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Leren & Werken. Nieuwe wegen en doelgroepen binnen academisch onderwijs. Faculteit Cultuur- en Maatschappijwetenschappen - Saeed Parto/Sjoerd Stoffels. Projectachtergronden.
Leren & Werken Nieuwe wegen en doelgroepen binnen academisch onderwijs Faculteit Cultuur- en Maatschappijwetenschappen - Saeed Parto/Sjoerd Stoffels
Projectachtergronden Context:Grootste UM-onderwijsproject tot dusver, uitgaande van ambities, financiële middelen, aantal projectmedewerkers en participerende studenten. Looptijd van september 2009 t/m december 2012. Algehele doelstelling:Nieuw (PGO) onderwijs ontwikkelen waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van e-learning technologie. Hiermee voor nieuwe doelgroepen de mogelijkheid creëren om onafhankelijk van tijd en plaats onderwijs te volgen. Doelgroepen: Werkenden, werkzoekenden, post-graduates, deeltijdstudenten (zogeheten lifelong learners).
Facultaire doelstellingen Herontwerp onderwijs door inzet e-learning technologie Kosteneffectieve inzet van nieuwe onderwijsvormen Afstemming (onderwijs) op nieuwe doelgroepen Digitaal hergebruik van colleges Ontwikkeling vaardigheden docenten en studenten Aanpassing procedures/protocollen Model voor opschaling Gemeenschappelijk onderwijs met buitenlandse universiteit
Distance Learning Course "Innovation@Risk" (Prof.dr.ir. Marjolein van Asselt & Dr. Frederic Bouder) Course description The objective of this DLC is to help decision makers and professionals debunk the challenging questions of managing risks associated with innovation in complex and controversial environments. Participants will benefit from the latest developments in risk research, with a view to be better equipped to take decisions. Target audience This course targets first and foremost professionals dealing with innovation and risks. These include professionals involved in risk issues at European and national agencies and ministries, risk managers and decision-makers in industry, employees of NGOs dealing with or campaigning on environmental and health related risks and consultants involved in advising these actors on innovation and risk. Participants should be able to take part flexible, irrespective from time and place. Design & Development - The target group concerns professionals and post-graduates. - Duration of each pilot run is 8 weeks - Students have to view several videolectures, read all included literature, work on assignments and take-home exams. Students are expected to participate in the monthly tutorial web conferences. The total time commitment has been estimated at 64 hours. - The DLC is entirely designed from the perspective of distance learning. Participants can only 'attend' when in possession of a well-equipped working station, including high speed internet access, a headset and webcam. - In close cooperation with the course coordinator and (guest)lecturers, 6-8 Accordent Rich media videolectures will be produced. - During the DLC, the lecturer is accessible for students by means of web conferencing, chat and mail. - The 'technical' foundation of the DLC is a SurfgroepenTeamsite. It contains following elements: 1. 10 Accordent Rich media videolectures (interface that contains video-recording and lecture slides); 2. Adobe Connect Pro web conferencing application; 3. Asynchronous discussion board, Announcements; 5. Digital educational materials, literature, user manuals. • Hybrid Learning Course "A long and winding road: the process of EU enlargement" (Dr. Giselle Bosse) • Course description • This HLC combines online PBL tutorials, group work, videolectures, and videoconferences with scholars from Maastricht University and Bilkent University, Ankara. The main objective is to offer a joint course that makes students acquainted with the different features of EU enlargement process, which is one of the key aspects of European integration process. • Target audience • This course targets first and foremost students who participate in this third year BA European Studies course. A second target group are students and lecturers from Bilkent University in Ankara (Turkey). Participants should be able to share the same educational content and attend lectures collaboratively, irrespective from time and place. • Design & Development • - The target group concerns faculty and external students. • - Involved external parties are Bilkent University Ankara. • - Duration of each pilot run is 8 weeks. • - Students have to view several videolectures, read all literature, work on assignments and a take-home exam. • - Students are expected to participate during the joint lecture room video conferences between Maastricht and Ankara. Pro-active participation at the discussion board is also required. • In close cooperation with the course coordinator and (guest)lecturers, videolectures will be produced. • During the DLC, the lecturer is accessible for students by means of web conferencing, discussion board and mail. • - The 'technical' foundation of the DLC will be a LearnPlus course (Blackboard). It will contain following elements: • 1. 6 regular videolectures; • 2. Elluminate multi-party web conferencing application; • 3. Asynchronous discussion board, Announcements; • 5. Digital educational materials, literature, user manuals. • Another important element will be the Polycom videoconferencing set/room that enables the joint sessions between Maastricht and Ankara Distance Learning Course "Policy and Institutional Analysis” (Dr. Saeed Parto) Course description This DLC is oriented toward skill development in, and practice of, decision and policy making. It introduces the participants to the fundamentals of policy and institutional analysis in the public, private, and non-profit sector organizations. The participants will gain in-depth appreciation of different methods, theories, and practical tools to deconstruct complex policy choice problems in different settings and to identify and evaluate viable policy alternatives. Target audience The course is designed for decision makers in private, public and civil society organizations including corporations, different levels of government, and non-government organizations. The course is also of benefit to post-graduate or master students of government and public administration. Design & Development - The target group concerns professionals and post-graduates. - Duration of each pilot run is 8 weeks. - Students have to view 1 videolecture per week, read all included literature, work on 2 assignments and write 1 final policy paper. Furthermore, students are expected to participate in the weekly tutorial web conferences. The total time commitment has been estimated at 65-95 hours. - The DLC is entirely designed from the perspective of distance learning. Participants can only 'attend' when in possession of a well-equipped working station, including high speed internet access, a headset and webcam. - In close cooperation with the course coordinator and lecturer, 8 Accordent Rich media videolectures have been produced, which form the backbone of the DLC. - During the DLC, the lecturer is accessible for students by means of web conferencing, discussion board and mail. - The 'technical' foundation of the DLC is a Surfgroepen Teamsite. It contains following elements: 1. 8 Accordent Rich media videolectures (interface that contains video-recording and lecture slides); 2. Adobe Connect Pro web conferencing application; 3. Asynchronous discussion board, Announcements; 5. Digital educational materials, literature, user manuals. Facultaire deelprojecten MA European Studies on Society, Science and Technology (deelproject 1) BA European Studies (deelproject 2) RMA European Studies (deelproject 3)
Componenten E-learning evolutie Understanding E-Learning 2.0, Tony Karrer (2007)
Deelprojecten 1 & 3 : bevindingen Completed didactical structure and learning content Improved and fully operational DLC’s Faculty PR & recruitment according to plan Participants from all over the world Individual hands-on Adobe Connect Pro training for students Comprehensible DLC user manuals Course duration of 8 weeks provides sufficient flexibility Course coordinators and students are satisfied regarding learning content, didactical structure and technical gear Specific questionnaire sets and data analysis for evaluation • Not all students dispose of high speed internet access • Students participation is sometimes too flexible • As long as DLC’s will be offered for free, students miss an extra incentive to complete the course and graduate
Deelproject 2 : bevindingen Completed didactical structure and learning content Fully operational HLC Inter-university collaboration with Bilkent University Ankara Joint video conference lecture sessions with Bilkent University Comprehensible HLC user manuals Course coordinators and students are satisfied regarding learning content, didactical structure and technical gear Specific questionnaire sets and data analysis for evaluation • Further attuning both course schedules from Maastricht and Bilkent University should be considered • Fully joint course requires extra efforts from both universities
Knelpunten Centraal/Service Centra Institutionele multimedia server On line/automatisch betalen Snelle registratie procedure Toegang tot alle digitale informatiebronnen Interuniversitaire certificaten en ECTS Up to date ELO en web conferencing applicatie Waarborg intellectueel eigendom Institutionele PR & werving Kennis & Expertise Commitment Faculteit Ruimte voor docenten om nieuw onderwijs te ontwikkelen Voldoende financiële middelen Videolecture faciliteiten