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The 1 st International Week "Building the bridge between the continents" at Ural Federal University in Ekaterinburg, Russia on 2 .- 6.6.2014 Track 3: Information technologies and Human B eing in the I nformation S ociety on 4.6.2014 at 15.00–17.00
The 1stInternational Week "Building the bridge between the continents" at Ural Federal University in Ekaterinburg, Russiaon 2.-6.6.2014 Track 3: Information technologies and Human Being in the Information Society on 4.6.2014 at 15.00–17.00 Does the InformationSociety help us to prevent the exclusion of unemployed? Erkki Saari (Dr. Soc. Sc.) Senior lecturer, Laurea Universityof Applied Sciences, Hyvinkää campus
Figure 1. The relationships of reflection, action, development and research (Saari 2013; see also Saari 2009, 32). LaureaUniversity of Applied Sciences
Figure 2. Context of the development of the prevention of the exclusion of unemployed in Finland from the mid-1990s (Saari 2013; see also 2009, 334). LaureaUniversity of Applied Sciences
Figure 3. Employed labour force by level of education. Source: StatisticsFinland 2014a. LaureaUniversity of Applied Sciences
Education System in Finland Ministryof Education and Culture n.d.a LaureaUniversity of Applied Sciences
Figure 4. Gross domestic product, volume index, 2000=100. Source: StatisticsFinland 2014b. LaureaUniversity of Applied Sciences
¹From 2006 including individually laid off. ²Includes all fully laid off starting from 1 July 2013, up to that date only those individually laid off. Figure 5. Unemployed jobseekers at the employment service by occupation. Source: Työpoliittinen Aikakauskirja 1/2014. LaureaUniversity of Applied Sciences
Figure 6. Population with a tertiary degree Source: Statiscs Finland 2014c. LaureaUniversity of Applied Sciences
Figure 7. Ginicoefficient and equalisingimpact of current transfers on income differences. Source: Statiscs Finland 2014d. LaureaUniversity of Applied Sciences
Figure 8. Number of prolonged low-income persons in household-dwelling unit population. Source: Statiscs Finland 2014e. LaureaUniversity of Applied Sciences
Figure 9. Risk of low-income earning in household-dwelling unit population (%). Source: Statiscs Finland 2014e. LaureaUniversity of Applied Sciences
Figure 10. The education, labour, and well-being market citizens` societal participation (Saari 2013; see also Saari 2009, 336). LaureaUniversity of Applied Sciences
Figure 11. Factors of the agreement of cooperation (Saari 2013; see also Saari 2009, 339). LaureaUniversity of Applied Sciences
Figure 12. Action, reflection and praxis (Saari2013; see also Saari 2009, 341). LaureaUniversity of Applied Sciences
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