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Biology Test 2: Scientific Method Climate Biomes Biosphere

Biology Test 2: Scientific Method Climate Biomes Biosphere. Biology Vocabulary. 6. Hypothesis 7. Prediction 8. Control group 9. Experimental Group 10. Independent Variable 11. Dependent Variable 12. Theory 13. Observation 14. Double-Blind Test 15. Placebo

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Biology Test 2: Scientific Method Climate Biomes Biosphere

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  1. Biology Test 2:Scientific MethodClimateBiomesBiosphere

  2. Biology Vocabulary 6. Hypothesis 7. Prediction 8. Control group 9. Experimental Group 10. Independent Variable 11. Dependent Variable 12. Theory 13. Observation 14. Double-Blind Test 15. Placebo Reading Assignment: pgs 14-19 and in old book pgs. 754-755

  3. THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD(in detail) • TO START… A. Preliminary Research, reading, and background observations • Statement of the question A. Stated in a way that can be answered by observation • Hypothesis (a testable claim) • NOT AN EDUCATED GUESS • Can be proven false be NEVER PROVEN TRUE. • Scientists can have evidence that “supports the hypothesis” • Often stated as an “if…then…” statement (this is how you write a hypothesis…

  4. Scientific Method Continued… 4. Test the Hypothesis (EXPERIMENTATION) using a “fair test” A. Controlled Experiment – comparison between two groups that differ by only one factor - control group – standard to which all other groups are compared - experimental group – group that differs from the “control group” by one special factor or variable B. Variables (parts of the experiment that change) - independent variable – the special factor in the controlled experiment that is being manipulated or changed by the researcher - dependent variable – factor being measured as it responds to the independent variable (this is what we typically are measuring)

  5. Scientific Method Continued… • Enhancing Human Senses – microscopes, telescopes, computers, cameras, cell culture, growth chambers, remote sensors, lasers…etc…

  6. Scientific Method Continued… 5. Data Collection A. Record quantitative measurements in a table (obs. made in #’s) B. Record qualitative observations (obs. made in words) C. Summarize data appropriately in a table, chart, graph, paragraph… 6. Conclusion A. A critique of the experiment. B. Identify patterns in the data and compare the results to the original hypothesis C. Ask the next question THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD IS NEVER-ENDING!!

  7. SCIENTIFIC METHOD WORK SHEET(students have this page?)IDENTIFY THE DEPENDENT AND INDEPENDENT VARIABLES1.The Department of Natural resources has sold walnut shells to ARMCO Steel company. They think it will help make the furnace fires burn hotter.2. A new substance was created by DOW chemical to help create a better picnic cooler.3. A blood pressure medicine ROGAIN is said to cause hair growth in balding males.4. A new protein fortified fish food from Purina is supposed to increase the weight of farm raised fish quickly.

  8. 5. A new polymer was created by Big Chemco for addition to paint. The cars painted with this should stay shiny longer.7. Lexmark computer printers will print better if the nozzles are cleaned weekly.8. Professor Klump suggests that exposure to a special type of radiation will cause weight loss in hamsters.9. A combination of duct tape and bees wax will help skin wounds heal twice as fast

  9. Scientific Method Practice Growth hormones or no growth hormones? Students enrolled in an agricultural studies class were asked, “do growth hormones make a difference in the muscle mass of cattle?” The students thought that yes, the more hormone provided the better off the cattle would be. The students were asked to conduct a controlled experiment to test their hypothesis. The students used 5 groups of cattle. One group was given no hormones at all. The remaining groups were given varying amounts of hormone injections. All were housed in the same facility, with the same food and water sources available. The cattle’s weights were studied for a month and the data was collected.

  10. Study the data below and answer the following questions.

  11. QUESTIONS FROM DATA TABLE: • What was the problem/question? • What was the hypothesis? • What was the variable being tested? • What is the students’ control in the experiment? • Name 4 items that should be kept the same in this experiment to help get reliable results. • Name the independent variable. • What is the dependent variable? • State the conclusion for the students’ experiment using the results from the data table.

  12. Identify the INDEPENDENT and DEPENDENT variables in these statements. • More bushels of potatoes will be produced if the soil is fertilized more. • Independent variable? __________amt. of fertilizer____________ • Dependent variable? ______bushels of potatoes produced_______ • 2.Five groups of rats are fed identical diets except for the amount of vitamin A that they receive. Each group gets a different amount. After 3 weeks on the diet, the rats are weighed to see if the amounts of vitamin A received has affected their weight. • Independent variable? __________amt. of vitamin A_______ • Dependent variable? _______________weight of the rats_______

  13. 3. An experiment was done with 6 groups of children to see if the score on their weekly spelling tests were affected by the number of minutes of spelling practice they had each day. Independent variable? _______minutes spent studying_______ Dependent variable? ____scores on the spelling quiz_________ 4. The number of pigs in a litter is determined by the weight of the mother pig (sow). Independent variable? ________weight of the sow_______ Dependent variable? _______number of pigs in a litter__________ 5. The State Agriculture Department has been counting the number of foxes in Muskingum County. Will the number of foxes have any affect on the rabbit population? Independent variable? ___number of foxes in the county__________ Dependent variable? ______number of rabbits in the county_______

  14. Double Blind Studies • In a double-blind study, some of the participants are given the treatment, others are given a fake treatment (placebo), and neither the researchers nor the participants know which is which until the study ends (they are thus both “blind”). • Why are these effective?

  15. Placebos • A Placebo is a substance or procedure a patient accepts as medicine or therapy, but which has no specific therapeutic activity. • Basically, a fake drug • The placebo effect – participants take the placebo and report feeling better…. How does this work? The power of suggestion?

  16. THE BIG PICTURE • ECOLOGY - the study of relationships (organism, environment, climate, chemistry) BIOSPHERE POPULATION BIOME ECOSYSTEM COMMUNITY NON-LIVING COMPONENT

  17. THE BIG PICTURE I. DIVISIONS OF THE LIVING WORLD • BIOSPHERE- the area around the earth where life exists - hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere -14 miles thick • BIOME- a large area characterized by certain animal and plant species as well as climate – i.e. tundra, desert, deciduous forest, savannah…

  18. ECOSYSTEM- all the living and non-living components of a particular geographic area -boundaries are observer defined i.e. lake, Musk. Co., Ohio, USA • COMMUNITY- a naturally occurring group of plants and animals living in a particular area • POPULATION - a group of organisms of one type (species) living in a particular area • NICHE- the way of life of a species, i.e. how it obtains food, where it lives, builds a nest, escapes • HABITAT- the physical area in which an organism lives • CLIMATE- prevailing weather conditions DIAGRAM THE SUBSETS OF THE LIVING WORLD

  19. Abiotic (NON-LIVING) Components Sunlight Temperature Slope Soil Soil chemistry Precipitation Volcanoes Rocks Erosion Sedimentation Rate Biotic (LIVING) Components Plants Animals Fungus Bacteria ODDBALLS: Virus Prion

  20. II. Climate – prevailing weather conditions Factors that influence climate: • Amount of sunlight (sun’s heat drives the weather, uneven heating of the atmosphere) 2. daily rotation of earth 3. distribution of oceans and continents 4. elevation of land masses

  21. A. Heating the Atmosphere: draw a simple diagram of the prevailing winds Polar Easterly (from the east) 60 N Westerlies 30 N Tropic of Cancer Tradewinds Tradewinds Equator Tropic of Capricorn 30S Westerlies 60S Polar Easterly

  22. B. Ocean Currents and Climate • Draw prevailing ocean currents on worksheet & add Tropics and dates • Ocean currents effect on continental weather: • England is moderate in winter because of clockwise movement • Currents are caused by differences in temperature, differences in salinity, and by wind. • East coast has warm water. • West coast has cold from Arctic

  23. C. Effects of Topography on Regional Climate • Rain shadow effect - cool moist area flows in from the sea to replace rising warm air. The cool air rises and gives off moisture. The west side of the mountain range is wet. The east side is dry because the warming air can hold more moisture.

  24. Biology Test 2Topics: THURSDAY • Sci. method, • Q/Q observations, • Ind/Dep variables, (HW) • Climate, (factors determining local climate • The big picture NOTES ON Biosphere to population • World map, with currents, and important lines • Iguana video, (notes were taken) • Biome measuring activity • Text (14-19), (360-362, very general 391-398,) • Vocabulary (6-14)

  25. 1. Chili peppers are theorized to have antibiotic properties. • 2. Fevers can be reduced by chewing on the bark of willow trees. • 3. Eating a large meal before going to bed will cause you to snore.

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