, and winter. Along with the change in climate, seasons start changing and pests invade your house according to their favorite seasons. Some insects like the warmer weather and swarm during summer while others prefer dampness, invading your house in the monsoons and there are others that come inside your house to get away from the bitter cold outside. India is a tropical country, so we have really hot summers. The days become hotter and the only time to relax is the night. Now, most insects also follow similar kinds of patterns and rest inside their tunnels or under the earth or inside our homes are hidden during the day and come out at night. Most insects mature during this season. Few of the most common pest infestation during this time are as follows: i)tMosquitoes u2013 Mosquitoes are rampant during the summer season. Due to the warm climate, the mosquitoes have a short lifespan during this time and to compensate lay more and more eggs. This gives rise to more number of mosquitoes and more spread of diseases. ii)tHoney bees, Hornets & Wasps u2013 The stinging insects like honey bees start their nesting during this time and search for buildings and tall structures to build them. This results in their invading your house in search of breeding grounds. iii)tAnts u2013 The hot sun during summers heats the land and makes it impossible for ants to burrow underground. Food becomes scarce too. So ants usually invade the house in search of shelter and food. iv)tFlies u2013 Flies usually swarm during the summer. They spawn at a wild rate inside animal wastes, garbage, and rotting food. This makes trash cans their favorite place. Flies mostly wander outside but sometimes they find their way inside the house, especially to the kitchen. They can contaminate food and spread diseases. v)tTermites u2013 Termites are most active during the summer. The division of caste in this species makes them even more productive. During summers the queen termite that stays in the colonies lays eggs and multiplies the numbers while the worker termites eat away your wood and locate new wood to destroy and help in the multiplication and growth of their colony. vi)tBed bugs u2013 Bed bugs infestation is normally carried around from one place to another. Summers at the best time to invite bed bugs into your house if precautions are not taken as most people are prone to travel to different places during the summer break. Most hotels and ill-maintained motels have bed bug infestation which reaches your house during this time. It is scary to know how many pest infestations you might face during a single season. But every problem comes with a solution and the best solution to your seasonal pest infestation is calling up the experts to eradicate these creatures from your house. Every pest has its own unique infestation and the solutions are different as well. So consulting professional pest control services is highly recommended. TechSquadTeam, one of the leading providers of pest control service in Bangalore, provides you with a complete answer to all these pest problems. All you need to do is call us on 080-4653-5800 or visit our website at and book an appointment with us. We come to your house on your comfortable schedule and eradicate your pest infestation.
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