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My Body. The body and it’s main components. By Alex Kavalec. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.sciencequiz.net. The Skeletal System. All you need to know about the bones in your body, why they are there, and why you need them!. Bones rock!.
My Body The body and it’s main components. By Alex Kavalec http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.sciencequiz.net
The Skeletal System All you need to know about the bones in your body, why they are there, and why you need them! Bones rock! http://www.cksinfo.com/clipart/medicine/anatomy/Skeleton-labeled.png
The arm and leg bones • The bones in your fingers are called “phalanges” • The wrist bone is the “carpal” bone • The “ulna” and the “radius” are the lower arm bones. • “Humorous” is what the upper arm bone is called • The “clavicle” is the shoulder bone • The toe bones are also called “phalanges!” • “Tarsal” is the what makes up the ankle • The “fibula” is one of the lower leg bones, and the “tibia” is too. • The “patella” is the kneecap, and the “femur” is the upper leg! • The “ilium” is the uppermost and largest bone of the “pelvis”
The Middle body and Head • The skull is scientifically called the Cranium • The jaw is called the Mandible • The scapula is the shoulder bone • Ribs keep your heart and lungs safe! Healthy tip: Eat and Drink lots of dairy products, which contain calcium tokeep your bones healthy!
More on the Skeleton! My own words Internet Paragraph The bones are a very important part of your body. They keep you from being a lump on the floor. So really it’s the structural part of your body. But what’s even more important, is that they are so hard, they can protect your lungs, heart, and brain from outside damage. There are 206 bones, and that the heart is also protected by the sternum. The bones allow movement of the body, producing blood from the body, and storing minerals. The bones are important to you in many ways. Finally, they give shape to your body. http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/biology/humananatomy/skeletal/skeletalsystem.html
Muscles of the body Everything you’d want to know about the muscles, and more! Healthy Hint- Eat foods with protein like eggs, meat, and peanuts! 2healthfitness.com/.webloc
The muscles! • Occipital • Trapezius • Deltoid • Latissimus Dorsi • Gluteus Maximus • Biceps • Triceps • Pectoralis Major • Biceps Femoris • Soleus • Archilles Tendon
Muscles, muscles and more Muscles! My Paragraph Internet Paragraph The muscles are what make your bones able to move up and down. If you had no muscles, you’d look like Frankenstein, walking around with your legs straight out! Your muscles are kept strong by eating protein. Protein is a mineral found in meat and eggs. Without muscles, it would be hard to do everyday things like brush your teeth and comb your hair! Muscles are an important part of our body and we don’t often think about them. The muscles are divided into three sections. They are the Skeletal, Cardiac, and smooth muscle. Skeletal muscles are associated with bones and cartilage. Cardiac muscles are muscles like the heart. Smooth muscles are associated with viscera. (internal organs.) http://kidshealth.org/kid/htbw/muscles.html http://kidshealth.org/kid/htbw/muscles.html
The Skin The largest organ you have!
How to care for your skin! Put lotion on your body to keep it from drying out! Put on sun block, at least SPF 15 to avoid getting sunburns! Pimples are oil clogs in the skin- wash face regularly to avoid. http://www.klimadeodorant.com/skin1/images/custom/pages/skin.jpg
Skin, skin, read all about it! My Paragraph Internet paragraph Skin is the largest and heaviest organ that you have. Skin is called your “Birthday Suit!” The skin protects your muscles and other organs. You sweat through your skin. Your skin is mostly dead! (Eww!) Skin is an important organ! Skin is an animal’s soft outer covering. Animals with vertebrae have skin, in particular. Skin is made up of multiple layers. It also provides insulation! Plus temperature regulation. Who knew it protects vitamin B! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skin
The Nervous System What makes you react to sound, sight, smell, touch, and hearing! http://www.contmediausa.com/shop/app/products/Human3D/Images/VB75A.jpg
What I know about the nervous system Here’s a tip- eat a good amount of fatty meats, make sure you get enough vitamin D, and B12, to keep you nervous system strong! http://drbenkim.com/nervous-system-healthy.html Your nervous system is what makes you react to the 5 senses. The nervous system is like a lot of wires connecting to your brain. So let’s say you touched something hot- the nervous system would tell your brain, “Ouch! That’s hot!” and reacts. Your sight is also connected to your brain- it analyzes what you’re seeing. The nervous system, when you get down to it, I think is quite easy to understand
What I learned on the nervous system The nervous system makes up your brain, spinal cord, and all of your nerves. You couldn’t exist without it! Tasting, smelling, seeing, hearing, thinking, dreaming, breathing, heart beating, moving, running, sleeping, laughing, singing, remembering, feeling pain or pleasure, painting, writing, you can do it all with your nervous system. As you can tell, the nervous system makes up most of your body. The nervous system is like dominos too! The nervous system makes up the most important parts of your body! http://yucky.discovery.com/flash/body/pg000136.html
The Digestive System! Keep your Digestive System healthy by eating lots of fruits and veggies! eatwellgetwell.files.word#33085
http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/yrdd/ What is the Digestive System? What I know What I learned The digestive system is what helps you digest (break down) the food you eat. The digestive system goes from our mouth, to the esophagus, into the stomach, through your large and small intestines, and… out The stomach breaks down food with a kind of acid. This acid cannot break down gum easily though. The digestive system also helps absorb food. The digestive system helps break down the food in a way so the body can use it’s nutrients. Digestive juices (saliva) help break down food. The small intestine has small hairs that absorb the good stuff. Two types of nerves help the digestive system!
www.daviddarling.info/.webloc The Circulatory system! The number 1 thing you can do for your circulatory system is DON’T SMOKE!!!
http://hes.ucfsd.org/gclaypo/circulatorysys.html What about the circulatory system? The circulatory system is a complicated system. It carries blood through your body. A part that makes it up is your heart. There also are the veins that carry the blood through your body. If you eat right and exercise, the system will stay healthy! The circulatory system carries nutrients, water and oxygen. The blood and blood vessels are also part of the system. The heart is always working hard. It beats about 1.5 BILLION times in an average life! The circulatory system is very important!
The Respiratory System Breath in, and out, breath in, and out!
http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/adam/images/en/respiratory-system-overview-picture.jpghttp://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/adam/images/en/respiratory-system-overview-picture.jpg How to keep the respiratory system healthy Once again, DON’T Smoke!!!! It can block your airway and make it hard to breathe!!!!
Want more on the respiratory system? What I know What I learned The respiratory system is what lets you breathe. One of the most important parts is the right and left lungs. The respiratory system needs fresh oxygen for it to work. That is why you breath so often- you need more oxygen! The body cannot use CO2, so you exhale it. The respiratory system is one of the most important! The respiratory system supplies your blood with oxygen. The oxygen is taken in through the mouth and nose. Then the air passes through the larynx, which is basically the vocal cords. Then the air goes through lots of tiny tubes called bronchi. The process repeats over and over again every time you breathe. http://www.fi.edu/learn/heart/systems/respiration.html
The Heart The most important part! Healthy Hint- Exercise at LEAST 30 minutes a day!
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/images/ency/fullsize/1097.jpghttp://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/images/ency/fullsize/1097.jpg What IS the Heart? The heart is what pumps blood, nutrients, and oxygen through your body. Without it you would die! The heart is a muscle. Unlike some muscles though, the heart works all the time. The heart beats over 1 billion times in an average lifetime! The heart is a cardiac muscle. It is about the size of your fist. The rib cage protects the heart. High cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease. The heart looks NOTHING like the so well-known shape we all know. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart#Healthy_heart
http://evankessler.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/dictionary.jpghttp://evankessler.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/dictionary.jpg Vocabulary slide! • Larynx- The vocal organ in animals • Cardiac- of or pertaining to the heart • Vertebrae- The bones of the back
http://peakrunningperformance.com/webpages/images/stories/skeleton.gifhttp://peakrunningperformance.com/webpages/images/stories/skeleton.gif That’s ALL Folks! The End!I hope you liked my PowerPoint!!