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Workforce 2010 Update All-Supervisor’s Meeting October 19, 2010. GSFC Workforce Framework. Pipeline. Performance Management. Selection. Employer of Choice. ACCOUNTABILITY. ASSESS RESULTS. CHANGE. Workforce 2010: Action 1.
Workforce 2010 Update All-Supervisor’s Meeting October 19, 2010
GSFC Workforce Framework Pipeline Performance Management Selection Employer of Choice ACCOUNTABILITY ASSESS RESULTS CHANGE
Workforce 2010: Action 1 Description of Action: Develop and distribute a clear and compelling message from GSFC leadership regarding the desire and value of having a representative workforce. Outcomes • Orlando and team created a Workforce Message from the Center Director was distributed to the entire Center on June 15, 2010. • The Public Affairs Office, working with the TIMS group, created a Message communications campaign built around the concept of, “i am goddard”
Workforce 2010: Action 1 Message was introduced and integrated throughout the year • Goddard Day, award ceremonies, Cultural Diversity events, center speakers, educational outreach, recruitment • Advisory Groups, workshops • Team meetings, regularly highlight behaviors and contributions Message will be reinforced and sustained throughout the year utilizing various products: • Goddard View- Intranet news updates, posters, “i am goddard” website, contests, activities, videos (in development), acknowledgements
Develop a Comprehensive Hiring Plan for Recruiting a Highly Qualified and Diverse GSFC Workforce Tom Paprocki October 19, 2010
Workforce 2010: Action 2 Description of action: Develop a Comprehensive Hiring Plan for Recruiting a Highly Qualified and Diverse GSFC Workforce Recruitment Strategy Subteam Dave Foertschbeck (Code 401) James Harrington (Code 606) Richard Gudnitz (Code112) John Day (Code 540) Val Burr (Code 200) Dave Richardson (Code 224) Mike Horn (Code 670) Gil Colon (Code 100)
Workforce 2010: Action 2 Outcomes Recruitment White Paper that addresses: • Balanced Continuous Cycle Recruitment • Linking workforce planning to critical competencies • Utilizing current pipeline talent • Providing a diverse and qualified applicant pool • Customizing recruitment plans for mid/senior level employees • Marketing GSFC through innovative partnerships
Workforce 2010: Action 2 Recruitment Process Subteam Maria So/Chair (Code 300) Wanda Peters/Co-Chair (Code 540) Denise Davis-Konopka (Code 112) Howard Kea (Code 111) Richard Gudnitz (Code 112) Ann Richmond (Code 113) Lauren Wissman (Code 113) Merle Robbins (Code 110.1) Brenda Dingwall (Code 120) Mablelene Burrell (Code 130) Gale Fleming (Code 110.1) Jacqueline Peterson (Code 300) Sandy Hare (Code 500) Stan Wojnar (Code 600)
Workforce 2010: Action 2 Hiring & Recruiting Process Building Relationships Marketing Resume Review Process Communication
Support System for Hiring Managers & Supervisors Sharon Wong, Chair Sheri T. Brown, Presenting October 19, 2010
Workforce 2010: Action 3 Description of Action: • Investigate, develop and roll out a new “support system” for managers and supervisors who hire staff including assisting applicants in navigating the hiring process Team members: Sharon Wong/Chair (100) Mark Bradley (114) Terri Yancy/Co-Chair (100) Bonnie McClain (130) Shavondalyn Givens (100) Veronica Hill (120) Sheri Brown (100) Linda Ledman (110) Miriam Wennersten (567) Stan Wojnar (600)
Workforce 2010: Action 3 Methodology • Reviewed Existing Resources Available in OHCM including OHCM website, HCIE Agency portal, Current hiring guidance (issued June 2008) • Reviewed Previously Conducted Surveys including Agency SWAT Team, On Boarding Survey and Summary of Findings, AETD Supervisor Survey • Outlined challenges faced by hiring managers • Developed Focus Group questions highlighting areas not previously addressed by other surveys
Workforce 2010: Action 3 Methodology(cont.) • Conducted 4 focus groups – 13 supervisors participated in-person. 4 additional written responses were submitted. Included first line supervisors as well as Directorate level supervisors. • Reviewed written materials related to Bias including online Bias assessment • Benchmarked hiring practices lessons learned shared by Code 200, 500 and 600.
Workforce 2010: Action 3 • Key Themes
Workforce 2010: Action 3 Outcomes • Executive Summary which outlines the scope of the assignment, the methodology, the findings and recommendations. • A “cheat sheet” that describes the steps in the hiring process and who is responsible at each step • A sample e-clip that provides the supervisors with “just in time” information on the various steps in the hiring process
Workforce 2010: Action 3 Recommendations • Develop Formal AO training “Boot camp”(110.1) • Develop a Blueprint for Hiring Checklist (113)COMPLETED AND EMAILED TO SUPERVISORS JUNE 19, 2010 • Update the content and layout of the OHCM website or redirect to HCIE(110.1) • Develop a Mentoring Program for Supervisors (114) • Add a high level overview (5 min) of the hiring process in the content for the HC Series Training for Supervisors(113) • Provide a refresher training for new supervisors (114) • Educate managers about budget and Center policy (150)
Workforce 2010: Action 3 Next Steps/Implementation • Establish Infrastructure for Implementation/Sustainment of Support System for Hiring Managers and Supervisors (110) • Evaluate usefulness of Hiring Checklist for Hiring Managers and Supervisors (113) • Develop “e-how” Job Aid videos (3 min each) (113 & 271) • Enhance Communications • Update the OHCM website and publicize the new changes widely to supervisors and managers and/or redirect supervisors to HCIE when it is fully functional (110.1) • Update the OHCM POC list for hiring in each Directorate (113) • Assess the cost implications of the recommendations. Selected recommendations will have to be costed (Per Identified Owners for Recommendations)
Holding Contractors Accountable for Enhancing Diversity Val Burr co-chair, Deb Hollebeke (co-chair) presenting October 19, 2010
Workforce 2010: Action 4 Description of action: Develop a process to hold GSFC contractors accountable for enhancing diversity in their respective workforces Team Members: • Val Burr/co-chair (200) • Deb Hollebeke/co-chair (100) • Leigh Anne Giraldi (210) • Mark Hess (130) • Dee Kerr (140) • Forestine Robinson (210) • Cindy Tart – (210) contributor to benchmarking activities.
Workforce 2010: Action 4 Outcomes: • Provide a clear and compelling communication from GSFC leadership to contractors regarding the desire/value of having a more diverse workforce • Identification of effective incentives that might engage them • Plan for heightened awareness in the contractor community • Provide a clear and compelling communication from GSFC leadership to contractors regarding the desire/value of having a more diverse workforce • Center message developed applies to the total GSFC community; i.e., i am goddard
Workforce 2010: Action 4 Outcomes:(cont) • Identification of effective incentives that might engage them • Contractors are specifically eligible for several awards that contain a diversity element, and Directorates can and should recognize positive efforts, and accomplishments • Center Honor Award Categories: Diversity and EEO, Outreach • Contractor Excellence and George M. Lowe awards • Many Directorate Award Programs include a diversity component for both civil servants and contractors. Those that do not, should
Workforce 2010: Action 4 • Outcomes:(cont) • Contractors are periodically evaluated on EEO elements in award fee contracts, and Directorates can increase thedollars set-aside for this category if additional emphasis is desired. • Plan for heightened awareness in the contractor community • The more it becomes part of regular conversations, the more success we will have. • The team developed several ideas for increasing conversation; you can, no doubt, think of others that might work in your organization. • Periodic and routine agenda item at the Goddard Contractor Association meeting: Deb Hollebeke champion • Topic for QED’s: Code 400 champion • Showcase at events such as Goddard and Community Days: Diversity Council champion
Workforce 2010: Action 4 Outcomes:(cont) • Potential industry links on our Diversity Website : Diversity Council champion • Diversity Council host an invitational event to share lessons learned with some of our contractors : Diversity Council champion • Personal stories of contractor employees: “i am goddard” campaign
Develop and implement a transparent, normalized GSFC Intern program Bob Gabrys October 19, 2010
Workforce 2010: Action 5 Description of Action: Develop and implement a transparent, normalized GSFC Intern program Pipeline Team Members: • Bob Gabrys/Chair (160) • Janie Nall/Co-Chair (160) • Daniel Alvarado (543) • Mark Branch (549) • Karen Blynn (700) • Richard Gudnitz (112) • Denna Lambert (120) • Cathy Peddie (448) • Michelle Thaller (600) • Emily Wilson (694)
Workforce 2010: Action 5 Outcomes: • Hosted (5) Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to begin building relationships with faculty and departments to foster future minority student recruitment and support for their institutional programs. • Recruited at (5) majority institutions through minority offices and National Society for Black Engineers (NSBE) chapters to identify high quality minorities to foster future minority student recruitment. • Consolidated 11 summer intern projects under a Summer Intern Project (SIP)for ease of use by interns and mentors. • Implemented a single on-line application tool with “job descriptions” for intern work that is beneficial to the divisions of the Center.
Workforce 2010: Action 5 Outcomes (cont) • Revised NASA Academy placements and CM&O funded high school placements to be returning interns from a selected pool. • Created a close community of all intern project managers to collaborate and leverage activities across intern experiences. • Centralized on boarding of interns to comply with Center security requirements, uphold the On boarding Bill of Rights, and to provide centralized tracking of interns. • Connected interns using social media, networking, and through informational and social events to enrich their Goddard experience, and provide a common high quality experience for all interns regardless of project.
Workforce 2010: Action 5 Outcomes (cont) • Implemented an advisor structure for summer interns to provide an additional contact to address intern needs. • Hosted a center-wide poster session where 141 interns showcased their work. • Piloted a tool with Code 500/600 to invite a diverse pool of workforce potential 2010 interns back for a 2011 internship. Summer 2010 Goddard hosted 468 interns 50% minority participation
Develop and implement a 3-year plan of hiring opportunities to facilitate recruitment of interns Bob Gabrys October 19, 2010
Workforce 2010: Action 6 Description of Action: Develop and implement a 3-year plan of hiring opportunities to facilitate recruitment of interns. Team Members: • Bob Gabrys/Chair (160) • James Harrington/Co-Chair (600) • Mitch Brown (600) • Janine Dolinka (112) • Karen Flynn (500) • Shavondalyn Givens (120) • Richard Gudnitz (112) • Corina Koca (544) • Kathy Jenkins (568) • Laura Milam-Hannin (540) • Ann Parsons (691) • Gerald Tiqui (120)
Workforce 2010: Action 6 Outcomes: • Engaged OHCM/EEO/Diversity partners in minority intern Recruitment Needs Assessment. • Participated and partnered with OHCM at career fairs and recruitment events in conjunction with meeting with campus minority offices and NSBE chapters to develop institutional relationships. • Through our relationship with LEAD, facilitated a conversation with UVA’s Center for Diversity in Engineering as a majority institution for minority recruitment. Opened dialogue with LEAD HQ. • Provided $37K in EOY funding for relationship visits to HBCUs and majority institutions.
Workforce 2010: Action 6 Outcomes (cont) • Capitalized on Thurgood Marshall and URC funding sources to fund 20 interns. • Provided 400 employment-ready intern contacts to the Center’s Hiring Blitz. • Education Office and OHCM strengthened partnerships creating a stronger pipeline from intern to Co-Op which resulted in 100% of 2011 Co-Op positions being filled by interns. • Reviewed OHCM’s 3-year plan to assess leverage points and mutual pursuits. • Integrated with WF 2010 Recruitment Process and Strategy Sub Team on a comprehensive recruitment strategy. • Integrated with WF 2010 Mentoring Team to enhance support for intern mentor/”sponsors.” • Began discussions with OHCM on integrating the Agency’s one stop application system and its minority recruitment broker-facilitator structure into the GSFC Center recruitment structure.
Develop and roll out a new “support system” for managers and supervisors who mentor interns Eric Isaac October 19, 2010
Workforce 2010: Action 7 Description of Action: Develop and roll out a new “support system” for managers and supervisors who mentor interns TeamMembers: • Eric Isaac/Chair (300) • Mark Goldman (114) • Kellie Murray (111) • Mary Cummings (114) • Michael Hartman (120) • Bonnie McClain (130) • Maybelene Burrel (160) • Nancy Lindsey (300) • Jeanine Doherty (300) • Susan Breon (552)
Workforce 2010: Action 7 Outcome 1: Change Mentor to Sponsor to provide greater clarity. Result: GSFC Education Office agreed to use term “Intern Sponsor” beginning in 2011
Workforce 2010: Action 7 Outcome 2: Recommend adoption of Center Mission Statement for Intern Sponsors. Key Messages of Mission Statement include: • Sponsors to recognize their influence in making GSFC highly desired employer from intern perspective • Sponsors are single, most influential people to interns during their experience • Interns who have positive experience are likely to return as employee and/or portray GSFC as desirable place to work to their friends/colleagues. • Equipping Sponsors to be prepared to enable interns to have such experience Result: The GSFC Education Office has agreed to adopt the Mission Statement for Intern Sponsors providing clear Center Expectations
Workforce 2010: Action 7 Outcome 3: Sponsors follow “Best Practices” as standard/goal to work towards higher quality intern program at GSFC. Result: Education Office, OHCM, Directorates will use the following “Best Practices” material in 2011 to clarify/strengthen effectiveness of intern Sponsors (e.g. training, web pages, brochures, etc.)
Workforce 2010: Action 7 Outcome 4: Education Office to Establish Center Feedback process that supports continual improvement of the Center’s Internship Program • Perform Exit Interviews • Report to Executive Council on results yearly • Provide non-attribution summary feedback to Directorates/Divisions on experiences of summer interns • Considering yearly Pause and Learn session with key participants for continual improvement • Result: A GSFC Education Office contractor has this function in their FY11 SOW
Workforce 2010: Action 7 Outcome 5: OHCM Training Office & Education Office to offer training for Intern Sponsors • In response to Team’s Recommendation, OHCM and Education Office piloted two (2) training sessions for summer intern sponsors in May 2010 • Course will be offered annually in the month of May • OHCM & Education Office will partner to improve course and incorporate identified best practices and roles. Course feedback will be implemented to keep course relevant for Sponsors in conveying Center’s values and strengthening needed skills • Result: Intern Sponsors will have clear Center guidance for their role reinforced through training
Workforce 2010: Action 7 Sponsor Mission Statement Our goal is that the Sponsors recognize that their role strongly contributes to making NASA GSFC a highly desired employer from the perspective of interns. We want interns to carry the message back to the Universities and Colleges that NASA GSFC is a highly competitive, highly desired Employer for the most meritorious students, with a diversity representative of the U.S. population. To the extent that diverse, high performing interns have a positive and engaging experiences, they will likely desire to return as an employee or serve as proponents of NASA GSFC as a best in class workplace to their friends and colleagues. The Sponsor is the single most influential person to the intern in determining their experience. Therefore, we want to equip Sponsors so they are prepared to enable the interns to have such an experience.”
Conduct a Root Cause Analysis of Human Factors involved in Under-Representation Dennis Andrucyk October 19, 2010
Workforce 2010: Action 8 • Description of Action: Conduct a root cause analysis of human factors involved in under-representation. • Team members: • Dennis Andrucyk/Chair (500) • Donna Swann (110) • Veronica Hill (120) • Dee Kerr (140) • Carolyn Turner(200) (WFF) • Maria So (300) • Mary Ann Esfandiari (400) • Wanda Peters (540) • Peter Hildebrand (600) • Brook Lakew (690) • Richard Rogers (800)
Workforce 2010: Action 8 Team Approach • Agreement with OCE for support in place, including licenses/agreement for use of “Think Thank” Tool • Met online every Friday afternoon to flesh out context of action, topics for inclusion, and fish bone diagram • Discussed that scope was more than performance management and expanded into all aspects of personnel management (hiring, retaining, rewarding, and promoting personnel)
Workforce 2010: Action 8 Outcomes • Worked through brainstorming on root cause issues and developed fishbone diagram • ThinkTank is an excellent tool for gathering and distilling ideas • Use of a professional facilitator has been particularly useful • Significantly more productive to do this in shorter periods of time – long day(s) vs. once per week for an hour or two • As we identified and discussed Root Causes, the team naturally discussed each Root Cause and often got into possible solutions • Produced a sense of frustration to just list root causes with a group of personnel who are used to trying to solve problems • Fleshed out major “bones” 1.0 through 9.0 on the fishbone chart • Recommend facilitated Executive Council/Diversity Council discussions focusing on one “bone” at a time
Barriers to Training and Development George Morrow October 19, 2010
Workforce 2010: Action 9 • Description of Action: Establish a process to identify and eliminate real or perceived barriers to participation in training and development by under-represented groups Team Members: • George Morrow/Chair (400) • George Barth/Co-Chair (400) • Nichole Pinkney (110) • Terri Patterson (130) • Terri Thompson (140) • Nancy Lockard (210) • Gale Fleming (110) • Juan Roman (500) • Ed Masuoka (614) • Debbie Sharp (700)
Workforce 2010: Action 9 Team Approach • Examined application and acceptance demographics for GSFC/NASA training programs: • Leadership Alignment for Managers (LAM) • Leading Through Influence (LTI) • Business Education Program (BEP) • Leadership Development and Excellence in Management (LDEM) • Technical Managers Training (TMT) • Academic Program for Mission Success (AIMS) • NASA First • Program Management Development Emprise (PMDE) • Systems Engineering and Education Development (SEED)