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This talk explores the Japanese historical records of SN1006 and other supernova remnants, as well as the Suzaku observation of SN1006. The historical records of astronomical phenomena in Ancient China and Japan are discussed, along with the role of diaries in documenting these events. The talk also highlights the importance of Suzaku, the 5th Japanese X-ray astronomical satellite, in studying SN1006 and cosmic ray acceleration. The talk will be given by Hiroya Yamaguchi and Katsuji Koyama from Kyoto University, and Junko Hiraga and Aya Bamba from RIKEN.
Japanese historical records of SNRs and SUZAKU observation of SN1006 国宝「明月記」(冷泉家時雨亭文庫) 2006/05/16One Millennium after SN 1006? @Hangzhou Hiroya Yamaguchi (Kyoto Univ., Japan) Katsuji Koyama (Kyoto Univ.) Junko Hiraga (RIKEN), Aya Bamba (RIKEN)
My talk plan • The Japanese historical records of SN1006 and other supernova remnants. • Introduction of Japanese satellite “Suzaku”. • Report of the Suzaku observation of SN1006. • Summary
Ancient China and Japan Astronomical records (auroras, eclipse, shooting star and etc.) were frequently appeared after 7th century. The exchange between China and Japan was very active. 遣隋使 (Kenzuishi) The mission to China Astronomical knowledge and thought 煬帝 Yang Di 聖徳太子 Shotoku-taishi (assistance of emperor)
In 12-13th century, Teika Fujiwara (Japanese noble and poet) collected the ancient astronomical records, and noted them in his diary “Meigetsuki(明月記)”. He started to write the diary when he was 19 years old, and continued for 56 years. In those days, diaries had the role of the records of the ceremony, political affairs, and disasters. 藤原定家 Teika Fujiwara (1162-1241) Unusual astronomical phenomena (supernovae, eclipses, comets, and shooting stars) were believed as the predictions of famines, epidemics, and floods.
Japanese historical record of SNR “Meigetsuki” (This page was written in 11/8, 1230.) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Crab Nebula 「客星古現例」 the ancient samples of “guest stars”. Guest stars = comets, novae, and supernovae SN1006 3C58
SN1006 一條院 寛弘三年四月二日葵酉夜以降 騎官中有大客星如螢惑光明動耀 連夜正見南方或云 騎陣将軍星本体 増変光 Chandra image of SN1006 In the reign-period of Ichijo-In, April 2nd, 3rd year of Kanko (= May 1st, 1006), a great guest star appeared within the constellation “Kikan” (=Imperial Guards). It was very bright like Mars, and visible in the southern sky every night. One possibility was the star of “Kijin-Shogun” (= Chariots and General) suddenly lighten? 騎官 (kikan) 騎陣将軍 (Kijin-Shogun) Lupusκ
Crab nebula 後冷泉院 天喜二年四月中旬以降 丑時 客星觜参度見東方 孛天関星 大如歳星 Chandra image of Crab In the reign-period of Goreizei-In, after the middle of April, 2nd year of Tenki (= May-June, 1054), a guest star appeared nearby “Shi” and “Shin” (= Orion) in eastern sky at 2:00. It shined near to the star of “Tenkan”, and its size was comparable to Jupiter. 天関 (Tenkan) Taurusζ 觜, 参= Orion
3C58 高倉院 治承五年六月廿五日庚午戌時 客星見北方近王良守伝舎星 Chandra image of 3C58 In the reign-period of Takakura-In, June 25th, 5th year of Jisyou (= August 7th, 1181), a guest star appeared in northern sky at 20:00. It was near to the star of “Oh-Ryo” (= real person’s name of ancient China) and “Densya”. 王良 (Oh-Ryo) Cassiopeiaβ 伝舎 (Densya) = Camelopardalis
“Meigetsuki” was designated as a national treasure in 2000. It is preserved by Reizei-ke(冷泉家), descendant of Teika Fujiwara. Kyoto Univ. Very near ! (~2km) Reizei-ke Kyoto Gyoen Kamo river
Introduction of Suzaku The 5th Japanese X-ray astronomical satellite. It was launched on July 10th 2005. 朱雀 (Suzaku) Suzaku is “Red Chinese Phoenix”, the protector God of the South. The wall painting of Suzaku in “Kitora” tomb
Instrument XRT (X-Ray Telescope) Large effective area 450cm2 @1.5keV per 1 unit XIS (X-ray Imaging Spectrometer) Improved X-ray CCD with high efficiency and good energy resolution Low Background Energy band : 0.2-12keV HXD (Hard X-ray Detector) Wide energy band Si-PIN (8-50keV) & Scintillator (50-600keV) Non-imaging detector, but low background XRT XIS HXD
XIS 4 units 3 Front-illuminated (FI) CCD ‥ high efficiency for hard X-ray 1 Back-illuminated (BI) CCD ‥ high efficiency for soft X-ray XRT FI CCD BI CCD Quantum Efficiency of XIS XIS
XIS Comparison of efficiency and energy resolutions Suzaku XIS-FI Suzaku XIS-BI O VIII O VII Ne IX Ne X Spectra of E0102-72
XIS Comparison of background levels BGD spectra normalized by solid angle of FOV and effective area Suzaku XIS-FI Suzaku XIS-BI XMM EPIC-MOS XMM EPIC-pn
Cosmic ray accelerator Koyama et al. (1995) discovered synchrotron X-ray from the shell of SN1006. → Indication of ~100TeV electrons SNRs are cosmic ray accelerator ! Unsolved problem The environment of accelerating place ‥ Plasma temperature, density, and so on. Essential information to understand the acceleration mechanism. Temperature ‥ 0.1 - 1 keV We don’t know accurate value, Density ‥ 0.1 - 10 cm-3 nor positional dependence. Suzaku XIS-BI (high efficiency and good energy resolution) is the best instrument to resolve this problem ! 10’ ASCA image of SN1006
Thermal X-ray from SNRs We can get the information of temperature and density from thermal X-ray spectrum of SNR ! Shock front of SNR heats the matter up to a temperature of a few keV (~107 K), and emits X-rays (bremsstrahlung and line emissions). Electron temperature ‥ the shape of the bremsstrahlung continuum Density ‥ the flux of the continuum and the line emissions Brems: I(ν) ∝ (hν)-0.4 exp(-hν/kTe)・nenpV Line: Iz∝ nenzV ne = electron density, np = proton density nz = ion density, V = volume of emission region
Oxygen ionization fraction vs. electron temp. He-like H-like Fully ionized 1 10 100 103 104 Electron temperature (eV) Oxygen ionization fraction vs. net (for kTe=1.5keV) He-like H-like Fully ionized 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 1012 net (cm-3 s) Higher temperature Higher density Higher ionized state Thermal X-ray from SNRs Ionization Neutral He-like ion H-like ion Non-equilibrium ionization (NEI) At low density, Te ≠ Tz Ionization equilibrium requires ~103 years ! Neutral
XIS image of SN1006 43.5ksec Suzaku observed SN1006 by 6pointing on 2005/9 and 2006/2. 4 pointing on source 2 pointing for background 62.4ksec Extract spectrum from whole northeast region. 61.6ksec 59.1ksec XIS-BI 0.3 - 5.5 keV image
Spectra of whole NE region H-O He-O He-O band Non-thermal emission 3 - 5 keV band Black : XIS-BI Red : average of 3 XIS-FIs Successfully divided oxygen lines and synchrotron component !
Narrow band images of XIS-BI He-O line band 3 - 5 keV band Distributions of thermal plasma (line emission) and non-thermal electron (synchrotron emission) are different !
Narrow band images of XIS-BI NE rim of SN1006 He-O line band 3 - 5 keV band Easthern rim emits X-rays in the He-O band (soft thermal X-rays), and northern rim emits hard X-rays ??
Northern rim Inner region Eastern rim Spectral analysis of NE region We divided NE region into 8x8 region, and extracted spectra from each square region. Compared the fluxes of O lines and 3-5keV band. Used region: in the YELLOW frame
He-O line vs. hard X-ray emission Northern rim Eastern rim Consistent with imaging analysis ! Inner region
H-O line vs. hard X-ray emission Similar distribution to He-O vs. hard X-ray Northern rim Eastern rim Inner region
Chandra image of SN1006 These regions are correspond to 2 Chandra filaments in NE shell. Northern rim Northern rim Inner region Eastern rim Eastern rim The first result: We distinguished the spectral properties of two filaments ! Chandra image with Suzaku FOV.
More detailed analysis and discussion Black: NH=1x1021cm-2 Red: NH=2x1021cm-2 Blue: NH=3x1021cm-2 Inner region Eastern rim High Density H-O H-O/He-O~0.2 in all regions ! High Temp. Northern rim He-O kTe vs. net (for H-O/He-O=0.2) Line intensity: Eastern rim > Northern rim → Density: Eastern rim > Northern rim H-O/He-O ratio: Eastern rim = Northern rim → Temperature: Eastern rim < Northern rim
More detailed analysis and discussion Non-thermal emission Higher energy electrons exist in Northern rim ? Emax∝ V ∝ρ-1/5 Low density → High shock speed → High acceleration efficiency Γ~ 2.7 Γ~ 3.1 Black: Northern rim Red: Eastern rim Future work Quantitative decision of temperature, density, and maximum energy of accelerated electrons by spectral fitting with precise response of XIS.
Summary • We observed SN1006 with Suzaku. • We succeed to divide two oxygen lines from continuum spectrum. • We discovered positional dependence of line intensities in the NE region of SN1006. • E rim = High density and low temperature, N rim = low density and high temperature?
HXD Comparison of background levels BGD spectra normalized by effective area 1Crab BeppoSAX-PDS RXTE-PCA/HEXTE Counts sec-1 keV-1 cm-2 Suzaku HXD-PIN/GSO 10 100 500 Energy (keV)
Discussions Line Non-thermal North rimweak intense hard East rimintense intense soft Inner region middle weak Density of ISM ? ‥ Line intensity ∝ ρ2 ‥ Radius ∝ ρ-1/3 rnorth > reast (Rothenflug et al. 2004) VLA (1518MHz) image of SN1006