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András Gábor, Andrea Kő Corvinus University of Budapest 5th Eastern European e|Gov Days 2007

Semantic-enabled Agile Knowledge Management o f eG overnment – Ontology-based Approach t o Competency Management o f Higher Education Domain. András Gábor, Andrea Kő Corvinus University of Budapest 5th Eastern European e|Gov Days 2007 11 –13 April 2007, Prague.

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András Gábor, Andrea Kő Corvinus University of Budapest 5th Eastern European e|Gov Days 2007

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  1. Semantic-enabled Agile KnowledgeManagement of eGovernment – Ontology-based Approach to Competency Management of Higher Education Domain András Gábor, Andrea Kő Corvinus University of Budapest 5th Eastern Europeane|Gov Days 2007 11 –13 April 2007, Prague

  2. Challenges, Features and Hungarian Specialities of Higher Education Domain • Large-scale reform started several years ago, that aimed the modification of Hungarian higher educational system • Connection to the European Higher Education Area • Hungarian student population radically decreased for 2006 • Strong competition between higher education institutes • Labour market demands three times more persons from vocational training, compared with the graduated number of students • Structure of the higher educationhas been changed • Key task is to determine the proper higher educational portfolio • Labour market demands and higher education supply have to be aligned

  3. SAKE Knowledge Management System • SAKE - Semantic-enabled Agile Knowledge-based e-Government(IST-2005-027128 funded by the European Commission’s 6th Framework Programme) • SAKE objectives: • What? Assist the PA in his day to day knowledge – based tasks • Support information sharing • Enhance collaboration • Transfer changes according to his preferences • How? • Semantically – enhancingexisting and new tools • Used in day – to – day tasks of the KW • Managing a significant volume of information (CMS) • Supporting collaborative work (GWS) • Systematic representation of information • Explicit (documents) • Tacit (skills, communications)

  4. Conceptual Architecture of SAKE Solution • The solution consists of three basic systems • Semantic-based attention management system • Semantic-based content management system • Semantic-based groupware system

  5. User Scenario - Coping with Changes in Law SAKE system Warning: Act on Higher Education) has been changed recently CMS Attention management Editorial process Social tagging Context of educational output Common Knowledge Space Searching for virtual content educational output Content-related scenario of Higher Education Manager

  6. Pilot Case - Higher Education Portfolio Alignment with World of Labour Needs” • Basic Steps of Higher Education Portfolio Alignment with World of Labour Needs • Description of educational output • Data Collection about job requirements by Job placement services and media • Job profiling (by the Bologna Desk and the Ministry of Education and Culture) • Comparison of existing job profiles and educational outputs (by the Educational Planner) • Labour market forecast and job profiling (world of labour needs)

  7. Sample for Educational Output • Graduates of the MSc course are qualified to: • realise the problems of the field, work out efficient solutions and initiate the implementation thereof, • independently cope with management tasks bearing professional, human as well as ethical considerations in mind, • perform and coordinate R&D tasks as well as • join PhD education • Personal abilities and skills required for graduates: • basic communicational and management skills as well as ethical knowledge, • environment protection and quality assurance expertise, • knowledge of the relevant legal, controlling, economic and production processes fields • knowledge of the basic practical methods and solutions (planning, development, integration, commissioning, quality assurance, operation, supply and maintenance) as well as • basic research trends in the field of training; the acquisition of the essential skills necessary for R&D activities, • knowledge related to the documentation of R&D activities, IT development and managing tasks

  8. Sample for Job Profile • Project manager - IT Operations - the role will require the following skills and competencies (example): • Providing Direction • Provides team with a clear sense of direction; takes charge, organises resources and steers others' towards successful task accomplishment. • Motivating Others • Enthuses others and facilitates successful goal accomplishment by promoting a clear sense of purpose, inspiring a positive attitude to work, and arousing a strong desire to succeed among team members. • Analysis • Breaks problem into constituent parts and differentiates key elements from the irrelevant or trivial; makes accurate use of logic, and draws sound inferences from information available. Seeks all possible relevant information for problem solving and decision making; consults widely, probes the facts, analyses issues from different perspectives. • Technical Skill and Competence • Demonstrates detailed knowledge and expertise in relation to the job; readily absorbs new technical information and keeps up to date in specialist areas.

  9. SAKE Support: Collaboration and Change Notification • There is a need for moderated collaboration. Relevant documents exist but they have to be discussed • The GWS can involve people (e.g. the members of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee and academics from universities) for the description of the educational output. • The CMS can provide access to the information resources • The AMS can notify of a change in regulation, that affect the educational offer, the actual figures of education, e.g. number of students/year

  10. SAKE Support: Content Management • Problems: • Pieces of information is available, but no one knows the whole truth • The job profile should be based on the collaboration among the players • SAKE support: data, information is annotated and inserted in the CMS • Based on SAKE system the Educational Planner will have at his disposal the material – information resources (documents, discussions etc) on which the job profile and the educational output have been based.

  11. SAKE Support: Conceptualization of Educational Demand and Content Management • Problem • There is a need for standardization, regarding the educational demand. • A competency ontology is used to facilitate the categorization problem. Rules can exist (e.g. the experience should be > 10years). • The CMS assist in the indexing and clustering of documents • When a job demand is coming the CMS can find the educational offer (set of skills – competencies)

  12. Core Part of the Ontology: Modeling Jobs and Competencies

  13. Benefits/risks • Benefits • Improve quality in the communication / collaboration with multiplying results (e.g. more interactions) • Communication is more structured (threads, “comment on comment” support) • All relevant information are directly inserted in the space • The material can be accessed by the team at any phase • Notification of potentially interesting changes • Information about job profiles are more structured • The material can be accessed by the team at any phase • Educational demand is structured and organised • Job profiles are clustered, annotated • Common terminology • Risks • Continuous notification may overburden the recipient who can at some point ignore them • Fine – tuning is needed • Missing trust • Lack of computer skills • The system may be too complicated, which can hinder its usage

  14. Conclusion and Future Works • SAKE knowledge environment supports pilot case - higher education portfolio alignment with world of labour needs in Hungarian changing environment • Future work: • find further application possibilities of higher education domain ontology in human resource management field • additional extension can be the application of the ontology in similar matching tasks, like matching between assembly plant and suppliers

  15. Thank you for your attention!

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